The Ukraines fought for freedom and did not be slaves. In this regard, Zelei Sky has been expressed very well: freedom is the price of a generation, but the price of slaves is the price of generations, passed down from generation to generation.EssenceThe cost of freedom is high, but the price of slaves is higher.

At the Shangri -La dialogue scene held in Singapore on June 2nd, a general said when he accepted the media inquiry about the Russian and Ukraine question that he advised Ukraine President Zelezki to consider the value of the life of the Ukrainian people.Intersection

This problem is worth knowing.He said, "American President Biden said it was scary. He said that he would support Ukraine and fight to the last Ukrainian."It's not that he is fighting for the last American to support Ukraine. He sells ammunition for Ukraine and supports Ukraine to fight.

First of all, the original English text cited by a general that was widely circulated on the Internet was that Bayeng said when he talked about helping Ukraine: "As long as there is a Single Ukrainian Fighting Againstian Aggression, The United States will fu llysupport it "

However, whether Biden said this, there is no truth.But on December 21, 2022, Biden and Zeelianzki jointly held a press conference to say: We Also Know That Putin has no intention of stopping this cryl war. And the united state is committed to ensuring that the < ave ukrainian people canContinue to defend their country aggressian aggression as long as it takes.

This paragraph means: we also know that Putin has no intention of stopping this cruel war.Regardless of time, the United States is committed to ensuring that the brave Ukraine people can continue to resist Russia's aggression and defend their country.

If Biden has not said it is widely circulated on the Internet, it is misunderstandings or rumors.If Biden did say, I do n’t know if the general has read the original English text, or just believe in some translations that have been disconnected, and quote to criticize it as a target.But as long as you understand English and read the original text, you know the accurate meaning of this sentence: as long as there is a Ukrainian aggression against Russia, the United States will go all out to support Ukraine.This is different from "fighting to the last Ukrainian".Simply put, "fighting to the last Ukrainian" is passive or driven by, but "as long as a Ukrainian aggression is against Russia", the Ukraine is voluntarily countered the invaders, even if sacrificingThe life of everyone or the last person is also willing to fight to the end.

Activeness and passiveness cannot be said at the same time.Therefore, as long as a Ukraine is fighting against the Russian invaders, it shows that they are fighting for freedom and fighting for not being a slave.Fighting not to be a slave is an instinctual hard bone. It is also engraved in the genes of people who are unwilling to be slaves around the world and melt into their blood.Therefore, it was only more than 70 years ago.People who do not want to be slaves!We built our flesh into our new Great Wall ... It was only more than 70 years ago that more than 70 years ago, the Chinese declared to the world in the anti -Japanese declaration of resistance in Japan: "We hope to be peaceful, not to be safe;If you do n’t want to fight.The eternal sinner of the Chinese nation! "

Ukraines fight for freedom and not slavery. Of course, there are cost considerations as people, social and economic costs. In this regard, Zeleiski has been expressed very well: freedom is the price of a generation, but slaves are slaves, but slaves areThe cost of generations is passed down from generation to generation.The cost of freedom is high, but the price of slaves is higher.

Because the price of slavery is higher or the highest, the Ukraine is determined to use the cost of the life of a generation to fight against each other. Even if necessary, the Ukraine will use the cost of several generations to fight.Because the cost of several generations is slightly more cost -effective than the generations.This is why the Chinese are determined to use the cost of several generations more than 70 years ago to fight against the Japanese invaders until their surrender.

The reason why the Ukrainians fought for freedom and did not be a slave was as the dignity of man.If we do n’t fight in the field of Chinese poets, we do n’t express their meaning, and we have a heart -like pain: if we do n’t fight, the enemy uses a bayonet to kill us, and we must use our fingers to say: “Look, This is a slave "

Although this expression is similar to Zelianzki's words, the expression of the fields in the field is even more of a kind of people who live in the world.In the case of no reason, whether it is an individual or a nation, it must resist, otherwise, it will not only be a slave, but also laugh by others.

On the contrary, if you are determined to vowed to death at the cost of a generation or several generations, you will gain the respect of others and win the support of others. In the end, you will defeat the invaders through the common force of human justice.The Chinese more than 70 years ago did this, and thus won the support of the United States and allies, and finally defeated the Japanese invaders.

Similarly, today, more than 70 years later, the Ukraines resist Russia's aggression not to be slaves. Even if only one person must voluntarily insist on fighting against the aggressor, it will inevitably win all the peaceful and righteous people and the nation in the world.Support will eventually defeat Russian aggressors.

This kind of human heart and righteousness have been proven to the United Nations Conference after Russia's invasion of Ukraine.For example, on February 23, 2023, the Eleventh Emergency Special Meeting of the UN General Assembly once again requested Russia to withdraw all military forces from Ukrainian international recognized territorial territorial territories from Ukraine, and called for stopping hostile operations from Ukraine.SDIC's favor votes, only seven countries vote for opposition votes, and 32 countries have abandoned. At the same time, they also stated from the United States and the European Union to support Ukrainian military $ 100 billion and proved.Ukraine.

Moreover, it is necessary to indicate that Americans support Ukraine, not to sell ammunition to Ukraine, but for free support, just like the United States supported the Chinese Anti -Japanese War that year, and did not accept scores.

Of course, the Ukrainians are also fighting for the defending the UN Charter. Article 1 of Charter Chapter 1, Paragraph 1, clearly stipulates that the purpose of the United Nations is to maintain international peace and security; for this purpose, effective collective methods are taken to take effective collective methods.In order to prevent and eliminate threats to peace, stop the damage of aggression or other peace.

Ukraine who is unwilling to be a slave will help, and will eventually win the final victory against the Russian invaders. This is why Ukraine is fighting, because they are inherently believed to be peaceful people in the world.If you defeat, the people of Ukraine will win.

(the author is Beijing scholar)