Qin Gang, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China, renamed China. "Taiwan returned to China to return to China"It was part of the international order after World War II." China's land has returned and will not lose it anymore. "

Qin Gang made a keynote speech at the "Chinese -style Modernization and World" Blue Hall forum held in Shanghai on Friday (April 21) that Taiwan has been an inseparable part of Chinese territory since ancient times.China."This is the history of Taiwan and the status quo of Taiwan. The return of Taiwan to China is an integral part of the international order after World War II.Wang Yi, member of the bureau and director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, said last week when he met with German Foreign Minister Berbak, who visited China, saying that "Taiwan returns to China" is an important part of the international order after World War II.

Qin Gang said that it is not mainland China to destroy international order, unilaterally change the status quo, and destroy the stability of the Taiwan Strait, but the "Taiwan independence" division forces and a few countries that use "Taiwan independence".", Peaceful division of China, tampering with the history of World War II, subverting the post -war order, and trampled on the sovereignty of China.

He said: "China's land has returned, and it will not be lost anymore. The international order after the war is established, and it will never be subverted."