The rationality and fairness of Singaporean voters is an important pairing factor in achieving Li Xianlong's political career. Like the response of Li Xianlong's steps down, it is also grateful.

Premier Li Xianlong announced that he would step down on May 15th, and after paying the stick to the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai, all walks of life expressed his sincere gratitude to his dedication and sacrifice for the country for decades for decades.In terms of mind, he is well deserved.Unlike other countries, although it is a kind of honor and achievement in Singapore, the sweetness and bitterness of the one is sincerely drinking water, warm and cold; lack of correct mentality, it may be easy to defeat.

Li Xianlong has been in politics in 1984. Since 2004, he has taken over the prime minister for 20 years. During the periodThe Hong Kong District, the East East District of 2016, and the Wujibabu District in 2016 three re -elections.The national election on May 7, 2011 was described as a "watershed" election in Singapore's politics afterwards.

The significance of this election is not only for the first time the Workers' Party won the settlement of the party's election fortress, which led to Yang Rongwen, which includes the then foreign minister, and the five people, including Wang Yikang, the future of the first election,The election test also tested Li Xianlong's political wisdom that reacted when facing major frustration.He said at a press conference after the election: "The DAP will review the results of the election, and we clearly hear your voices.Communication.

Listening to his words, it turns out that Li Xianlong's words are not perfunctory.Although it is not perfect, the government led by the government has indeed appeared in the ruling style and the change on the route after the watershed election. Through various policies, especially for improving the well -being of the people, they will re -win the people's hearts and strengthen the people's trust in the government.The Trust Barometer, an international counseling just released on March 12th, found that Singaporeans' trust in the government has increased by one percentage point to 77%from the previous year.The average degree of trust is 51%.

Of course, this must be attributed to Li Xianlong's willingness to treat public opinion seriously.This is very critical.Imagine that if it is replaced with Li Guangyao, the founding of the founding of the country, the political response after the election is likely to strengthen the established route and eventually miss the opportunity to establish mutual trust between the government and voters.Another point is the collective political wisdom showed by Singaporean voters in the 2011 election.The National DAP's national vote rate was 60%, a 6 percentage point from the previous session.Simply put, voters are restrained and expressed their dissatisfaction fairly. On the one hand, the direction of appealing the country has been missed, but on the other hand, it has not completely denied the hard work of the Action Party for many years.

It is the rational display of the collective will of the Chinese people that gives Li Xianlong a valuable opportunity to express personal political skills.From 2011 to his steps, Li Xianlong generally made the Chinese people take his heart to take his heart to take his mind with the country as the country.A specific example is the 2020 election. The Workers' Party has won another city and won the second selection area. The number of seats in Congress increased from six to 10 seats.After the election, Li Xianlong made an unexpected decision. He officially established the position of Congress opposition leader, and invited the worker party secretary general Bi Danxing to serve.His physicalself shows that there are more and more people who have more and more people hope that more and more people will have more voices and different ideas to cope with this political reality of increasingly complex and difficult challenges.

The significance of establishing Congress opposition leaders is extraordinary. It reflects that Li Xianlong's demands for voters represented by the election results are understood and responded from the national situation rather than party positions.Compared with the past, the DAP's policy discrimination against the opposition constituency, such as the renovation of the group house is at the end, and use the discussion of "no ruling parties in the world will help the opposition party to grow" to be rationalized.Democratic leaders should have the political mind.

The rationality and fairness of Singapore voters is an important pairing factor in achieving Li Xianlong's political career. Like the response of Li Xianlong's deployment of Li Xianlong, it is also grateful.Without the challenges of voters, it is difficult to have Li Xianlong's excellent political response.The quality of voters is evident from the election results on September 11, 2015.At that time, the DAP votes were as high as 70%. Although the analysis was more, the voting rate was nearly 10 percentage points higher than the watershed.Celebrating the 50th birthday of the day, but this is not enough to fully explain the active performance of the DAP -the affirmation of the Li Xianlong's improving the governing style after the Li Xianlong election after the watershed election should be another reason.

Remember a Taiwanese friend who has lived in the local area and advocates the rule of law and social order that Singaporeans are blessed.This comment is still valid.Cheng is the style of his father. Li Xianlong is a rare political leader. Almost all his life in politics is worried about the country and the people.Singapore is in power by such leaders and is indeed blessed.In the same way, the support of the Chinese people after independence is not unconditional, but according to the quality of the policy, strictly score in each election, do not spoil.Although irrational voting behaviors, the collective judgment shown in each election is fair.There is such a people in Singapore. It is a blessing.

But blessing is not eternal, and blessing is not necessarily inevitable.The so -called "family of good goodness must have Yu Qing", which is also called "human be good, blessing has not arrived, and the misfortune is far away." When reminding people to be grateful, they must always do good and virtue.It is manifested in politics, and both the politicians and the average person must realize that Guotai Min'an is a comprehensive result of continuous efforts, courage to bear, and paid.Frequent horn.