For the United States that the United States needs to reduce its dependence on the advanced chip production of Taiwan, Taiwanese officials are reportedly urged to privately urge the United States not to emphasize the risks that the United States may face the possibility of relying on TSMC manufacturing chips.

Bloomberg News quoted people familiar with the matter on Friday (April 21) that the Taiwan government expressed her concern about the US public statement to reduce the dependence of Taiwan -produced chips.

People familiar with the matter said that Taiwanese officials are particularly dissatisfied with the "fragile" and "unsafe" speeches of the United States Raymond, saying that the United States relies on Taiwan chips.

The chairman of the US House of Representatives McCawal recently visited Taiwan that Taiwan's semiconductor industry as a strategic asset was uneasy when the outlook for strategic assets was invaded, which made Taiwanese officials feel uneasy.

When talking about the U.S. pushing the chip supply chain out of Taiwan, "we don't have much time."

The United States has repeatedly warned Taiwan's risk of attacks.Causes some investors to be vigilant.Buffett, U.S. billionaire Buffett, was worried that the situation in the Taiwan Strait was unstable. In the fourth quarter of last year, it reduced its holdings of 86%of TSMC.

A concern to Taiwan, an official of the US Department of Commerce said that the United States will continue to cooperate with allies including Taiwan to take measures such as diversification and strengthening the supply chain.This also includes increasing investment and trade in Taiwan.