Source: China News Agency

Reporter learned from the National Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences on the 2nd that based on the Lamost Mirror (Lamost) and the European Space Administration GAIA satellite data, the research team led by Chinese astronomers pioneered a new method of "Time Animation", using different different usesThe old -fashioned Father's Star Sample directly measures the advancement direction and rate of silver plate warp. Based on this, the latest research revealed that the dark matter halo shape of the current galaxy is close to the spherical flat ellipse.

The major research progress of this astronomy was jointly led by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the National Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Peking University and Shanghai Jiaotong University. Partners also include astronomers from Beijing Normal University, Mother of the United States, and other institutions. Related results papers have recently.Published on the natural academic journal online.The reviewer commented that "Time Animation" is a novel and persuasive method, and for the first time, the direction and rate of progress are accurately determined.

The first author of the paper and the author of the communications, and the Associate Professor Huang Xun, a associate professor of the National Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences/Chinese Academy of Sciences, said that in the neighboring universe, most of the plate -shaped galaxies are not a perfect discIt shows a bending state like potato chips, and astronomers call it "warp."As a typical plate -shaped galaxy, the Milky Way shows the characteristics of warranty without exception.

In this study, the research team uses the 2600 young classic father -changing stars discovered by Gaia Satellite as the mandatory traceing celestial body of the Milky Way, and accurately measures the distance between the 2600 classic father -changing stars in combination with the Guo Shoujing Win Mirror Catalog data.With age, the first "Time Animation" method accurately depicts the three -dimensional structure of the silver disk with different ages from different ages.Through the animation "screening" method, the study clearly revealed the evolution process of the silver disk warming, and found that the warning was progressing along the direction of the adversity of the sun at a rate of 0.12 degrees per million years.

Further fine measurement shows that with the increase in the distance between the samples of the father -in -law, the advancement rate of warning gradually decreases.Regardless of the origin of the warning, its advancement rate and direction are determined by the inner disk of the Milky Way and dark matter halo.After deducting the contribution of the inner disk of the Milky Way, the research team found that the currently -wrapped galaxy dark matter halo showed a slightly deviating flat ellipse shape. At present, only this shape can explain the remaining progress of the warning.


Research team concluded that their latest research results provided an important anchor point for studying the evolution of dark matter halo in the Milky Way.