Taiwan scholars said that if Taiwan wants to avoid the war, the U.S. military must help Taiwan to push the PLA activities back to the east side of the Taiwan Strait.

According to the Taiwan Central News Agency, Huang Zongding, an associate researcher at the National Defense Court of the Ministry of National Defense, wrote on June 30 that on June 24, the eight J -10 J -10 crossed the middle lineboundary.According to Beijing's usual methods, the Liberation Army has not been far away from the neighboring districts of Taiwan.

Huang Zongding explained that the "adjacent area" is a sea area between neighboring overseas and 24 nautical miles from the baseline.Actions such as arrest.

Huang Zongding believes that the adjacent areas have closely attached to the island and affiliated islands in Taiwan.Without defense depth, the risk of the east coast of Taiwan in the future will be no less than the West Coast.

He believes that the current military trend of mainland China has expanded, and the status quo of the Taiwan Strait has changed again. Although the United States expects to suppress the PLA through military sales, patrol the Taiwan Strait and strengthen the common defense of Japan and the PhilippinesWith effective military diplomatic operations, assisting Taiwan will push the PLA activities back to the east side of the Taiwan Strait. Even if the Taiwan Naval Army puts its existing energy to the maximum, the strain space will continue to be compressed, and eventually force Taiwan to exercise self -defense rights.

Therefore, Huang Zongding believes that if you want to avoid the war, you must first prevent Beijing from repeatedly changing the status quo of the Taiwan Strait.The "new normal" of the PLA activities.