After disintegration of the polar pattern, the nationalist trend of nationalist thought between capitalism and communist seams is up.New political claims need to respond to the needs of voters.

The British Labor Party won the absolute majority in the recent election, and the party leader Stammer became the Prime Minister.The victory of the left party in the UK may mean that voters are eager to change vigorously and change the economic downturn facing Britain in recent years.In sharp comparison, since June this year, in the European Parliament elections and most European countries' parliamentary elections, right -wing parties have frequently sued.The "one left and right" situation on both sides of the British Strait shows vividly in this wave of elections. Does it once again confirm the particularity of Britain relative to Europe?

"Left" and "right" referring to the position of the political position, which is used to refer to political positions and originated from the French Revolution.At the time at the third French conference, representatives who opposed the position of the monarchy were sitting on the left side of the Speaker, and the representatives of the republican and secular views were sitting in the middle.In the modern political context, "left wing" is more associated with equal concepts. In terms of economic stance, it advocates expanding the government's intervention in the market and emphasizing more openness and tolerance in social positions.In terms of economic stance, it advocates reducing the government's intervention in the market and emphasizing more conservative and respecting traditions in social positions.

In the election held in June, the political spectrum of the European countries in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Austria was obviously shifted to the right, and the votes obtained by the far -right parties increased sharply.In the European Parliament election, the extremely right -wing party also won the most seat in history.

According to Agence France -Presse, European voters are worried about the cost of immigrants and green transformation, and they are restless for geopolitical tensions.The extremely right -wing party seized these pain points, formed an advantage in the election, and successfully expanded the ticket warehouse.

Although the right -wing forces of some European countries have obtained a majority of parliamentary seats, the subsequent impact is still a matter of observation.First of all, from the institutional point of view, most of the parliament in the parliament does not necessarily represent governing power.Secondly, the concept of populism can win because in political marketing, voters' preferences are accurately controlled by politicians.However, after the election, whether the geo -wing party is capable or even intends to complete the campaign commitment, it should also make a question mark.

The victory of the British Labor Party is not accidental.In 2010, Cameron, then the Conservative Party leader, became the British Prime Minister and opened the 14 -year governance period of the Conservative Party.However, these 14 years were not smooth. Cameron was forced to resign for Brexit in 2016. In order to break the Brexit deadlock, the successor, Trysa May, was also forced to resign. Later, he was called "British version of Trump".Johnson also ended.After "the shortest prime minister" Tras, the Conservative Party ushered in the last Prime Minister Sonak in these 14 years.During his tenure, Sunak's low -key managing, trying to choose to alleviate social contradictions by reducing inflation, tax cuts, resolving strikes and immigration problems, and responding to voters' needs.However, in the short term of less than two years, it seems that he has not fully played. The mess was still not resolved. Finally, he was defeated in the July general election. Sunak submitted his resignation to King Charles III.

The choice of

"Left Turn" can only be reflected. British voters are disappointed with the Conservative Party in the face of these social problems.Under the current election system, the possibility of other small parties as the ruling party is extremely low, and the space that can make voters choose is less.Facing the continuous downturn in the economy, the problems of strikes and immigration in the society are frequent. After the British voters are tired or disappointed with the same parties, they will pin the hope of saving Britain on the left -wing Labor Party and look forward to improving life.

Obviously, the Labor Party takes over a hot potato.In fact, the British Labor Party last time from the Conservative Party to the regime in 1997, so the Labor Party took great efforts to seize this opportunity.In April of this year, the Labor Foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the director of the Foreign Affairs Department of the Labor, posted a article in a magazine of Foreign Affairs, saying that the United Kingdom would implement the foreign policy of "Progressive Realism", advocating the use of realism to pursue the goal of progress.Stammer was elected as the Labor Party in 2020. At first, people thought he was a mild left, but a series of policies after taking office pulled the Labor Party from the left to the middle.This is also compared with his left -wing position when he runs the party's first, and it is also known as "Stammer".However, the advantage of this is that the Labor Party has to some extent out of the "extreme left" claim related to the former party chief Korbin to unite people from different factions within the Labor Party.This is also a key step in this victory.

Why does the British Strait appear "left and right"?

The phenomenon of

Britain and European countries in politics depends on many factors such as the election system and the differences between the left and right wings of different countries.

First of all, Britain is different from the election systems of most countries such as France, Germany, Italy.Duverger ’s Law believes that simple majority -oriented two -party system, proportional representative system -oriented multi -party system.In the implementation of a simple majority system, the two major political parties outside the two major parties are difficult to obtain parliamentary seats, and it is impossible to obtain a governing position.

Farachi is the head of the British right -wing populist reform party. After seven campaign failed, he finally successfully elected parliamentarians this year.However, even if a small party candidate like Farachi gets a seat, it is difficult to make his party a major party of the parliament, so it is difficult to truly govern.Different from the United Kingdom, the European countries such as France have implemented a proportion representative system. Even if the small party has fewer seats in the parliament, there is still the opportunity to participate in the Joint Group Pavilion and become officials in a certain department, affecting the direction of the corresponding policy.Therefore, in the face of universal problems, British voters are one of the two, and European voters are one more choice. Obviously, European voters can fully express their concerns, and public opinion can be transformed into a seat, and then enter the policy agenda.

Secondly, although the far -right and populist parties are common throughout Europe, there are still differences between regions.In the context of the European Parliament election in 2024, the right -wing and populist parties of various countries have sought multinational cooperation, and some political parties seek to form a larger party group in the European Parliament.European politicians believe that Europe will "turn right" collectively.But a problem that cannot be ignored is that even between such political parties, the degree of right and polarization is different.In Italy, Switzerland, Hungary and other countries, these political parties can be accepted by mainstream political parties to form a cabinet together; but in Germany and other countries, these political parties are excluded from the political party alliance and it is difficult to play a practical role.Not to mention, as the coordination of the United Kingdom and the European Union after Brexit declines, even if the right -wing and populist parties start from nationalist positions, they are suspicious of immigration and EU issues.Under the premise of "backyard fire", it is also difficult to maintain the same consistent with the continent.

In the end, whether the European orientation is right or the British to the left, it is the voters' different choices for solving the problem of European governance.After the disintegration of the two poles, the nationalist ideological trend of the nationalist thought between capitalism and communist seams has risen. The traditional left and right wings appear weak when solving common economic downturn, reform failure, etc. Therefore, new political claims need to come.Responsible for voters' needs."No signs showed that the British were more left or more like immigrants," said Sara host"

As the mainstream political parties lose the trust and support of voters, the opinions of the public are reflected in the distribution of the seats through the votes.The party is the Labor Party, which is in the position of opposition in the United Kingdom.

The author Yun Xinliang is a graduate student of the School of Political and Administration of Tianjin Normal University

Zhang Jianwei is an associate professor at the Department of Political Science and Administration of Central South China University of Ethnology