This year is the 400th anniversary of the invasion of the Dutch colonials from Tainan.On May 20th, Lai Qingde, Taiwan, was held in Taipei. The hospitality dinner that night was held in Tainan to commemorate the 400th anniversary of landing from Tainan from Tainan.In addition, the Tainan City Government also organized a "400 -year" large -scale commemorative event.The Democratic Progressive Party officially spent NT $ 80 million (about S $ 3.48 million) from last year. The large -scale singing musical entitled 1624 has been staged in many places in Taiwan since the beginning of the year.From February 1 this year, the Taiwan History Museum has held a "international special exhibition" entitled by · 1624: World Island Taiwan, which will continue until June 30.

The above -mentioned actions are around a theme, that is, to beautify the colonial history of the Dutch to Taiwan.In the traditional Chinese view of Chinese, in 1624, the Dutch invaded Taiwan from Tainan, and the colonial rule of the western region of Taiwan with Tainan was 38 years.A "pain point" in Chinese history.Therefore, the historical teaching class of mainland China regards 1624 as a year of humiliation, and by vigorously praise Zheng Chenggong in 1662, the feats of the Dutch and recovering Taiwan to hedge this historical humiliation.However, from the perspective of the Democratic Progressive Party, in 1624, the Dutch brought more "well -being" to Taiwan, allowing Taiwan to walk out of East Asia, go to the world, and become a "world island" that can be seen in the world.Therefore, in the above commemorative activities, most of the Dutch people appeared on the front.

The historical image of reshaping the Dutch colonials from the front is a microcosm of the Democratic Progressive Party to reshape the historical view of Taiwan and construct the cultural project of Taiwan independence.They have shaped the Dutch colonists, Ming Zheng (successful), the Qing Dynasty, the Japanese, and the Kuomintang who have ruled Taiwan in history as "foreign regimes", and then re -evaluated these "foreign regimes" to distinguish between pros and cons.The Dutch and Japanese became the target of the DPP. They were also special books on the so -called "historical contribution" of Taiwan.The Qing Dynasty and the Kuomintang became the target of crusade, especially the Kuomintang regime. From the February 28 incident in 1947 to the later authoritarian rule, they have become the original sin of the Kuomintang and have been lingering so far.As for the Ming Zheng regime, because Zheng Chenggong still has a high status in Taiwan's folk, they are afraid to openly derogate, but they are obviously diluted their historical significance.The DPP perfectly interprets the profound connotation of "all history is contemporary history."

Re -interpreting important historical events with the help of important years and important dates for the construction of Taiwan independence has become a skillful approach to the DPP government to promote cultural Taiwan independence.This year is the 400th anniversary of the Dutch began to colonize Taiwan. There are at least four "big days" next year: the 10th anniversary of the "Xi Jockey Club", the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the national law of anti -split national law, the 80th anniversary of Taiwan's restoration, and the 130th anniversary of the B non -cutting Taiwan.The mainland will give up at least the first two events, and Taiwan is likely to focus on the latter two events.At that time, how the Democratic Progressive Party officially interprets these two major historical events, we still don't know.However, it will not let go of this great opportunity to reshape the historical view of Taiwan and build the history of Taiwan independence, organize relevant cultural activities and political activities, and use cultural Taiwan independence to promote the law to promote Taiwan independence. It is expected.

When it comes to legal Taiwan independence, many people may first think of formulating the laws of Taiwan independence, revising existing laws, or explaining Taiwan independence in existing laws.However, the category of legal Taiwan independence includes not only the formulation of new laws, modifying the old law, or making new solutions to the old law. It also includes new legal interpretation and applications of historical events and historical documents to find historical legitimacy for the current behavior.For example, since the 1960s, the United Nations has been promoting non -autonomous territories and colonization of non -autonomous territories and colonies around the world, so that the people on these land have the right to establish an independent country through self -determination of residents.Since the Dutch, the Ming Zheng, the Qing Dynasty, the Japanese, and the Kuomintang regime have been labeled with the "foreign regime", their rule of Taiwan can be regarded as "colonial rule".There is the right to realize the independent founding of the country through the referendum of the whole people.This is the historical and legal logic of the "colonial self -determination" theory of the two major Taiwan independence theories (the other is the theory of "Taiwan's status").

The real history is that in the 38 years of the Dutch rule, only a small amount of Taiwan land (centered on Tainan) was the colonies of the Dutch. In several other historical stages, Taiwan was not a colony.The Ming Zheng regime is operated by Taiwan as its own land, and its administrative jurisdiction is much more mature than the Dutch.For more than 200 years in the Qing Dynasty, it was also treated with Taiwan as a territory.The Maguan Treaty ceded Taiwan to Japan, which was essentially the territory of the Qing Dynasty instead of the colonies.In the 50 years of Japanese rule in Taiwan, although the rule of rule was closer to colonial rule, from the perspective of international law, Taiwan was also a Japanese territory instead of colonies at that time.It was also Taiwan's territorial sovereignty rather than colonial rights after the surrender of Japan surrendered in 1945.In 1949, the Kuomintang retired from Taiwan because of failure in the Chinese civil war. From a legal point of view, it is still a refuge in China's territory instead of a Chinese colony, let alone go to foreign refuge.Therefore, from the perspective of international law, the theory of "colonial self -determination" theory is not applicable to Taiwan.

Needless to say, achieving legal Taiwan independence is the highest ideal of Taiwan independence forces.Constructing Taiwan independence history and promoting cultural Taiwan independence are all serving legal Taiwan independence.How to make good use of several "big days" next year and how to make new explanations that meet the current needs of historical events, I believe that the DPP officials will not slack off.For mainland China, how to use international law as a tool and the legal language that the international community can understand, instead of not only political languages ​​with Chinese characteristics, speak well in Taiwan's own narrative, and resolve the adverse effects of Taiwan independence history.It is also an unavoidable long -term challenge.

The author is executive deputy director of the Taiwan Research Center of Shanghai Jiaotong University