After two rounds of hearing and review, the International Trade Commission of the United States Department of Commerce finally finally rejected Vietnam's requirements on the list of non -market economy countries on August 2.

Throughout the list of "non -market economy countries" of the US Department of Commerce, except China and Vietnam, other countries are mainly joining republics in the Soviet periods such as Russia.EssenceIn short, this list is actually a product of fundamental differences between capitalist countries and communist countries.

Although Vietnam belongs to the typical socialist countries governed by the Communist Party, in recent years, the economic and trade relations and political relations with European and American countries have improved significantly.From an economic perspective, Vietnam has signed a free trade agreement with developed economies such as the European Union, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Economy, and the United States has also given Vietnam's inclusive treatment (GSP).This trade advantage determines that as long as it is made by Vietnam, most categories can be zero tariffs or low tariffs entering developed economies.From the perspective of political perspective, Vietnam has long shown the enlightened and open political appearance to Europe and the United States by continuously released signals of political innovation to better integrate into the world pattern dominated by Europe and the United States.

If observed from the real level of economic development, although China and Vietnam have been under the hats of "non -market economy countries" for many years, this identity obviously does not have the long -term high -speed development of China and Vietnam.Obstacles.For one country, the disadvantage is mainly reflected in the trading relief measures that are often in a passive position. Taking the most common dual -anti (anti -dumping anti -subsidy) survey as an example, non -market economy countries are more vulnerable to investigations from Europe and the United States from Europe and the United States.And once it is found that the dual -counter -establishment is established, the anti -dumping and anti -subsidy tax facing will be much higher than the market economy country.Not only that, in the dual survey of non -market economy countries, because the price of only alternative countries (third countries with a market economy status) can be used as a reference, it will undoubtedly greatly increase the difficulty of the successful appeal of the investigated country.

But in the process of global economic integration, economic and trade cooperation between countries is the mainstream, and confrontation is only temporary means when trade imbalances."The negative impact of status is determined.Compared with Vietnam's "non -market economy country" status, what will really have a substantial impact on the economic development of Vietnam is the cancellation of inclusive treatment for Vietnam.Since this year, from the perspective of the political evolution trends in the United States and Vietnam, this concern is not groundless.

What makes people remember is that during Trump's governance, it was based on China's dissatisfaction with the huge trade surplus of the United States that the Trump administration launched a trade war against China.Like Sino -US trade, the Vietnam -US trade also has a huge trade surplus in the United States.Taking the economic and trade data released by the Vietnam Customs Department in the first half of 2024 as an example, from January to June this year, Vietnam's export value to the United States reached US $ 55.1 billion (about S $ 72.9 billion), accounting for 30%of Vietnam's total exports.The surplus has reached $ 48 billion; a large number of Chinese enterprises in Vietnam have undoubtedly played an extremely important role in this process.

During the presidential term, Trump has repeatedly expressed his dissatisfaction with the serious imbalance in the United States and Vietnam.But whether Trump will win in the next election, the US government will not ignore the US -Vietnamese trade issues.As early as 2021, the US Department of Commerce had a densely consulted Southeast Asian country in Vietnam, Thailand and other Chinese -funded enterprises, requiring countries to strictly check whether the procedures for domestic Chinese enterprises to obtain local origin certificates were legal and compliant, otherwise the United States would consider canceling the cancellation of these countries.Inclusive treatment.

From the perspective of Vietnam, a series of political actions in the past half of the year will inevitably cause dissatisfaction in the United States.From the "Destiny Community" agreement in Vietnam and China in December 2023, by the case of the Russian and Ukraine War in June 2024, high -standard reception of Russian President Putin visited Vietnam, and then in August this year, it was not welcomed by West this year and was not welcomed by the West.Ruan Fuzhong, who succeeds the illness of the State President, has served as the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam. It has allowed the United States to re -examine whether Vietnam can play an important role in Europe and the United States.The United States rejected Vietnam's market economy status. In addition to the consideration of economic factors, it is more of the economic cards that are made from political calculations.

Although Vietnam has always pursued flexible and tough bamboo diplomacy and strives to seek political balance between major powers, under the increasingly obvious political opposition between major global powers and continuous military conflicts in the region, Vietnam's political tendency spaceIt will be more restricted.

The author is the founder of Fujian Law Firm