British Prime Minister Sonak announced in the rain on May 22 that July 4th was a national election.As soon as the news came out, some observers were shocked.Most public opinion investigations have shown that the support rate of the conservative party for more than 10 consecutive years still lags behind the Ward Party Labor Party; and the British Reform Party, which was formerly the Brexit Party, is also fierce and may be promoted to the third largest party in Britain.The Conservative Party had just defeated in the election in May.Therefore, many observers believe that the Conservative Party will wait until a better opportunity to hold the election to try to reverse or delay the possible political situation.

According to the Constitution, Britain must dissolve Congress by January next year.The Conservative Party does not have much time to postpone the election.At present, the British economy is slightly improved, and inflation is also within the controllable range. The resettlement plan for the shelter in cooperation with Rwanda is actively preparing.It is an explanation to solve the issue of British illegal immigration.The longer the election is dragged, the more unfavorable it is to the Conservative Party.

I hope to combine myself to live in the United Kingdom to sort out some of the ideas brought by the British election and reflect on the similarities and differences with Singapore.

On June 26, Britain held the last TV debate before the election.The conservative party representative Sunak and the Labor Party representative Stammore opposed the major issues, and made their best to make the final ticket for their respective political parties.Among them, the three major topics of taxation, housing, and "gambling" scandal (British politics and police circles use inside information, bet on the election date of the next council) attracted my attention.

First of all, Sonak quoted the Minister of Finance Daron Jones, saying that the Labor Party proposed public expenditure in green energy or hundreds of billions of pounds.The policy that the comprehensive Labor hopes to launch, Sunak estimates that the tax burden will increase by about 2,000 pounds (about S $ 3430).Stammer refuted and asked the opponent how to fund national insurance premiums.

According to me, the two parties have no ideal solution to balance government finances, and they are more attacking opponents.Singapore's finance pays more attention to consideration and has not planned, and as much as possible, policies can benefit this and next generation.

Secondly, Stammer pointed out that the British housing crisis in the past 10 years is a tragedy, and it is promised that if the Labor Party is in power, the construction of 1.5 million houses will benefit the people.

This is in sharp contrast to many recent news about many housing in Singapore.In order to meet the needs of Chinese people to buy a house and form a family, in addition to shortening the waiting period of the pre -order group, the Housing and Development Bureau also launched a white group.While the new group classification framework is more allowable to give home buyers, while also increasing the recovery rate of allowances to reduce the risk of real estate foam in the group.

The optimization and innovation of these policies have made Singapore difficult to find a room even if the land is limited.But this does not mean that Singapore's housing policy is perfect, and house prices are high, so that some young people who are preparing to co -organize are discouraged.The optimization of the new framework housing policy is still in progress.Compared with other countries, housing policies can better reflect the continuous changes of the Chinese people, and the advantages of the "residential house" policy have also been affirmed again.

"Gambling" scandal shrouded the British election.As of the last TV debate, at least five conservative candidates, six police officers and a laboratory candidate need to be investigated.Sunak was very angry with the incident and promised that if the party members were ruled to violate the rules, they should bear the corresponding legal consequences and may even be expelled from the party.The scandal will inevitably reduce voters' trust in politicians.

Singapore is not incompatible in this respect, but still makes efforts in maintaining cleanliness and acquiring voters' trust.Instead of spending time discussing politics, it is better to invest in policies.This may be an important reason why I am proud of the country.

In 2024, many countries and regions will hold elections, which is particularly exciting.This wonderful Singapore, which is a recent travel blogger Nina Gerhards, is called "the most boring country".If the synonyms of stability and security are boring or boring, then I am very fortunate to be in Singapore.Because of stability, we have the ability to launch unprecedented policies.Because of safety, we can continue to bloom on the world stage.

The author is Singapore, a master's degree in Public Policy of the University of London, England