The quality of life surveys launched by the Singapore National University Business School in 2022 shows that compared with the 2011 and 2016 surveys, the index of Chinese people in the three aspects of happiness, satisfaction and accomplishment of achievement have declined.Compared with 2016, the index of happiness and accomplishment fell nearly 50%, while life satisfaction fell more than 30%.

This survey result is not surprising.Prior to this, some cross -border surveys showed that although the per capita income of Singaporean citizens ranked at the forefront of the world, the happiness of the Chinese people lags behind many countries.The torment of the crown disease, the broken global supply chain has led to the rise in living expenses, and the global turbulent situation, which makes the Chinese people unhappy.

Researchers at the National University of Commerce pointed out that in the 2022 survey, Chinese people are most satisfied with family relationships, and the most dissatisfied is family income.This is consistent with the results of the past three investigations.Dissatisfaction with family income reflects Chinese people's concerns about rising living expenses.

In terms of economic development, Singapore has entered the first world, and the income of Chinese people has also increased, so living expenses cannot stay at the level of the third world.However, in the past two or three years, medical expenses, food prices, housing prices, and transportation costs have been raised in an all -round way, and the interaction impact has led to a spiral increase in living expenses.Although the nominal salary of the Chinese people has increased, after deducting inflation, the actual salary in 2023 is negative.

Singapore has no natural resources, and the necessities and food must rely on foreign entrances, so they are deeply influenced by global inflation.Even so, Chinese people's concerns about rising medical expenditures and the decline in happiness may have a long -term impact on the country and individuals.

The National Population Health Survey released by the Ministry of Health shows that the poor psychological health ratio of Chinese people has increased from 13.4%in 2020 to 17%in 2022.On the other hand, according to the estimates of Duke -National University of Singapore's National University of Medicine and Psychological Health, the total value of anxiety and depression to Singapore each year is about 15.7 billion yuan, which is equivalent to 2.9%of the GDP.

The government has made a lot of efforts in alleviating the living expenses of Chinese people to give the Chinese people's general allowance, including neighborhood shopping vouchers, cash subsidies, house miscellaneous fees and water and electricity costs, and health savings.Press the cost of imported goods.In addition, it actively promotes economic transformation and creates more high -quality and high -paying tasks for the people to deal with rising living expenses.

The global economic environment is becoming increasingly unstable, and the inflation momentum has not been reduced. It is believed that the government will continue to make greater efforts to reduce the anxiety of Chinese people and improve their sense of happiness.In addition to giving terminal consumer allowances, officials may consider assisting enterprises from upstream to reduce operating costs to prevent merchants from passing costs to consumers.

Happiness is both an objective existence and a subjective feeling.In addition to working hard to increase their ability and income, Chinese people can also make adjustments in mentality.Contentive Changle, learn to be grateful, cherish what existing, will help improve happiness.Singapore's good public security, high level of medical services, and good schools and residents have their house plans. These should not be taken for granted.

In addition, it is the foundation of helping others.Researchers at the National University of Business School pointed out that those who are willing to help others and those who have empathy, have a high sense of accomplishment and life satisfaction.They suggested that Chinese people participate in volunteer services to improve happiness.

The results of the happiness of the National University of Business School are frustrated, but the researchers also found some highlights.Among them, Singaporeans are very satisfied with their family relationships, and Chinese people who attach importance to family and social participation are better than other groups in all aspects.In addition, despite the decline in happiness, the Chinese are generally satisfied with life.

Measure the development level of a country, not only at its total domestic product, but also the satisfaction of the people for life.The proposal of the concept of happiness is to avoid excessive emphasis on economic development and ignore the quality of life and feelings of the people, or just pursue numbers simply, and even build economic development on the pain of the people.However, economic development and happiness are not mutually exclusive, but complement each other.From this perspective, the reasons for the decline of the happiness of the Chinese people deserve further in -depth research to find appropriate countermeasures.