For those who have not mastered basic skills, AI may deprive them of the opportunity to learn hard work; and the skills that can benefit endlessly are often the ability to gain hard work.

Temasek Elementary School's group of primary three to primary five students used artificial intelligence tools to make an e -book about local sustainable development last year.The "Stable Diffusion" tools they use are generated by generating AI, which generates the desired images through input prompts.

According to the description of the web journal " ", students learned from the process, if given it, give it to give it.Excessive and general hints cannot show images that can vividly convey the theme.Although the original image does not necessarily come from students, the quality of the finished product depends on how specific and detailed the prompts that students can give.

Teachers believe that in this process of learning and using AI, students can break through the limitations of reality, exert creativity, and use continuous attempts to turn their imaginative ideas into reality.In this case, using AI, you must not only use AI to find the answer, but also give a prompt to ask the question.

Chen Zhensheng recently stepped in in Congress ’s relevant students in Congress in the future.When the workplace should deal with questions that require AI skills work, the school emphasizes that the school focuses on cultivating the core skills behind the operation technology, not the technology itself.Therefore, the school may not be specially taught, but the skills of mathematics, logical thinking and computing behind the teaching students.

When the influence of AI is overwhelming, people naturally pay attention to how to let students get on this train to learn and use new skills to meet the needs of future workplace.Many schools have allowed students to use AI tools to assist their homework and learning. The online education platform of private institutions also uses AI to provide personalized teaching.But does mainstream education be quickly reforming to catalyze the application of AI?

Utilizing the existing AI technology -assisted learning tasks, many times do more effort.However, for those who have not mastered basic skills, AI may deprive them of the opportunity to learn hard work; and the skills that make people have endless benefits are often the ability to gain hard work.If there is a computer, students still have to remember to multiply the number table; the mathematical examination papers in primary and secondary schools have still retained the test papers that cannot be used for computers, because the process of solving the problem is often more important than answers.

Private online education platforms can be used in terms of AI and walk fast, but school teaching may not be advanced.Teachers and students may be allowed to test and explore to find a way to make students truly benefit.Chen Zhensheng pointed out that the school currently helps students grasp AI through learning programs suitable for different ages.This step -by -step direction can be said to be correct. If you blindly use AI to achieve your goals and shortcuts faster, you will lose your valuable learning experience.

When deciding whether to use AI to complete a certain learning task, it may be possible to ask themselves first, will this use process be taken away from students' precious learning opportunities?After all, the gain of learning is not only getting the answer.

Use AI to learn, there are also moral criteria that cannot be ignored.This means that users not only have core skills, but also have core values as the lead in order to stand firm and position.In this regard, it is not possible to solve the student's entry class about AI ethics alone. Instead, it is necessary to do it in the school and parents, to seduce the good, establish the moral line and values in the child's heart, and cultivate the ability to distinguish it.

While helping students to master artificial intelligence, teachers can also teach them to use artificial intelligence safely and responsiblely.This is why AI can create a "super tutoring teacher" on the virtual platform, leading students to think, and answering questions according to ability, but cannot replace the temperature that traditional teachers conveyed to students in their faith and enthusiasm.

To allow the development of AI to meet specific values and specifications, it is not just what the school wants to do. The government launched the national artificial intelligence strategy 2.0 last year. One of the goals is to create a AI environment for trust and security.Develop and apply AI with responsible ways.In the long run, this receiver who benefits students will not ignore the morality and ethical thinking behind them when they will invest in a comprehensive artificial intelligence environment in the future, or become the pioneers of new technology.