Almond nucleus is a pair of nerves clusters near the bottom of the brain. It is responsible for evaluating the danger and helps cause people's "war or escape" reactions.Long -term stress response may lead to anxiety, which makes people think that there is danger without danger, and always think about the worst case.

The national body of the United States has chronic Chinese anxiety.Now, almost anything with the word "China" will cause a fear of response in the US political system, making them unable to judge and understand the threat correctly.This has led to the US government and American politicians pursue crisis -based policies based on crisis and rejection, which is exactly the same as they try to fight.

The U.S. Congress has taken actions to forcibly sell Tiktok, a social media application owned by China; some states seek to restrict Chinese individuals or entities with American land, and Chinese researchers working at American universities; federal government prohibits certain Chinese technology from science and technologyThe company competes in the US market.These measures have reasons for national security. I have no intention of weighing the necessity of each measure.But in general, these measures are fundamentally more closed in the United States.

When you are anxious, everything is a threat.In January of this year, Florida Senator Rick Scott proposed a legislation that prohibit the import of Chinese garlic. He believes that Chinese garlic may pose a threat to US national security.EssenceIn 2017, the articles from the University of McGill University showed no evidence that this was a fact.Even so, in many countries including the United States, it is a common practice to use human excrement called "biological solids" as fertilizers.

Recently, Senator Tom Caton and Representative Elis Stanknik made a bill to prohibit the Ministry of Defense from signing a contract with the headquarters in the United States.The acquisition of investment companies in Hong Kong Chunhua Capital Group pose a threat to national security.Their reason is that this may allow China to obtain counseling courses and personal information of U.S. military personnel served by the company through the back door.

The bill did not mention the student data of in the United States. It voluntarily accepted a security review from the Federal Foreign Investment Commission, nor did it coordinate with the US government and established additional data security protection levels.The bill does not specifically explain how China will obtain data from, and the actual use of China for the information of US military personnel counseling courses.

Last summer, several Republican lawmakers expressed dissatisfaction with Film Barbie because in a scene, a world map was briefly appeared in the background with a dotted line on it.They believe that this refers to China's "nine sections", and China uses this line to support its controversial territorial claims in the South China Sea.Congress Jim Banks said that this "is endangering our national security."The map in the movie is obviously fictitious. The dotted line is only eight sections, which is nothing similar to China's border.Even the Philippine government, which has been involved in the territorial dispute with China for many years, did not ignore this controversy to approve the film in China.

But should American policy makers really pay attention to, Chinese garlic and Barbie?Or should we focus on many other issues that have a significant impact on the daily life of Americans?

Maybe the most worrying impact is that the anxiety about China is slowly spreading to discrimination against Chinese Americans, which is a new "yellow disaster".We have seen that the initiative of the Trump administration's period for Chinese espionage has led to the unfairness of Chinese researchers and even Asian and American government employees, which will be terminated in 2022.We see how American revenge during the epidemic triggers threats and attacks on Asians and Americans.There are also many reports that law enforcement officials interrogate Chinese students and researchers traveling in China on the grounds that they may be foreign agents.Similarly, this treatment -was brought by police or government officials -it was experienced by foreign scholars.

Last year, State Councilor in Texas put forward a bill to try to prevent China (and Iran, North Korea, and Russia) and physical purchase of land, houses or other real estate, because they were worried about the safety of food supply.Leaving aside the fact that Chinese citizens are not equal to the fact that the Chinese government, the actual number of American farmland owned by Chinese entities can be ignored -as of 2021, it has never exceeded 1%of any state farmland in the United States.The bill finally failed, but this was after a strong opposition to the Chinese community in the United States.

The panic of China is also incited by Liberal and conservative American media, which may be affecting ordinary people's views on Chinese and American compatriots.Another researcher, Michael Seri, recently investigated more than 2,500 Americans and asked whether Chinese Americans born in the United States should be allowed to serve in an American intelligence agency.About 27%said that the authority of Chinese Americans to obtain confidential information should be more limited than other American citizens, and 14%said they should not be allowed to obtain confidential information at all.

This is a blatant racism. Although not the opinions of most people, it is worrying that so many Americans are vagueing the boundaries between foreign and Chinese, which is exactly the same as the language of American politicians.

China is a powerful geopolitical opponent.But in this world, garlic, Barbie, or tutor websites will not pose a real threat to the national security of the United States.Paste them on such a label, indicating that American policy discourse lacks seriousness to a certain extent.

In order to launch real competition with China, the United States needs to formulate a healthy and balanced policy to protect the national security of the United States without harming the core values ​​of the United States.

The United States needs to take a deep breath.