Former President Ma Ying -jeou was invited to attend a forum held in Greece. The organizer used the former president of "Taipei" to call Ma Ying -jeou, and was approved by the Green Camp legislators.Ma Ying -jeou's office responded that the original letter was correct.

Comprehensive Taiwan Liberty Times United Daily and Zhongshi News reported that Ma Ying -jeou was invited to go to Greece to participate in the 8th Delphi Economic Forum as a speaker.The organizer called him the former president of "Taipei", and Chen Jianren, the president of Taiwan, was interviewed on Friday (April 21).Confirm the relevant arrangements to ensure that Taiwan's "sovereignty" and dignity can be ensured.

Ma Ying -jeou's office pointed out that Ma Ying -jeou received an invitation letter from the Delphi Economic Forum to complete the "Republic of China" and "ask Dean Chen (Chen Jianren) to figure out the situation."

Ma Ying -jeou's office said that after finding an error, it has reported to the other party that the Taiwan Foreign Ministry and actively coordinated with the organizer."We believe that it is important to speak to the international. Even if the Cai government is unable to deal with it, we don't give up the opportunity to stand on a private position for Taiwan."

The DPP legislator Su Qiaohui said that Ma Ying -jeou had previously resurrected the "1992 Consensus" that had never existed.With the deserted cavity of international policies, he dares to bow to the mainland of China and dare not promote Taiwan to the world.

The latest news shows that the official website of the Delphi Economic Forum has changed Ma Ying -jeou's title to the former president of "Taipei" to former president of Taiwan.