Iran dispatched large -scale drones and missiles to directly attack Israel for the first time, causing a panic in the world.Although the US intelligence has recently warned this retaliation attack, the international community still pays attention to subsequent development, and will it become a large -scale war that is difficult to end.With the regional tension upgrade, international flights have dustered, and the price of international oil prices and supply chain disturbed prices has risen. It has been difficult to alleviate because of the long -term tension situation in the Middle East. Once the situation expands, it does not rule out that it has become a black swan

One day before Iran's large -scale air strike, Iran seized a container ship related to Israel in the Holmus Strait. I believe it is a operation that cooperates with this wave of attacks.Chips.The United States and the United Kingdom assisted Israel to intercept many drone and cruise missiles, highlighting the stance of the Bayeon government's firm power.

This may be a conflict between Iran and Israel to play the ball.Israel bombed the Iranian Embassy in Syria on April 1, causing several senior Iranian generals to die, which is a rare attack in recent years.It is generally believed that this is the pressure and moral condemnation of the Neitana government in order to divert the international community's sympathy and moral condemnation of the deterioration of Gaza refugees, trying to save Wei to save Zhao, and to launch Iran's water, and forcing the American Biden government to move closer to themselves.Iran launched a retaliation attack after 13 days. Perhaps I understood this trick. I did not want to cooperate with Israel's strategy to involve myself in a direct military conflict with the United States and Britain.Israel's duel.The British Financial Times pointed out that the information issued by Tehran is to retaliate against Israel by "calibration". In other words, Iran does not intend to extend the war infinitely, and the retaliation attack is a necessary move to explain to the domestic people and the military.Iran does not seem to mobilize the preparation of war.

The latest situation shows that Iran's attacks have been notified beforehand and minimize casualties after adjustment.Iranian Foreign Minister Abdullahiyang also said on Sunday afternoon that he also said on social media X: "Iran has no intention of continuing self -defense at this moment, but if necessary, he will not hesitate to defend his own interests to resist new invasions." According to the US mediaIt is reported that the US President Biden stated to Neya that against Israel's revenge on Iran, the United States should also urge Israel to keep restraint.

The expansion of the war may be beneficial to the individual of Neihuahu.A survey of Israel last month showed that 58%of the public opinion believed that Neitahu's performance since the Harbin conflict was not well performed, and it was less than several military leaders.His public opinion support is also derived from the internal affairs.The continuous and even expansion of war can provide him to avoid reasons for early elections before 2026.

Israeli TV reports that military personnel stated that the attack on the "significant response" may be expected to have obvious revenge counterattack, but the counterattack is yet to be observed.Because Israel and Iran do not have a common border, the direct conflict between the two sides can only pass through air combat. As long as the neighboring countries strictly adhere to the neutrality and do not intervene in the war situation, the scale of warfare can be expanded is actually limited.The surrounding countries include Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Jordan, etc. have their own development plans in recent years, and their relationship with the United States and Israel has different degrees of positive changes in diplomaticships.In the past, it was so strong, so I hope the conflict is controlled as soon as possible.

Under the suppression of the United States, including Israel is still entangled with Hamas, anxious to control the situation after the future Politament of Gaza, and continue to face the threat of the power such as the Lebanon Allah.The Iranian regime was overwhelmed.However, even if some signs show that the war may not be out of control, the international community will inevitably tighten the nerves and design different response strategies for the subsequent evolution of the situation.The equivalent effect of soaring oil prices in the short term may be inevitable. It can only be expected that no more in the Middle East countries will involve the conflict between the two parties, or Israel will continue to make an unprecedented stimulus and expand the complex situation.