The transfer date of the fourth -generation leader in Singapore is finalized, and the deputy prime minister and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai will officially serve as the Prime Minister on the 15th next month.In the current global environment, it is particularly important to arrange for the transfer of power early to make new leadership teams to formulate long -term strategies.This gives them sufficient time to strive for the recognition of Chinese people to deal with various challenges, ensure that the country is continuously stable and prosperous, and clarify Singapore's international position to the international community.

The time point for the transfer of power is full of challenges. New leaders must respond to domestic dynamic changes and external uncertainty.A series of political scandals that have occurred in China in the past year have affected the public's trust in the government. In addition, the lingering pressure of inflation has also increased, which has also increased the dissatisfaction of the government to the government.Internationally, the US -China trade war has been upgraded to a series of uncertain factors such as a comprehensive great power game, the conflict of Harbin, and the II conflict, which is also a challenge that the new leader needs to respond.

The political transfer of the fourth -generation leadership is not smooth at the beginning.In November 2018, the fourth -generation team of the People's Action Party selected Wang Ruijie as the leader, but he unexpectedly resigned in April 2021 to let the relatively young candidates who were running longer.This not only disrupted Prime Minister Li Xianlong's plan to retire before the age of 70 in 2022, but also caused the society to disturb the transfer of the power of the DAP and the government.It was not until April 2022 that Huang Xuncai was selected as the successor of the Prime Minister by his peers, and he resolved his succession problem.

Many Chinese people's understanding of Huang Xuncai is mainly during the crown disease epidemic. He and the Minister of Trade and Workers' Yan Jinyong jointly led the government's anti -cross -department working group, and often held press conferences to release important epidemic related news.His stable leadership style, clear explanation of policies, and grasp of details left a deep impression on the Chinese people.His personal origin and experience also made him easier to resonate with the public.After graduating from a non -prestigious school, he won the government's overseas scholarships to go abroad. After graduation, he started with an economist as the starting point and promoted to senior civil servants step by step to participate in the formulation of many policies.

In the context of the continuous evolution of global geopolitical situations, Singapore needs a flexible and keen leadership team to participate in international affairs with a more positive attitude and inject new vitality into the national development. ThereforeIt is highly anticipated.In the afternoon of Tuesday (April 16), Huang Xuncai said in an interview with the Ministry of Communications and the News that he would announce the full list of cabinet a few days before he took office, and revealed that Premier Li had accepted his invitation and served as Senior Minister.EssencePremier Li is a regional leader with international influence. It maintains a stable and friendly relationship with leaders of major countries around the world. Under increasingly unstable geographical political climate, he will stay as a cabinet with valuable experience and guidance for the new leadership team.

The same attention is the National Day Mass Congress this year.This will be the first time that Huang Xuncai has published the year as a prime minister. It is believed that he will use this opportunity to explain the government's future development direction and policy focus.He and the fourth -generation leader launched Singapore in June 2022 and the Forward Singapore movement. It took a year to listen to public opinion. In this year's fiscal budget, the first batch of policies were announced according to the report of related campaigns.; The second batch of policies is expected to announce at the National Day Mass Conference in August that Singapore's next development is clearer.

Huang Xuncai said in a video recorded on Facebook on Monday afternoon that the dream of the Singaporeans will inspire his actions. The subjects that Chinese people pay attention to will guide his decisions and call on the Chinese to accompany him to share ideas, enthusiasm and dreams.The new leadership team undoubtedly pays more attention to negotiation. Although the populist style shows the international challenges and pressures in the troubled times in troubled times, we need to be able to decide decisively to obey public opinion in everything.As always, the Chinese people should have practical expectations for future leaders and work with them to create a better future for future generations.