"Millions of Houses" is a popular news topic in the real estate market in the past two years. In non -mature groups such as Yishun, Bangs Goose, Wugosibu, and Wugg Banlang, there have been resale group house transactions.After the threshold for one million yuan, the news attention point today is that the four houses that have not yet been "broken million" in Caiyu Port, Jurong West, Sambarwon, and Shenggang will get the point first.

The market believes that the highest voices are Shenggang, because the highest transfer price of 960,000 yuan at the highest transfer price last month was closer to a million threshold.In addition, Shenggang has more than 2,000 units with the lowest life limit of five years this year; new houses are generally higher.

Some analysts even click on the houses that are about to be over five years in the report. It is expected to "see more demand and higher price", and the media has also quoted reports.

Although the report did not say that these groups may have millions of transactions, the statement may still guide readers' thinking direction.The buyer who intends to find a new home there can see the report. The subconscious may be more sought after, and the seller who intends to sell it may also think that the price is higher.

In a transparent and efficient market, both buyers and sellers will do their homework and master all knowing information. After all, the price is too high to attract the buyer. The final transaction price will reflect all reasonable fundamentals.

It is worth thinking about whether there are some seemingly objective facts in the public information of the market. In fact, the subjective discussion or even deliberately induced?In some specific situations, is it when local real estate transactions are also transparent and insufficient, and make buyers damage?

Since the beginning of the year, although the rise in the resale price of HDB has slowed down, the overall is still in the rise.Over the past year, except for September last year, it has risen in other months, which has risen by 6.2%in the past year.At this time, most buyers enter the market, and most of them still think that this is the rising market. I am afraid that in the process of bargaining, I am afraid that the transaction price of units with close conditions in the same district will increase, and the pressure of following high will be greater.

At this time, there are more and more information on millions of houses, and information with a new price of innovative prices is constantly spreading, I am afraid that this "rising market" expectations will be deepened.Although all parties in the market are very careful and cautiously betting: Although there are more and more houses of millions of houses, the proportion is still very small; units with innovative prices have a variety of special advantages such as location, landscape, building height, area, houses, houses, housesAge and so on.

Real estate trading is not like stock transactions. It can be seen that both parties are bid, and how many people are selling.A friend who has recently entered the market revealed that the conditions he wanted to buy is very good. He has a deep understanding of the surrounding transaction information.Home bid.Millions of houses in this area increased month by month, and it really made him feel that the price of the seller was reasonable and the bidding of other buyers was reasonable.

The market "prediction" is not unreasonable for the next one million groups of houses. As long as there is enough rigid demand to enter the market, the units with good conditions can break the million fingers every day.

However, is the potential demand here large enough?How much can the unit that is about to be sold?How much is the unit for sale?These supply and demand information is not completely known, and it is also linked to many other basic factors, and it is necessary to follow up and observe and analyze more comprehensively.

When the first one million house appeared in a certain area, is it worth millions of other units?Is it worth 900,000 units worth 900,000 or only 850,000?These require more complete information to be rational or overturned.

The first thing you want to let go is this simple and rough indicator.Millions of houses, so what?