American parliamentarians deduced the simulation of mainland China ’s attack through the map, revealing that this war will cause“ catastrophic economic consequences ”to the world, and refers to the deterrent of Chinese mainland.Weapons including remote missiles.

According to Bloomberg News on Friday (April 21), the newly established US -China Strategy Special Committee of the United States House of Representatives spent more than two hours of researching possible situations on Wednesday (19th).The first month after the war.The committee pays attention to China's military and economic threats for the United States.

Mike Gallagher, chairman of the committee, said that if China tries martial arts, the war will cause "catastrophic economic consequences" worldwide.

Garrat said, "We are in the most dangerous window of attacking Taiwan in mainland China. Yesterday's deduction highlighted the need to take action to curb the aggression in mainland China before the start of any crisis.Taiwan, curbing war is the only way to realize peace and stability. "

A person familiar with the identity revealed that the main conclusion that the committee concluded is the importance of deterrence.Members believe that they need to provide any weapons required to Taiwan before the war, especially long -range missiles.

A person familiar with the matter also said that the supply chain crashed in the region's shipping and the collapse of the supply chain in the deduction, and the global market will face almost unimaginable consequences.

The conclusion that Washington Think Tank Strategy and the National Research Center (CSIS) in January (CSIS) concluded that the Chinese People's Liberation Army will fail to fail, but the Taiwan and the U.S. Navy will also payHigh price.