U.S. Treasury Minister Yellen's visit to China, on the surface, discuss the problem of economic balance growth and overcapacity. In fact, it is for the next step for the United States to target Chinese new energy vehicles (including pure electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, etc.), andEmerging industries such as photovoltaic and batteries manufacture public opinion offensives.In this regard, some arguments at the press conference held from Yellen before leaving China are not difficult to see that the United States has been fully prepared in this regard.

According to Reuters and others, Yellen said at a press conference on April 8 that the weak domestic demand for China's weak domestic demand and the excessive investment in emerging industries such as new energy vehicles, photovoltaic and batteries that have greatly supported the government,Express.She said: "We have read such a narrative. More than 10 years ago, China strongly supported the production of Chinese steels with lower costs than costs, pouring into the global market, destroying industries around the world and the United States.I will not accept the realistic reappearance of the year.

This remark is no matter how naked.Because in new energy vehicles, photovoltaic, and battery tracks, Chinese companies have the ability to compete with any country in the world, especially the United States, and can also lead the world in some aspects.For the United States, this is obviously unacceptable. It is necessary to find out various reasons to target it, and use all means to pull allies to target, siege and sanctions together.

In fact, China New Energy Vehicle has finally come out of technical barriers. It has just found a road that belongs to Chinese enterprises, and the "regional politics" minefield has appeared again.In addition, the "regional politics" minefield under the United States is based on the pretext of overcapacity and the global supply chain system is impacted to Chinese companies.

In fact, the so -called overcapacity is just the rhetoric of the United States unilaterally "the crime of adding to add". Not only does China do not believe in China, but other countries do not believe it, even the American media is not believed.Bloomberg published an analysis a few days ago, questioning the United States accusing the United States of accusing China of new energy vehicles overcapacity.It is reported that in the field of electric vehicles, most of China's top -ranking car export commercial capacity utilization rates are at the internationally recognized normal level. The problem facing the United States and Europe is that the efficiency of enterprises is not as good as Chinese companies, not China's "overcapacity"EssenceIt is also believed that China is the world's largest new energy vehicle and hybrid vehicle market. The proportion of product exports accounts for the total output of total output, which is far lower than that of major car producers such as Germany, Japan, and South Korea.If China does have "overcapacity", it may cause a large number of parking lots to be full of unsold new cars.Bloomberg analyzed the data and industry association data analysis of the public information and industry associations that Chinese auto dealers were not high and could not draw conclusions of "overcapacity".

You know, Bloomberg is a media that releases China's negative news and negative comments to help the US government sing praise media. Even it has questioned the United States.serious.Because the country's new energy vehicle companies lack competitiveness, they want to keep their advantages through companies in other countries. Obviously, it is obviously not in line with market competitive rules and is not conducive to market fairness.According to the logic of the U.S. government, is the United States in the field of chips and special high -end chips, and is it already overcapacity?Because, including Nvidia, most of the chips produced are sold abroad.Because there are many products sold abroad, that is, overcapacity, the US government first imposes sanctions on US chip companies.

Here, we need to refute Yellen's "China Steel in China with great support for the production of Chinese steel, pouring into the global market, destroying industries around the world and the United States."

China's steel production capacity has increased significantly. One of the important reasons is that Western countries led by the United States are engaged in industrial transfer, and a large number of industries with low -end, high energy, and high -risk industries are shifted to developing countries, especially China and, especially in China, and in China.India, Vietnam, etc.For a long time, the United States has enjoyed cheap and high -quality steel provided by developing countries such as China, which has brought great benefits to American companies and residents.Not only does the United States not be grateful to China, they eat milk and scold their mother -in -law, thinking that it destroys industries around the world and the United States.Yellen, as an economist, doesn't even understand this truth?Without China to provide a lot of cheap products to the United States, can the United States enjoy the greatest benefit brought by high technology?

The cheap price of steel in China is inseparable from low labor costs, low resource costs, and the efficiency of Chinese workers' labor efficiency.On the contrary, the American workers have to put forward various conditions to add a class, can they reduce the price of the product?Therefore, it is impossible to succeed at the emerging industry of China's emerging industries.The Chinese government and enterprises will definitely respond to and fight back, and cross the "regional politics" minefield buried by the United States at a minimum cost.

The author is Chinese Financial Reviewer