From the perspective of Singapore's experience, anti -corruption must be effective. In addition to political determination and severe punishment for not loan, there must be construction and supporting measures in other systems to make people dare not greedy, do not have to be greedy, and do not want greedy.The anti -corruption mechanism of sharp swords is always indispensable.The political determination of anti -corruption and greed must always persist.

The People's Court of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam on April 11, was sentenced to a 67 -year -old female businessman Zhang Meilan charged with corruption, bribery and violations of credit institutions' loans.The total punishment is the death penalty.Her husband Zhu Liji and a niece were sentenced to nine and 17 years in prison.

This major case of Vietnam started from March 5 this year. It took five weeks to be called Vietnam's largest scam -laundering case.Including Zhang Meilan's husband and wife, there were 86 defendants in the case, divided into several groups, including Saigon Commercial Bank, Central Bank, Government Procuratorate, and the former leading cadres of the National Audit Office.In the face of bribery, abuse of power, violation of bank laws, etc., punishment ranges from three years of probation to life imprisonment.

Among the defendants of the former cadre of the State Bank, Du Shi (Director of the Bank of State Bank Supervision Organs No. 2 Bank Supervision Bureau) was sentenced to life imprisonment for committing bribery.Ruan Wenxing (Deputy Supervisor's Deputy Supervisor's Deputy Supervisor of the State Bank of the Bank) was sentenced to 11 years in prison for committing "abuse of power".The other defendants were sentenced to three to seven years in prison.

This is a very obvious crime of collusion between government and business.Truong My Lan is known as the richest woman in Vietnam and her husband is a Hong Kong businessman.According to reports, she was born in a Sino -Vietnamese family in Saigon (now known as Ho Chi Minh City). She was born in Shantou City, Guangdong Province. She is the fourth -generation Chinese in Vietnam.She was originally a market vendor who sold cosmetics with her mother.After the economic reform of Vietnam in 1986, she began to get involved in real estate, and in 1992, she established Van Thinh Phat as chairman.It is also reported that Zhang Meilan is not only a successful entrepreneur, but also to be kind. During the crown disease epidemic, he also donated a lot of money to the government and gave medical medicine.

In 2011, Zhang Meilan has become a well -known business figure in Ho Chi Minh City. She has been allowed to arrange three small and cash short banks into a larger entity, namely Saigon Commercial Bank.Vietnamese law prohibits any individual from holding more than 5%of the shares of any bank.However, the prosecutor said that Zhang Meilan had more than 90%of the bank's shares through hundreds of shell companies and agents.She was charged with this power to appoint her manager, and then ordered them to approve hundreds of loans to the shell company network that she controlled, accounting for 93%of the bank's total loan.

According to the control, Zhang Meilan invaded the 3.4 trillion Vietnamese Shield (about S $ 16.2 billion) from February 2018 to October 2022.This amount has exceeded the market value of most commercial banks in Vietnam, which is equivalent to nearly 3%of Vietnam's GDP in 2022.The prosecution pointed out that the actual loss caused by this fraud case is currently as high as US $ 27 billion (about S $ 36.5 billion).

Western media generally interpreted. This case is the most noticeable chapter to date in the anti -corruption campaign led by the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.According to reports from Broadcasting Corporation, Ruan Fuzhong is a conservative ideology who knows Marxist theory.He believes that people's grievances caused by out of control will pose a fundamental threat to the Communist's power monopoly.Therefore, after successful and easily winning the Prime Minister of the business and the highest position in the party, he started the anti -corruption operation in 2016.The movement has forced the two state chairman and two deputy prime ministers to resign, and hundreds of officials were punished or imprisoned.

Vietnam's anti -corruption is launched after China's anti -corruption actions. Both of them are communist countries. They have also implemented reform and opening up, accepted the market economy, and the economy has flourished. However, the legal system and regulatory mechanism have not kept up.As a result, it gradually grows, and it may be that the party may be killed in a timely manner.Hong Yuanyuan, a professor at Johns Hopkins University in the United States, described this as the phenomenon of China's "gold -plated era". Xi Jinping was elected as the President of the State in 2012. It is the "gold -plated era" in China.

"Gold -plated era" refers to the United States, about 1870 to 1900.Hong Yuanyuan said this: A new super rich class has risen in a society where millions of migrant workers have worked hard in the factory for meager income.Bribery has become the most common model that affects politics.Opportunities are unscrupulous speculation land and real estate.As local governments fund the construction of railways and other large infrastructure projects through borrowing, financial risks have continued to increase.Many problems are deteriorating under the appearance of fast industrialization and economic growth.The strong dissatisfaction of the American people on the gold -plated era has triggered a wide range of economic and social reforms and created an era of progress (from the 1990s to the 1920s).

In this way, can Vietnam, which follows the pace of China's reform, can it be said that it has entered its "gold -plated era"?In any case, Zhang Meilan is the product of such an era.Like China, she and most Vietnamese rich people make money through development and speculative real estate.Vietnam's land is state -owned as China. To obtain land development real estate, it usually depends on personal relationships with government officials. The wind of collusion and corruption of officials and merchants has begun to spread, eroding various organs like cancer.Zhang Meilan started from real estate. As for why she was involved in the banking industry in the later period, it was not clear.This does not seem to be an industry she is familiar with, because when she confess in court, she has expressed her regrets to step into an unfamiliar industry.

On the issue of anti -corruption, China and Vietnam can be said to be a pair of difficult brothers.No one expected that under the governance of the Communist Party, such serious corruption problems will occur.But their experience also illustrates the truth that it will be the world immediately and cannot immediately rule the world.Revolution and governing the country are two different things, not to mention using capitalism, an enemy that was originally criticized.

Secondly, a generation of Communists who are engaged in the revolution have ideals and enthusiasm and offered their lives to the country and the people.However, the later parties did not go through the baptism of the revolution. Seeing that Zhang Sanli, Four Kings and Five King, Zhao Liu, one after another, one after another, one after another, and served the people with a hard work for the people. It was easy to withstand the temptation of money.Some were bold to go to the sea, some ideals were shattered, and greedy, so they had power to rent.The incomplete legal system and the relationship between government and business have also given corruption a chance to grow and spread.

Greed, in the final analysis, is the weakness of personal sex.Therefore, the Buddha said that greedy is three poisons.The scale of China's anti -corruption storm has a large duration and unprecedented for a long time. It has been 10 years since Vietnam has followed up and it has lasted eight years.What are the results of these two anti -corruption dramas, no one knows.

From the perspective of Singapore's experience, anti -corruption must be effective. In addition to political determination and severe punishment, there must be construction and supporting measures in other systems.The iron fist is unsatisfactory to make people dare not greedy; give civil servants a salary at the market level, so that people do not have to be greedy; zero tolerance for corruption makes people not want to be greedy.But greed is not only human, and it is impossible to restless, unless there is a way to make members of a society a saint or angel.Therefore, the anti -corruption mechanism of Lijian is always indispensable.The political determination of anti -corruption and greed must always persist.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress