Any remarks of any remarks must have the most sufficient reasons, which is the helpless move after no choice.Just like the "not murderer" and "not stealing" ring, it is not necessary to do an exception.

Recently, several news about social media and communication platforms once again triggered thinking and discussion on freedom of speech.The first is the social media X platform was fully blocked by the Brazilian court on August 7 , because X boss Musk refused to Brazil's official officialIt is required to appoint legal representatives in the local area to respond to the allegations of the platform to spread fake information.

Followed by the founder and CEO of the Instant Communication Application Telegrad (Telegram), Pavil Dulv, August 24thHe was arrested by French police in Paris .He was accused of not taking corresponding measures to prevent illegal acts such as fraud, drug trafficking, organizational crimes, children's pornography, and proclaiming terrorism.

Come again is the founder of social media Facebook, social media Instagram, and instant messaging application WhatsApp owner Zuckerberg, August 27thThe official letter to the US Congress House of Representatives revealed that the Bayeng administration repeatedly pressed him to review the "false information" of coronary viruses and vaccines in 2021.He described this kind of speech review is wrong, and he regretted that he did not strive to be based on the reason, emphasizing that he would no longer succumb to the pressure of official review of remarks in the future.

The famous saying of the American Great Wide Mark Tuwin: "When the truth is still wearing shoes, the rumors have run all over half the earth." It was especially true in the era of social media in one machine.Several artificial intelligence deep -pseudo technology can be faked, and the rumors are even more powerful, and the world's ability to recognize the truth and grasp the world.国会9月9日为选举(维护网络广告诚信)(修正)法案提出一读,为的就是避免全国The election was manipulated by fake information.

The absolute thesis who is similar to the late Taiwanese writer Li Ao who "defends 100 % of freedom of speech", no matter what reason to review the speech, it is the beginning of corruption.As a journalist, such a position naturally resonates with me.But experience also tells us that absolute doctrines are involuntarily amazing because of the purity of the position and the completeness of the theory.However, this kind of non -black or white self -good feeling cannot withstand the real test of gray.

Freedom of speech, as a lofty value of modern society, is theoretically as sacred as the Ten Commandments.But in reality, if you are in the battlefield where you die, "not murderer" is obviously difficult to keep; the mother who has no text is of course to violate the "not stealing" ring.In the same way, in order to be unable to sue people, it is free to spread the false information of deer as a horse, and the world's grasp of the truth must not be freely escaped with speech.

Reasonable practices have undoubtedly never to compromise and move to the middle.But this is not a fifty board, and the two will not offend.Eastern and Western Culture Dazhong is alert to the stance, because this distance is one step away from extremism that loses rationality.Socrates said that a person must learn to avoid extremes as much as possible and maintain the golden mean.Confucius lamented: "The golden mean is virtue, and it is so good! The people are fresh for a long time." How can you count the authentic way of freedom?

The U.S. Congress has established 27 amendments to the Constitution as a supplement. The first amendment is to ensure freedom of speech, including the right to belief, publishing, assembly and petition.Many Western cultural scholars even believe that freedom of speech is the modern civilization cornerstone that emphasizes rational decisions.Due to different opinions and assumptions that can be freely confronted, it can indeed make the truth more and more defensive. Various traditional authoritative discussions that are out of touch with reality are replaced by views closer to the new situation.Progress development.

From the perspective of achieving social fairness, freedom of speech is a necessary condition.For those who have no rights and power, the freedom of expression is one of their few tools for defending their legitimate rights.It means that it is unsatisfactory, and it means that the basic respect of the humbled personal dignity; the society where the king can not wear new clothes will inevitably restrict power in power.Destination of freedom of speech has led to Wanma Qiqi, the road is in a state of destination, and the final end, historical experience has been repeatedly proven; ancient training "The mouth of prevention of the people is better than the anti -Sichuan", which is the best summary.

In this case, how do you treat lies and rumors?If the freedom of speech is the conclusion of the core motivation of modern civilization, of course, it must be placed in the most sacred position, and it is easy to not interfere.Any speech review must have the most sufficient reason to have no choice but helpless.Just like the "not murderer" and "not stealing" ring, it is not necessary to do an exception.If it can satisfy the premise of this golden mean, absolute freedom of speech is the value worthy of respect.

For the freedom of speech, there are many exquisite mature discussions in the traditions of British and American liberal culture.The most convincing one is to express the wrong remarks in order to counter the correct statement why the correct remarks are correct and strengthen confidence in justice."One yin and one yang means the Tao", the heresy of an era is often the orthodox of the next era.The experience and lessons of human civilization have been refined. After generation of inheritance, many of them have become the truth of nature, "the people are used for daily use".At a key historical moment, when traditional authority faces the big question of the times, only through the fierce argument of the ideological point of view can we make the subconscious of usual "knowing it", and it is clear that the heresy challenges are "knowing the reason".Intective, and revised according to the needs of the situation; the occasion of the road is closed, and it will be self -proclaimed, and it is difficult to escape the fate of being devoured by the torrent of the times.It can also be seen that the damage of speech review may be more than the spread of lies and rumors.

Tens of thousands of Brazilian people gathered the capital Sao Paulo on September 7 on the National Independence Day. The protest of the court banning the X platform is political persecution. Thank you Musk for maintaining the freedom of remarks of the Brazilian people and requested the impeachment to issue a ban order.The Federal Supreme Court Justice De Mois.Durov issued a post on the telegram group on September 6, and emphasized that the application of the telegram as a adherence to the concept. At the expense of withdrawing from the Russian and Iranian market, the two governments required the platform to open the back door in order to officially monitor user information.Zuckerberg's regrets of cooperating with the government's review of the government reflected the conviction and self -salvation of liberal liberal concepts."The gentleman is mediocre, and the gentleman is in the middle." The evil is not good. In the chaotic world of lies, it has even more highlighted the value of freedom of speech.