(Taipei News) Guo Taiming, the founder of Hon Hai, may announce an independent election in Taiwan before July 23.The Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun believes that after Guo Taiming's public, written, and the Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi, they all immediately expressed their full support, "this kind of rumors listen to it."

According to the China Times, Zhu Lilun was at noon on Saturday (July 1) with the Kuomintang presidential candidate Hou Youyi, former mayor of Kaohsiung Mayor Han Yu, and Zhao Shaokang, chairman of China and China.When asked about the above possibilities, responded like this.

He said: "For this kind of rumors, we all think that it is time to listen to it, the most important thing is that everyone can finally unite. Chairman Guo is public, whether in writing or any other situation, and in Hou Youyi (obtained (obtainedAfter nomination, he also expressed his full support. Then we use this mood to work hard to work together. "

According to the Liberty Times, the Vice Chairman of the Kuomintang Lian Shengwen shouted to Guo Taiming last Friday (June 30). Everyone must think about whether they want to face history or be sinners when they make a key decision.

The media interpret the media interpretation of Lian Shengwen's shouting is the pressure of the "sinner" hat to Guo Taiming in advance. Zhu Lilun only said that each of them was "jointly defending the Republic of China and working together for the land of Taiwan.Let the Kuomintang unite and win the election, let's work hard together. "