The fact is that each surface is not only unnatural, but also unusual. There are no careful planning, arrangement and deployment.See how many of other democratic countries can transition so again and again?

If Singapore is independently calculated in 1965, the founding of our founding generation has spent a Taiping year of Jiazi.We are more lucky than our parents and grandparents, because they have experienced the war of war and colonial rule, and they have been ravaged by Japanese militarists. We only know peace.

Many of our ancestors, because of the poverty of the ancestral residence, the people did not talk about their lives, and they left the countryside of Nanyang. Very few people made a good deal, but most of them lived hard life.As a result of this generation, most of them grew up in poor families and tasted the taste of poverty, but we also fortunately took on economic and social development trains, at least owning their own government housing.

Looking back at these 60 years, the days have passed day by day, and it is a rare year without knowing it.Maybe few people thought carefully that in the time of these three generations, what changes have Singapore's political experience?Today (May 15) is an important day. The Prime Minister changed his class and reminded us that this was the third time the Prime Minister.

Such a big deal, many people seem to be unsightly, and they feel that nothing is amazing.Perhaps this is just a paragraph of Lao Tzu: "Too superficial, I don't know it; second, it is reputable; second, fear; second, insulted.The success of merit, the people are called "I am natural '"

Chen Guying's vernacular translation is as follows: The best generations, the people do not feel the existence of the rulers at all; second, the people are close to him; followed by the people fear him; secondly, the people insult him.The ruler's integrity is insufficient, and the people naturally do not believe him.(The best rulers) are leisurely but not lighter than issuing orders.The incident was successful, and the people said: We were like this.

If this is what Lao Tzu originally meant, then we can understand accordingly. From the perspective of Lao Tzu, what the political achievements of a rulers (leader) can be measured according to the different reactions of ordinary people.The best achievement is the success of governance, but the people feel that everything is natural, ordinary, and comfortable.Those who belong to the second -class can be close and praised by the people.Waiting for it is fearful and scolded.Looking around the world, there are several leaders above, but most of them are insulted by the people. They can be praised for rare, and they can be described as rare.

In the forest of democratic countries, the government is scolded.In these countries, the division of political parties, tearing of voters, and incompetence or mediocrity of the government have become the norm, and few political parties can organize the government separately after the election.To make matters worse, almost every government is governing in storms, and often uses energy to deal with the attack and difficulties of the opposition party. He has no time to care about it; of course, he can't talk about long -term planning and can only operate short -term operations.

Why is this?Maybe this is the weakness of political party politics.The campaign is fierce, and the debate of Congress is very lively, but everyone is rolling up with each other, striving to take turns to sit in the village and play political games.Special circumstances in Singapore stem from a very special historical background.However, this one -party independent situation formed by the automatic exit of the social array of the social array at that time was unknown how long it could last.

In any case, as mentioned earlier, we are fortunate to have lived in the Taiping days for most of their lives, and we have also shared the fruits brought by political stability, economic growth, social progress, and technology development.Although everyone's encounters are different and achievements are different, overall is rising, and life is much better than their ancestors.The ancestors take a human car or a tricycle, and there are no air -conditioning buses. Now we not only have air -conditioning buses, but also have fast and comfortable subways. The material conditions are abundant.

Look at political achievements from the regime

The development of more than half a century, although there is a fluctuation in the middle, but the overall stable and continuous improvement, it is easy to make people mistakenly think that this is the natural trajectory of the development of each country.Anyway, we feel like this.It is really like what Lao Tzu said, "If you achieve success, the people are natural."The fact is that this is completely artificial and the result of good governance.

In addition to the response of the people, the political achievement of a leader can also be measured from the perspective of regime change.Whether this leader can govern the country is of course a basic measure of political achievements, but it is also important whether the good political achievements he have established can continue after him.Whether he can do a good job in the transfer of political power should also be a measure of measurement.This includes a capable successor, so that they have the opportunity to discipline intern, and also allow time to test their abilities.

The change of regime is often the root cause of the politics of a country to become turbulent or even troubled.The reason is to a large extent that those in power cannot handle the regime steadily, and the successor will be successfully taken over.The ten -year catastrophe that has occurred in modern China is a very prominent example. For the Chinese, it is also a painful experience.

Generally speaking, the transition from the founding leader to the second -generation leader is particularly difficult, because the founding leader laid the rivers and mountains in one hand, and it is difficult to have a successor to put on his big shoes.It is difficult for the people who get the world to make their power out. In the end, the old man was faint and manipulated by some people with power and ambitions around him, resulting in disaster.This is the case in his later years.

In Singapore, from Lee Kuan Yew to Wu Zuodong, it is the first time the leader has changed since the founding of Singapore. As a result, it is generally smooth and rare.From Wu Zuodong to Li Xianlong, many people expected the matter, so it was very smooth and stable.Today, from Li Xianlong to Huang Xuncai, everything seems to be very secure.This also gives people a natural feeling.

The fact is that every surface natural transfer is not only unnatural, but also unusual. There is no careful planning, arrangement and deployment. How can this be?See how many of other democratic countries can transition so again and again?In the United States, after the last presidential election, the defeated Trump and his hardcore supporters were unwilling, but the violent collision and damage to the parliamentary building in the result.In addition, although every president will be in politics, in fact, the performance is just a tiger. What you hand in is a problem with a lot of problems.

Li Guangyao handed over to Wu Zuodong, a Singapore that has worked hard for decades.Similarly, Wu Zongdong also handed a sustainable Singapore to Li Xianlong.Now, Li Xianlong can also say well that it is a country that is intact and hopeful to Huang Xuncai.This is the continuation of good politics, and it is the most beautiful period of good political achievements of the dispersion.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress