Sitting is a penalty of counterfeiting with modern civilization, ignoring human rights and personality dignity, creating family grievances, etc. In ancient times, it was a case that was enough to feel the heaven and earth.What you should not think about.

The economic topic of the event has made Singapore the focus of international media again. The Chinese and the government have never been complacent. It is the main reason for goblin to seek excellence.Our dissatisfaction includes continuous improvement in subtle places such as public affairs.However, as the society is more refined and complicated, how to achieve a balance between people with different stakeholders has always been a test, especially in the governance of public space, aspects and principles that must be considered, such as returning to dishesControversy with public hygiene; as for the long -term tension between smokers and non -smokers, it is even more difficult to determine.

The governance of public space and public issues is not easy. Among them, many basic principles that cannot be ignored in modern society, including cannot infringe private areas, so the law cannot be allowed to enter the house to catch smokers.

The protection of the dignity of the private sector and individuals is one of the cornerstones of modern civilization.At the beginning of Singapore, in the process of pursuing richness and strengths, it was able to maintain the basic respect of modern legal systems for people. At the cost of relatively low (not bleeding), it has taken the era of high authoritarianism to this day.It's quite lucky.

Our democratic politics coincides with generations of generations. It is expected that politics and society are more in line with the world trend of respect for public opinion, human rights and universal values. It should be a reasonable consensus.According to this expectation, many social policies should face it with updated thinking.However, in the recent visit to Asian News, the chairman of the Public Health Council Contella and a local scholar Dr Serone Koh, when talking about punishment "garbage and insects", the labor reform order (CWO) did not reach the expected effect.The suggestions made were shocked.

Comprehensive opinion of the two people, the humiliation element contained in the labor reform order, because the humiliated people are mostly unknown, they can no longer achieve the role of ashamed and dare not commit crimes.Kang Andrew then suggested that the whole family of the people who was sentenced to a labor reform was worked together. "The pain does not just fall on a person, but the family, even the maid. If there are children in the family, the influence of the (for the parties) will be greater."" ".

The CWO implemented in 1992 is aimed at the heavy criminals who litter the garbage. The legislative intention is to let passersby see these people "garbage and insects" by cleaning the environment in open places and wearing conspicuous vests.Through the process of public humiliation, trying to induce the shame in the four ends of Mencius, thereby prompting them to wash their minds and change their self -renewal.

When I was a kid, Singapore was generally much lower. There were many people who lost their bad habits such as garbage, spitting nose, and swear words.You can use this remark as the background of this policy.However, as the level of knowledge improves, people should understand that the law that the purpose of disclosure of citizens' "humiliation" is actually wrong.Today, the person responsible for examining public health actually put forward the opinions of the spirit of connection with Shang Yang invented with the Daqin Empire era, which is really dizzy.

Managers in the public domain must have certain modern civilization and democracy.Today, Singapore is almost all under the independent education system from government officials to civil servants. Their ideological level, civilization cultivation, the concept of democracy and freedom, and even the awareness of language culture are directly related to Singapore education.Considering that the ratio of Singaporeans love to read or think is quite low, there should be a lot of people who have missed the books from this, let alone the ideological classic of the evolution of human civilization.

This is something that the master must be vigilant.It is related to how deep and widely the thinking behind the national policy makers.Sitting is a penalty of against modern civilization, ignoring human rights and personality dignity, creating family grievances, etc. In ancient times, it was a case of grieving ghosts and gods in ancient times.matter.

The reason why

is put forward is obviously efficient.However, many things can be used as the ruler, and many things are actually not possible, or efficiency is the wrong ruler.

The proposal does not understand that whether the behavior of humiliation dignity is formulated in the name of the law, it has made all the "(Singapore clean) glory" that may reach the results as a shame.Once this law really passes this law, the environment has not yet been clean, and Guoge is already ashamed, because we can overturn the most precious achievements of human beings since the small glory of the shortcomings, and let the feudal thoughts of the feudal thoughts of more than 2000 years ago be inHere reappeared.The biggest possibility behind this is the ignorance of modern civilization.

The values ​​of today's world are becoming more and more split, and countries that are not in line with the faith of civilization cannot condense people's hearts.On the basis of what values ​​and based on the personal central thought, he will determine his public behavior; if he is a public policy maker, it will affect the whole society and then affect the people's thinking through policy.From China to Cambodia, the modern power of power and ignorance mobs are hung on the neck of the criticism of the critic.History is not completely annihilated; the situation of Myanmar soldiers cruelly treat minority races and search for wealth.

The dictatorship and tyrannical politics in human history are long and long. Modern political civilization is only a rising sun, and Asia is still in the stake.Singapore is fortunate to have a good start, but in the future, whether it can continue the human heritage of democracy and freedom of the rule of law and live a more civilized life. No one can pat the breasts in this island country to ensure that it is very important.Do you attach great importance to the content?

Every generation of young people who graduated from generation to generation, if there is only the concept of technology and money in their minds, they don't know much about modern democratic civilization. It is the failure of education.The most dangerous result is that it will be taken away by the strong propaganda of foreign and anti -modern civilization.

Patient social education, and there are enough people with cultural cultivation, which is enough to move the customs, but it takes time.The pursuit of efficiency, legal iron fists on the issue of changing social, cultural customs, and behavior is a wrong entry point.Even if it has a momentary effect, it is not enough to make social culture "become" more educated and sustainable.