With the cancellation of or lowering the lower limit of the first house and the two -suite interest rate, personal housing commercial loan interest rates have further declined.At the same time, the call for the reduction in the interest rate of stock loans is resurrected, especially in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Xiamen, etc. Personal housing loans generated from 2019 to 2023 still have higher points.

Some experts said that from the perspective of the actual market situation, the time to reduce the interest rate of the stock mortgage again has arrived.The core is to give market confidence. If you can draw the stock and increase the interest rate of mortgages, the positive impact will have a great positive impact for the market.But at present, In addition to Shenzhen's clear response, relevant departments and financial institutions in various places are still hesitating to consider , and no clear signal has issued.

Mortgage loans are an important asset and source of income for banks. Reducing the interest rate of stock loans involving many interests of interests. Relevant units must be thoughtful and then understand. However, this is not just a matter of "gains and losses". It is related to the macroeconomic and people's consumption confidence, and it should be counted as "social accounts."

Since the adjustment of the real estate policy, the mortgage interest rate has been lowered while relaxing the purchase and restrictions, and the interest rate of the mortgage mortgage rate has also been reduced since September 25, 2023. But overall, the decrease in the interest rate of the stock loan is far less than the significant reduction of the interest rate of incremental housing loan. This has led to the increasing gap between the two.The phenomenon of the two sets is high ".

In the face of this interest rate difference, the emotions and consumption confidence of related home buyers have been greatly affected. They appealed on the Internet that "the request can expand the policy of reducing loan interest rates to increase to 9 to 9, 2019 to 9, 2023Stop loan users for monthly houses. "

On the surface, in recent years, residents who bought houses in recent years have just met their demand, and even if they have reduced their stock mortgage, it is difficult to make too much contribution to the destocking of the property market. But the decline in the interest rate of stock mortgages is not only a matter of property market, but first related to social fairness.

Outside of the property market, the mortgage interest rate has reduced the economic background of the overall interest rate.In recent years, my country has undergone several rounds of deposit interest rates, which means that banks have reduced the cost of funds. This market change is generally reflected in the mortgage interest rate. Especially for the residents who buy a house at high housing prices and high interest rates, assets have not been said to have a dual pain of declining deposit interest income and high mortgage interest rates with the decline in house prices.

Furthermore, the purpose of stabilizing the property market is in the final analysis to stabilize the economy.Reducing the newly issued mortgage interest rate can stimulate the property market and stimulate economic growth. reducing the interest rate of stock mortgages can also promote consumption and economy by reducing the economic burden on residents and increasing confidence.

On the contrary, if the mortgage interest rate has always been high, buyers who have to repay the loan month will inevitably be affected by consumer behavior.If there is still money, in the face of the continuous reduction deposit interest rate, it is better to repay the mortgage in advance with deposits to reduce the pressure.

According to reports, as the current mortgage new policy has not yet touched the stock mortgage, the enthusiasm of the residents in Shanghai and other places is still continuing.Requires requirements with appointments.

The financial statistics report recently released by the Central Bank recently released by the April 2024 show that the balance of renminbi deposits at the end of April was 29.159 trillion yuan.The central bank also said that "due to the need to recover and the total demand for residents' consumption, the total demand is insufficient, and the deposit mainly retains the residential department, and has not been further transformed into enterprise deposits through the residential department expenditure." In fact, the transfer of residents' deposits to the loan in advance is not flowing to the consumer field.

At present, my country has canceled the lower limit of interest rate policies for the first house and two sets of housing commercial personal housing loan interest rates at the national level, which is undoubtedly a major benefit for the property market.At the same time, the national property market is mostly based on the stock market.Replace high -interest mortgages.This does not necessarily have a positive effect on the property market, and it may also threaten financial stability.

Reducing the interest rate of stock loans may cause bank revenue to decrease in the short term, but in addition to calculating big accounts, even from the banking perspective, it is not without benefits.From a long -term perspective, the reduction of early repayment will help increase the stability of credit and help prevent resolving financial risks.In this regard, it is also hoped that the interest rate of the stock mortgage will be reduced as soon as possible.

Editor/Xu Qiuying School/Jia Ning