Premier Li's trial time has played a role in promoting, condensing and inheriting Chinese businessmen, Chinese communities, Chinese traditions, and Chinese culture.

Premier Lee Hsien Loong is the first sponsor of the Singapore Zongxiang Club United Association.I still remember the second year when I was the president of the Zongxiang Federation in August 2011. He invited Premier Li as the sponsor of Zongxiang Federation, and he readily agreed.In his speech, he mentioned: "I hope we can do this, which can strengthen communication between the government and the Chinese community, and help everyone help the government to understand the views of various issues in China."

Every time he sees Premier Li, he will ask the meeting's affairs, and closely follow the progress of the project. He is very concerned about any atmosphere or personnel that must be corrected in time.Premier Li's talent is most admired by me.

In the dragon year 12 years ago, Premier Li hosted the lighting ceremony in the "Spring to River".At that night, Chen Zhenquan, Minister Yan Jinyong and the then senior director of the senior government affairs, came to witness the lighting ceremony.When we chatted, Premier Li proposed an idea to let Zongxiang Federation set up a Chinese cultural center.I immediately agreed that this is a good idea, which can more closely condense various Chinese communities.

Four days later, I officially announced the establishment of the Singapore Chinese Cultural Center in the Spring Festival group held at the Zongxiang Federation.The guest of the day was Premier Li, and he also expressed the government's support for the initiative in his speech.The Zongxiang Federation was the leader, and the work of the establishment center was in full swing.

The Prime Minister Huang Xuncai was the Minister of Culture, Community and Youth at that time, and held all the approval of the establishment of the regulatory center, including the fiscal budget.With the strong support of Premier Li, Premier Li, and the government, the center received more than 90%of the government appropriation funding, and finally successfully surpassed the fundraising goals and built the center building.

In the same year, during the president of the Fujian Club in Singapore, the club was approved to rent the old site located on the East Coast Shangzhi Middle School.

At the National Day Congress of the year, Premier Li also specifically mentioned the establishment of these two cultural institutions -one is the Singapore Chinese Cultural Center, the other is the Cultural Institute of the Fujian Hall of Singapore, and the government has actively supported the government.According to Premier Li, what he hopes to "create a new world for Singapore's culture so that Chinese culture can bloom new glory."

The building of the Chinese Cultural Center was completed in 2017.As the first chairman of the center, I invited Premier Li to serve as a sponsor to host the soil and opening ceremony for the central building.When Premier Li emphasized at the center of the center, the local Chinese culture developed by this center will start from the positioning of Singaporean as the standard.Premier Li also hopes that the center can become a major town of the Chinese people's knowledge, participation and appreciation of Chinese culture.While popularizing and promoting local Chinese culture, the center can also drive the interaction of different ethnic groups and create a more elegant, tolerant and harmonious society for Singapore.

Singapore Chinese Roots

So in recent years, the Chinese Cultural Center established in the city center has always shouldered this heavy responsibility, becoming a platform for new immigrants and non -Chinese compatriots to come into contact with local Chinese culture, and cannot live up to Premier Li.

In 2022, the Singapore Chinese Cultural Center celebrated the fifth anniversary of the completion of the building.Premier Li said a word at the National Day Mass Conference. I still remember that "the Chinese in Singapore are no longer the roots of fallen leaves, but they have taken root."

Premier Li cares about the affairs of the Chinese News Agency and supports the development of the Chinese News Agency. Each Chinese society must actively cooperate with the government's various policies, especially the new immigration policy.

In the public speech of many Chinese agencies, Premier Li will encourage Chinese people to help new immigrants integrate into the local society, and also reminds the biggest purpose of the club in the early establishment of the hall is to aid and settled new immigrants.

In terms of new China -China relations, Premier Li has always led the China Society's organization in terms of culture, economy, social governance, education, etc., and advocates the mutual benefit and win -win situation of bilateral cooperation.This provides many local enterprises, workers and students with opportunities to know more about China.

In 2006, the Singapore Chinese General Chamber of Commerce celebrated the 100th anniversary of its establishment. Premier Li also repeatedly encouraged the younger generation to shoulder the tasks of leadership, which can promote the development of the General Chamber of Commerce in the future.The support of Premier Li and the government has created favorable conditions for Singaporean companies to develop in China.

Premier Li is also the sponsor of the Chinese Self -Assistant Council.The Hua Xianhui can be said to be the support of vulnerable Chinese families, providing economic support for them, especially in education.The Hua Xian Association also reminds young people in mind the fine virtues and traditions of the Chinese ancestors, including helping the weak and helping the poor.The year Renci Hospital began to raise funds through TV shows. Premier Li was invited to serve as the guests to laid a strong needle for the smooth operation of the hospital.

In the same year in the 50th year of the founding of the country, Premier Li urged more ministers to attend the various Chinese dialogues of the Zongxiang Federation at the 30th anniversary celebration of the Zongxiang Federation.A good bridge.The promotion ceremony of the Singapore Chinese -General History was also held that night.Premier Li personally thanked the editor -in -chief, very kind.

Premier Li is always concerned about various groups of Chinese society to ensure that the elderly and the people who mainly use Chinese communication have the opportunity to understand the important policies that the government wants to convey.

Premier Li's trial time has played a role in promoting, condensing and inheriting Chinese businessmen, Chinese communities, Chinese traditions, and Chinese culture.I sincerely thank Premier Li for their guidance to the entire Chinese society in the past 20 years.

The author is the Honorary President of the Honorary President of the Singapore Council of Singapore, the Honorary President of the President's Council of the Presidential Advisor Council,