The Prime Minister Huang Xuncai announced the list of new cabinets on Monday (May 13). The appointment of Minister of Trade and Industry Yan Jinyong replaced his deputy prime minister's position.Other positions in the cabinet maintained the status quo, reflecting the political considerations of inheritance of the first and then transition.From his speeches and questions at the press conference, it is not difficult to see that to ensure that the transfer of power is smooth and smooth, and reducing any possible variables is the main consideration of Huang Xuncai's cabinet personnel arrangement.This is a responsible decision. The stable style of its performance is believed to help stabilize people's hearts.

The next election must be held at the latest in November next year.Huang Xuncai explained at a press conference that at that time, it was necessary to re -strive to voters' commission, and all departments were still implementing their respective plans, so they decided to allow all ministers to concentrate on to avoid too many personnel changes.This is understandable. After all, the situation at home and abroad and the problem that the government needs to solve will not change overnight because of the replacement of the Prime Minister.Therefore, it is a reasonable decision to let the cabinet team work step by step to complete the tasks at hand, rather than rashing their positions to rashly mobilize their positions.Huang Xuncai answered patiently on questions from reporters, reminiscent of his stable style during the epidemic.

In a sense, the new cabinet is actually an updated version of the Li Xianlong Cabinet.Huang Xuncai revealed that these personnel arrangements were made after discussion with Premier Li, which showed more the continuity and inheritance of governance.The real cabinet reorganization will observe Huang Xuncai's administrative concept through personnel layout after the next national election.However, he has revealed at a press conference that to ensure that Singaporeans continue to enjoy the results of economic development, it will be the top priority of the new government.This is evident from his promotion of Yan Jinyong as the Deputy Prime Minister, retaining the existing deputy prime minister Wang Ruijie.

The duties of the two deputy prime ministers are related to economic development.Yan Jinyong, who has been in politics for more than 20 years, has been rich. Before he served as Minister of Trade and Industry in 2021, he served as Minister of Health (2011 to 2021) and Minister of Human Manpower (2008 to 2011).While serving as the Minister of Health, he led the anti -cross -department working group with Huang Xuncai to deal with one of the most severe challenges since the founding of the People's Republic of China.The tacit understanding of the two is believed to continue to play in the new cabinet.Yan Jinyong will continue to serve as the Minister of Trade and Industry.Wang Ruijie has many years of experience in financial affairs. He will continue to retain the chairman of the Future Economic Commission and assist the Prime Minister to manage the National Research Foundation and the Productivity Fund.

The fierce changes in the international situation have made national security issues increasingly important these years. Huang Xuncai emphasized that this is an area that the new government must pay attention to.Therefore, in addition to Li Xianlong's invitation to stay in the cabinet as a state -owned funding, Zhang Zhixian, the current state -owned assets and national security coordination, will also stay.As a senior international politician, Li Xianlong believes that it will continue to make Singapore shine in diplomacy.At a sensitive moment of power transfer, national security must undoubtedly ensure that the minister is leading the business.The relevant departments of the cabinet, such as diplomacy, national defense, and internal affairs, will also be replaced after the election, which will also become the focus of observation.

Like the predecessor, another major challenge facing Huang Xuncai is a person who is willing to dedicate himself to serve the country.He revealed that the People's Action Party has not stopped working in self -renewal, and in each election, he recommends new blood for the 30s and 40s.With the growth of the opposition camp, the competition of politicians in all parties is bound to be more intense.In addition, the aging of the population means that the age standard of the new candidate may be more tolerant. Try to make 40 or 50 years old, and the people of the elderly who are the same as the elderly will serve as a post -seat member and serve the grassroots voters.The results in this area can also be judged in the next election.

The remaining term of the current government is not long, which has a strong rationality of the Cabinet's personnel layout that has made Huang Xuncai's relatively conservative cabinet.After all, smooth transfer is the first priority. If the new officials are appointed to take three fires and excessive replacement of the minister, it will worry the Chinese people.The promotion of the three government officials Liu Yanling, Chen Guoming and Rahaye, coupled with the posts of members of the back seat Mu Renli and Huang Weizhong, also reflected the characteristics of the new government's steady change.Huang Xuncai pointed out that he must observe the performance of the team from the overall situation in the appointment of the Prime Minister in order to further judge how to give the people's commission heavy responsibility.This calm decision is undoubtedly a good start.