As the Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi has continued to be sluggish, there are rumors that the Kuomintang Standing Committee plans to be held on Wednesday (July 12).Integrate a group of strongest presidential candidates.

According to the Taiwan Central News Agency report on Tuesday (11th), the Kuomintang Standing Committee members of the Standing Committee of the Kuomintang, Fu, Shen Zhihui, Zhou Mengrong, Fan Chenglian, etc., planned to propose to sign up at the Central Convention Club on Wednesday, requiring the Party Central CommitteePublic ways to implement the party, pan -blue, non -green alliances, etc., three stages of presidential nomination operations, integrating a group of strongest candidates to achieve the goal of getting off the DPP.

In this regard, the Kuomintang senior level said that the Party Central Committee has already called Hou Youyi in accordance with the steps nominated by the above three stages.The candidate of the party's consensus in the first stage is Hou Youyi. In the second stage of pan -blue integration, Hou Youyi and Hon Hai founder Guo Taiming were integrated. Finally, Hou Youyi was qualified. At this timeThe footsteps of non -green camps are in progress.

Hou Youyi was called to run for president in May this year, and the polls did not rise and fall, caught in a crisis at the bottom.At the same time, Guo Taiming's actions were frequent and considered to be independent of the president.Although the Kuomintang Central Committee has repeatedly stated that Hou Youyi will not be replaced and the warning of party disciplinary sanctions will still be murmured for Hou Youyi for election, and even some of the Standing Committee of Guo Taiming who supports Guo Taiming privately discuss how to "change Hou".

In addition to the above -mentioned proposals of the Standing Committee of the Central Committee, the party in the party is also rumored to be brewing to "change" at the National Party Congress on July 23.

In this regard, a Standing Committee member who is unwilling to be named said that these actions were the opportunity to build a defeat for Guo Taiming, but the party chairman Zhu Lilun was called to recruit candidates at the time.When he nominated Hou Youyi at the Central Conference, no one jumped out of his opposition. At this time, he had to do such a move. It would only add chaos, which could not work for the unity and integration of the blue camp, and the legitimacy would be questioned.