The National Democratic Party of the United States Democratic Party held in Chicago a few days ago, Harris officially became the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party.The four -day conference, as the Democratic Party of the ruling party, elimonally exhausted, including the current President Biden, former President Obama and the Clinton couple, showing that the Democratic Party has passed the replacement to run the storm through support and passionate speeches, reproduced, and reproduce the storm and reproduce the storm and reproduce it.The long -lost enemy is united.The biggest surprise is undoubtedly Michelle Obama's speech.

In the chaotic period of the situation of Biden's retreat, Michelle, as the former President's wife, topped the list in replacing the polls instead of the candidate.EssenceShe has no gorgeous and deep words, so she uses the most easy -to -understand words, and has concluded with concentration and affinity.The 20 -minute speaker has no cold field and wonderful. I believe that it will become one of the demonstration cases in the speech course in the future.

Michelle used a woman who was also a woman to pull Harris strongly. At the same time, it was relentlessly criticized by Trump's "narrow and limited world view", making it feel that the two black elites (referring to Obama and Harry and HarrySri Lanka's threat to his status, but "who tells him that the (president) job he wants to do now may be a 'black work'."Hate, but you should take the line to do what you do.

"Don't complain, do the practical" (Do Something) not only received cheer responses from the audience, but also endorsed Harris in the finale speech.This will become an important campaign for Harris to go to the White House.

As Bayon said: You can't only love your country when you win.The political system, legal system, and campaign mechanism of any country cannot be absolutely perfect, but whether politicians and the general public follow and maintain these rules are a national civilization and maturity criteria.

The Capitol Hill incident caused by Trump's last election still caused some Americans to be worried.During this campaign, Trump also strongly hinted that he would not accept the result of the defeat again in many occasions on many occasions.He also strongly denied all criminal charges, thinking that as long as he was unfavorable to him, he was judicial injustice.In terms of military security and foreign affairs, Trump also ignored international rules and used the eyes of businessmen to believe that "everything can be traded in everything", and arbitrarily waved tariffs and trade sanctions to deal with other countries and even allies.

The famous German philosopher and poet Nietzsche wrote in the other side of good and evil: "After being struggling with evil dragons for a long time, it also becomes a dragon of evil; staring for the abyss for too long, the abyss will return to stare."With morality, it is often determined that a country is moving towards excellence or slipping.Because it is not conducive to its own results, the original rules are overthrown, and even the rules of trampling because of their self -righteous power, they often lead to the evil results of being rejected by the rules.

Two hot battles on the earth are proof of mirrors.In the third year of the Russia -Ukraine War, the deadlock in the battlefield has been broken by the Ukrainian army by causing Carsk State in Russia.As of now, the "special military interaction" of the Ukraine has actually controlled Russia's territory of nearly 1,200 square kilometers.But what made the Kremlin complained that there was almost no internationally condemning "Ukraine Invasion".However, Russia, as one of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, took the lead in trample on the principles of the United Nations on respect for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the United Nations, and invaded Ukraine in 2022.

Under the disadvantages of Hulkland, in the inferior of human and military volume, Russia, through the active jumping out of the "position war" old -style mechanical war mud, with the difference of the NATO weapons, it successfully cited Russia to the modern war mode of "sports war".EssenceAs more and more Russian people feel the pressure of war approaching, the Russian and Ukraine War will be more likely to reach the critical point of suspension or even peace as soon as possible.However, the Kugong's invasion of Ukraine was called "de -militaryization, de -Nazi" action. On the day of the end, whether the Ke Palace would see himself in the abyss.shape?

Another hot battle in the Middle East, Israel's military cleanup of Hamas in the Gaza Strip in the Gaza Strip is also caught in the vicious spiral of "who is the evil dragon".This war that has been provoked by Hamas's first terrorist attack in October 2023 has lasted for nearly a year.2.1 million Barstinians lived on the 360 ​​-square -kilometer land of Gasha's narrow 360 -square kilometers. The war of war has caused nearly 40,000 people to die, and most of them are civilians, including women and children.Of course, Israel has its own legitimate safety demands, but it is impossible to achieve the goal of "until the last Hamas".Listening to the voices of the international community's suspension of fire and stopping the war, it became the dragon warrior rather than the evil dragon, testing the political wisdom of the cabinet during the war of the "Middle East".

The author is President of the Asia -Pacific Regional Enterprise Group