The shortage of qualified technicians in the United States is not solved in the short term. The reason is ridiculous: technicians need to receive mathematics education, but the United States has not liked mathematics for many years.In the tools, many middle schools have turned mathematics into elective courses and even canceled mathematics education.

U.S. Minister of Finance Yellen visited China on April 3 to bring a "problem list", but the most valued by the West was that she reminded China: Do not rely on exports to support weak economies.In the market, Western countries cannot bear the impact of Chinese cheap products (known as "China Intellectual 2.0").Of course, there will be no results.Before she was walking, I talked on the social media platform X: It is better to increase tariffs and reduce the import of Chinese products in order to reduce the import of tariffs to protect their own enterprises.Because the former is to persuade others to commit suicide, the latter is to let yourself not commit suicide, who is effective, and does not know.What's more, even if the United States improves tariffs, if the manufacturing industry fails to return to the United States at the same time, it may continue to import cheap Chinese manufacturing.

"Happiness Globalization" becomes competitive globalization

The French Minister of Economic Minister Lemer recently declared that the era of "happiness of happiness" has ended.It is giving the globalization of competition.Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, globalization has changed the world after more than 30 years. The globalization is "happiness" because China was the largest labor -intensive product in the world.Become a manufacturing country.

"Happy Globalization" is founded in the international division of labor above cost comparative theory -the United States provides financial systems and high -tech products and education that the United States provides economic services to the world;Dense -intensive products; China uses the low -cheap land price and labor costs to produce labor -intensive products, providing cheap clothing, hats, hats, and toys (three old) for the world.However, when Western countries enjoy a large amount of cheap Chinese manufacturing and improve their living standards, they are gradually suffering from the industrial hollow and structural unemployment.This is the social background of American workers from iron ticket warehouses to Republican voters, and it is also an important reason why the Trump's 2016 election won.

During this period, through "market exchange technology" (for foreign investment for market transfer technology), thousands of people plans (gray transfer of intellectual property rights), imitation, plus the aimThe layout of the plot finally squeezed the countries along the Belt and Road, including the "New Three" (electric vehicles, solar panels, lithium batteries), including the European market, and may also kill the United States' policy to support the local clean energy industry.

The low -cost Chinese exports have become the "China Intellectual" of Reward, which has triggered a political rebound for globalization in Western countries.

Trump's trade war against China was launched based on the implementation of the "Made in China 2025" plan based on the United States' huge trade deficit with the United States and the use of gray means.However, it was proposed that the manufacturing industry returned to the United States, which began in 2008 in the United States' serious financial crisis.This crisis made some American elites aware of the severe harm of industries to the United States.In the first period of the second term published on February 12, 2013, US President Barack Obama said that the primary task of governing was "the magnetic field for the United States to add employment and manufacturing", and said "to ensure the next gameThe manufacturing revolution occurred in the United States. "But until the end of the term, the return of the US manufacturing industry was mainly reflected in the prospects of several research reports of the Boston Consulting (BCG).

Why is the "return of manufacturing" in the United States difficult?

BCG's report published in September 2023 In the past five years, more than 90%of North American companies have transferred production and procurement, listing the following data. From 2018 to 2022, the import of goods from China has fallen by 10%, But the imports of Mexico have increased by 18%, the imports of India have increased by 44%, and the imports of 10 countries in the Asias have increased by 65%.However, the research on the reports of the Bloomberg and Wall Street Journal talked about another truth. Not only did the manufacturing industry fail to return to the United States, but even the production of the above -mentioned "friendly shore outsourcing" and "near -shore outsourcing" is produced. Many of them are just Chinese production capacity transfer.The main parts and technologies still come from China.

The return of the United States manufacturing industry is more difficult than many companies expected. What is the reason?The Pew Research Center estimates in 2022 that the US technician gap is very large, which is one of the biggest challenges in the return of manufacturing. It accounts for 70%of the reasons for the delay of the company.Deloitte and Manufacturing Research Institute launched the fourth skill gap in 2018 to re -evaluate their previous skills gap research.Studies have shown that from 2018 to 2028, the skill gap may lead to vacancy of about 2.4 million positions, and the potential economic impact reached 2.5 trillion US dollars (about 3.4 trillion yuan), resulting in nearly $ 455 billion in manufacturing losses.

These studies do not dare to involve the DEI of the racial quota (compilation: refers to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) system.DEI requires companies not to follow the professional quality of employees, but hire employees according to their identity (race, gender), which seriously hinders the efficiency of the enterprise.In recent years, aviation accidents have been high. In the end, Americans discovered that no matter the Mentai supplier Elf Aviation Systems, or the manufacturer Boeing company, or the operator Alaska Airlines, it is a pioneer in promoting the polar left "awakeningism" DEI policy.EssenceThe production, installation, and inspectors used by these enterprises are not admitted according to professional quality, nor have they undergo strict vocational and technical training. It only depends on whether the identity meets the political correct standards of the DEI policy.

The shortage of technical workers in the United States can not be solved in the short term. For the reason, it is ridiculous to wear: technicians need to receive mathematics education, but the United States has not liked black and Latin people who do not like mathematics for many years. Mathematics is defined as a tool for racial discrimination.Many middle schools have turned mathematics into elective courses and even canceled mathematics education.Many educational elites complain that mathematics is "white harbor" and "mathematics itself is dominated by white and racism."

Unfortunately, today's manufacturing industry is inseparable from high -quality technicians. Taking CNC machine tools as an example, technical tools need to prepare linear algebra, geometry, functions and other knowledge.The descendants (including the more than 20 million illegal immigrants put in the Biden government), hoping that they will become the technicians of the US manufacturing industry, as if the Chinese Cultural Revolution hopes that the workers, peasants and soldiers will become a scientific and technological personnel.

Yellen and other left elites should review themselves

Yellen's visit to China this time, he talked about his twice visits to China in 1998 and 2023.These perceptions reflect the dilemma of global dramas into the United States and Europe: China and the United States (Europe) were originally a complementary economy. Chinese production labor -intensive products are mainly "old three", providing a large number of cheap cheap western countries, and providing a lot of cheap cheap western countries.Consumer products have greatly improved the quality of life of people in Western countries and are naturally popular.Since China entered the high -tech field 10 years ago, and it has taken absolute advantages in the "new three" complaints complained by Yellen, it has become a competitive relationship with the West.China's advantage is that one is the industrial chain, the second is labor resources, and the third is the cheap and self -supply of raw materials lithium, so it cannot be eaten in the West.

Michael Roberts, a British economist, also left, published an article in China's unfair "overcapacity" on April 10, and sharply pointed out: "China is the only category in the world producing World Customs Organization (WCO) classification in the worldAll categories of products have a key advantage in the end price of China: when you want to make a certain product in China, you can find the entire supply chain of the product in China ...Invincible ... Yellen and Western leaders are worried that if the situation continues, China will directly eat everyone's lunch."" The so -called threat of China's industrial capacity is a buzzword, which actually means that China's competitiveness is too strong. Yellen requires that China to solve this problem is like a sprinter who requires Yussen Bolt to run that is not so running so much.Quick, because he can't keep up."

Therefore, the "China problem" brought by Yellen's visit to China is actually the problem of the United States itself, covering the education system and manufacturing system.The secret of manufacturer's competition is speed and efficiency. The DEI concept considers the "employment priority" and benefits of the privileges of the new identity politics.Let employees who do not have related mathematical knowledge control the machine tools.

The author is a Chinese economist in the United States