In such a constant disturbance, it is difficult for Singapore to avoid interference and impact of many foreign political and religious factors.Singaporeans must strictly adhere to the bottom line of religious tolerance.At the moment of Singapore's division, it has implemented a diversified policy that is different from the racial politics of Malaysia. It has treated equally to all ethnic groups and religions, and gives the Chinese people's religious belief freedom.But this freedom is based on the basis of mutual tolerance. If you lose this foundation, it is difficult to build and maintain a harmonious society.

All major religions in the world can find the basis of tolerance, peace, and friendship from their classics.Most believers of different religions believe that their religions are advocating tolerance.However, in the present, we can see that in many places, religion not only becomes uncomfortable, but also advocates conservative, extreme, exclusive, and original religionism.Why is this?

Just look at our neighbors Malaysia and you can feel this deeply.The recent cases that Malaysia has occurred is sufficient.At the beginning of February this year, Ni Kemin, the Minister of Housing and Local Development of Malaysia, revealed that the government will explore the UNESCO to apply to listed 613 new Chinese villages across the country as a World Heritage Site.This move immediately attacked the Islamic Party in the wild, saying that the new village was listed as a cultural heritage, which was a historical cloud that tried to beautify the Malaysian Communist Party and rationally fight the horses.

On February 23 this year, the Malaysian government released constitutional newspapers to list 10 kinds of food such as Bak and Bone Tea as a national food heritage.The opposition Islamic Party and conservative Malay organization immediately refer to the meat of Bak Kut Teh, which refers to pork, which is not suitable for listing as a national heritage.Member of the Iraqi Party Parliament is even responsible for the tourism, art and cultural minister Zhang Qingxin, who is responsible for the matter.On March 13, the Minister of Education of Malaysia Falina announced in Congress that the cafeterias at all levels of schools must be opened as usual during the fasting month to avoid the recurrence of non -Muslim students in the storage room.The Iranian Party immediately slammed vigorously.

Then, the Chain Convenience Store KK Supermarket was found in a branch of Shuangwei Town, Selangor, and was found to sell socks with the word "Allah" printed with the word "Allah", which suddenly triggered a political storm.According to Malaysia media reports, in a series of storms, the Yin Youth League leader of the UMNO (currently one of the Anwar Government Governance Alliance) has the most intense performance.He criticized Ni Kemin and Zhang Qingxin for the project of Xincun and Bak Kut Teh; after the outbreak of the "Allah" incident, he called for Muslims to resist the KK convenience store, and emphasized that the Wuqing Group was defending Malay, indigenous and Muslims at the forefront.warrior.

The head of the head of Malaysia Sudan Ibrahim's rarely intervene in the "Allah" storm, ordered all people to stop using or manipulating incidents, and called on the public to learn lessons from this storm to maintain national unity.After that, Cai Zhiquan, the founder of KK Group, and his wife were charged with "deliberately hurting others' religious emotions", and three directors of the socks were charged with teachings.The Malaysian police arrested Akma on April 5 for inciting rebellions and dissemination of offensive information.But whether the storm can calm down is still to be observed.

I believe many Singaporeans will feel that this is a strange thing.But objectively, the incident reflects the extent of the current religious emotional intensification of Malaysia.These storms also highlight the political reality of Malaysia: there are many politicians who are eager to safeguard their vested interests in the DPRK, and in the wild, there are political parties that have advocated the integration of political and religion.In this way, religion has become a political tool, and big things can be politicized and infinite.

For a diverse country, such religious emotions are dangerous.Race and religious emotions are easy to incite but difficult to calm down.Even targeting, it will leave cracks that are difficult to facilitate between different ethnic groups.Why does Malaysian politics come to this step today?It is long, but you can say a long time.The key points have been continuously governed by BN after independence.First of all, this ruling group has built racial politics from the beginning, dominated by UMNO, and implemented indigenous priority policies to gradually alienate minority races.The minority members in the Barisan Nasional have lost the support of the people because they cannot fight for legitimate rights and interests for minority groups, and are even hated.

Secondly, UMNO has gradually moved towards corruption.Corruption is the fatal injury of all political parties.Umno originally relied on the support of the Malay, but after several generations of leadership, the problem of corruption was ill, and even the former Prime Minister was imprisoned.At the same time, the treasury was hollowed out, Umno was split, and the political foundation (indigenous) was shaken, and the trees were scattered.The Islamic Party has gradually entered and gradually expands the territory, so the so -called "green tide" (color of the Iranian party flag) appeared.Some UMNO politicians tried to fight for the hearts of the Malay people through fierce remarks, but many Malay voters had cast in the embrace of the Iraqi party.For the Anwar government, this should be the biggest concern and challenge. Fortunately, it has continuously received the "blessing" of the predecessor and the current head of state.

Iraqi Party Promoting Political and Education and Education One Political Layout

This may also indicate the development trend of Malaysia's politics in the next: Islamic Party is already profitable, and naturally will continue to make persistent efforts to promote the political territory of politics and religion.The party also cleverly attracted some professionals to join the party to dilute the overly strong religious colors, and gradually attracted middle voters.At the same time, in order to compete with the Iraqi Party, the UMNO factions will inevitably play more race and religious cards, highlighting their images of noticing education.Therefore, some observers point out that political Islam is looking up in Malaysia.What is worthy of our attention is: Can the moderate power among the Malays resist the impact of the "green tide"?What impact will the rise of political Muslims on the political ecology of Malaysia?

Some political observer also noticed that Indonesia, which was originally powerful for the power of extreme Israel, has now had a tide phenomenon.The reason is that the Indonesian people are diverse. Although many people are Muslims, they are not nativeists.Secondly, it is the norm of the five principles of the founding of the country (PANCASILA) in Indonesia: First, the unique belief; 2. The humanitarianism of civilization and justice; 3. The unity of Indonesia;EssenceIn addition, the rational governance of the past few presidents has a great relationship.All this brings Indonesia's dividends that attract foreign investment and economic development.

The so -called Caesar's return to Caesar, God's return to God, the separation of politics and religion has long become the world's general trend.In today's world, there are still some feudal countries that use religion as a governance tool, but it is a minority in the end and it is difficult to last.Some feudal Arab countries have now begun to adopt more enlightened policies. For example, Saudi Arabia has quietly implemented major changes in recent years, such as no longer forced women to wear headscarves.

On May 31st last year, the Minister of the Interior and the Minister of Justice, Shang Mogan, attended the annual seminar of the Middle East Institute of the National University of Singapore.The interpretation of interaction should affect us.However, he noticed that in some places in this area, religion has been politicized, and this is not only Muslim and Buddhism, but also Christianity and Hinduism.Shang Mogan said that some politicians are promoting a way of practical beliefs, a historical interpretation of faith, and a way to distinguish themselves from others to show their religious identity.

In such a constant disturbance, it is difficult for Singapore to avoid interference and impact of many foreign political and religious factors.Singaporeans must strictly adhere to the bottom line of religious tolerance.At the moment of Singapore's division, it has implemented a diversified policy that is different from the racial politics of Malaysia. It has treated equally to all ethnic groups and religions, and gives the Chinese people's religious belief freedom.But this freedom is based on the basis of mutual tolerance. If you lose this foundation, it is difficult to build and maintain a harmonious society.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress