Source: China News Agency

Reporter: Pang Wuji

A new round of energy revolution is happening, clean, low -carbon, renewable into keywords for energy development and utilization.Among the many energy sources, who has the potential to become the mainstream of future energy?

2024 Zhongguancun Forum Annual Conference is underway, and many industry authoritative experts discuss the development direction of future energy on the "State -owned Enterprise Discovery and Invention Forum" on the 27th.

Some people believe that the geothermal geothermal that people pay attention to in the past are expected to become one of the "main force" of new energy in the future.Zhao Dong, general manager of Sinopec Group Co., Ltd., said here that geothermal is a very competitive clean and renewable energy.Global geothermal development and utilization can be divided into two types: direct utilization and geothermal power generation.Among them, China's geothermal uses the scale to stabilize the world's first place.Public data shows that China has built a geothermal heating and refrigeration area of ​​1.33 billion square meters, which is equivalent to 92.4 Gava.

Zhao Dong suggested to vigorously develop the "geothermal+" collaborative model, create a variety of, multi -capable integration of application scenarios, explore the establishment of geothermal -based ground energy storage application models and mineral development paths, and actively expand industrial development space.

Biological energy is also a field with low attention in the past.Tan Tianwei, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the president of Beijing University of Chemical Technology, pointed out that green development has promoted biological manufacturing, and now this field is more important.He talked about the advantages of biological energy and introduced biological energy such as cellulose ethanol, biological diesel and aerial coal.Taking cellulose ethanol as an example, it is prepared in the process of combined thermal power, without the need for fossil fuel input and energy consumption without relying on the outside world, it can be generated by cycling of the biomass itself.In addition, carbon dioxide biological conversion can also realize the recycling of carbon and carbon, which has huge potential in carbon emission reduction.

Zhang Jianmin, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the dean of the Marine Engineering Research Institute of Tsinghua University.This is a lower degree of utilization.Zhang Jianmin said that the ocean can be divided into tidal energy, trend energy, wave energy, temperature difference, etc. according to its energy form, etc. At present, the global development of it is less than one in 10,000.Among them, waves are the highest quality and most widely distributed oceans, which are one of the hope of human future energy.However, it is the most unstable energy. Zhang Jianmin said that if technology has made breakthroughs, in fact, there are already very big progress. Waves are expected to open another new track in the field of new energy development after the landscape is generated.

Many participating guests are focused on nuclear energy.Ian Chapman, an academician of the Royal Institute of Engineering and chief executive of the British Atomic Energy Administration, believes that the controlling nuclear fusion is one of the answers to clean and sustainable energy supply in the future.Luo Qi, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and chief engineer of China Nuclear Group, also believes that nuclear gathering is one of the possibilities of the ultimate energy solution and it is also recognized as ideal clean energy.

The head of the international thermal nuclear fusion experiment (ITER) organized the construction project leader (deputy chief office level) Sergio Orandi revealed that "at present our work has been completed 80%."Sexual power generation.He said that in order to achieve its goals, it is necessary to continue to achieve the integration of science and technical solutions, and at the same time, the technology of nuclear fusion technology can be maintained on the correct track and in a suitable time.

Sun Lili, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the director of the Science and Technology Committee of Sinopec Refining Engineering Group, talked about hydrogen energy.She admits that there are still some difficulties in the use of hydrogen energy. For example, how to better graft the reliability, security and continuity of the volatility and process industry of green hydrogen.In addition, there are a series of technical problems to break through from the storage and transportation of hydrogen to the construction of hydrogen to the construction of the hydrogenation station.