The 2024 election in Taiwan will be kept by the DPP to keep the Kuomintang return to the largest party of Congress. At the same timeEssence

The dust of Taiwan and the Legislative Yuan was settled last Saturday. Lai Qingde of the DPP still was still elected as president with a voting rate of 40 % of the votes in the triangular war under the rotation of 60 %.In the next four years, there will be a fragile government in Taiwan.However, under the dangerous cross -strait situation and geographical politics, democratic practice is still tough, and it has also achieved achievements in construction, epidemic prevention and scientific and technological governance, which once again proves that it is a model of democracy in the global Chinese world.In a solid and tough democratic system, although the government power is scattered on the surface is fragile, it is essentially conducive to the expression of diversified value.

DPP has lost its annual light votes and intermediate voters in the 2024 election due to the burden of governance in the past eight years.It's not very successful.Although Lai Qingde has won the election, it does not mean that Taiwanese voters have sent strong information against China. The election reflects more internal value differences. The outside world should not be interpreted in the direction of the unity, although cross -strait relations will be maintained in a cold state.

In any case, the Democratic Progressive Party has continuously won the presidential election and is expected to continue to rulge for 16 years. In the future, the party's core value, such as the route of de -Chinaization and transformation, will continue to deepen and implement in Taiwan society.

Lai Qingde's voting rate is only 1 percentage point of Chen Shui -bian's votes than in the 2000 election. On the contrary, Ke Wenzhe, a one -person party, in the same scenario of the three people.23%higher.The main topic of the current presidential election is not cross -strait and war confrontation, but reflects the differences between Taiwanese society in value and justice. A large number of young voters are dissatisfied with the righteousness of residence, the distribution of income, and the tearing of political parties.This is also the structural background of Ke Wenzhe's rise in the confusion of the prospects using the young middle -class power.To this end, Lai Qingde not only lost more than 2 million youth votes, became a few presidents, but also lost the majority in Congress, increasing the difficulty of future governance.

Lai Qingde is the first president of the DPP's new trend.The new trend was the most organized faction of the party's organizational strength and combat effectiveness. It has a solid line of concept. It has a strong posture in power competition.Lai Qingde led the new trend to capture the presidential position, and has a side with paranoia, uncompromising, and lack of communication in personality. In the future, when the party department, Beijing officials and social differences in the futureThere may be conflicts.However, the new trend department has been damaged in the parliamentary elections, and it has also exacerbated Lai Qingde's power of power.

Under the momentum of the Democratic Progressive Party, although the Kuomintang has grown in Congress, he stopped before the Presidential Palace three times in a row. The senior management must pay the price to nominate a candidate who is not ready -Hou Youyi is not suitableThe presidential election campaign pays attention to personality traits.The Kuomintang has complicated faction interests and personal selfish calculations, abandoning candidates with open and transparent primary elections, and losing opportunities to integrate inside and outside the party.If Guo Taiming is nominated on the same day, there will be greater opportunities for cooperation between non -green camps, and the election may be more in line with Taiwan's mainstream public opinion.

The biggest highlight of the Taiwan election in 2024 is actually the rise of the people's party. After the election, Ke Wenzhe may win in the short term, but due to the election system, it is not optimistic to shake the party system for a long time.The people's party has a few key minority in the Legislative Yuan with a three -party party; Ke Wenzhe has elasticity, power change and witty personality, and it is also suitable for survival and expansion in a small situation.However, the single small constituency system stifled the long -term survival of the third party, and Ke especially needed to break through the existing presidential election system. If the National and Democratic Party is promoted to promote the two rounds of voting systems, it can help the small parties' coexistence.

Tsai Ing -wen has been in power for eight years, and has been stable and successful in relations with the United States. In the future, the DPP will maintain consistency in Taiwan and the United States. Vice President Xiao Meiqin will be authorized by more foreign affairs.For Washington, if the election of the pro -China parties will cause the current Indo -Pacific strategy to have a gap, which does not meet the geopolitical interests of the United States.However, cross -strait relations are expected to be more backward than the current. Beijing will be more hostile and isolated by the Lai Qingde government, including the cancellation of the Cross -Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) early collection list discount, which will also affect Taiwan's joining the comprehensive progress agreement for cross -Pacific partners (CPTPPPP)Opportunity.

Some Southeast Asian countries hope that the East Asian situation will remain stable and expected, but it is not dominated by a single strong power.A Taipei government that can talk to Beijing but not excessive pouring will be more in line with the expectations of Southeast Asia.

The 2024 election in Taiwan, the Democratic Progressive Party retains the Presidential President and allows the Kuomintang to return to the largest party of Congress. At the same time, the people's party has mastered the key minority. In fact, it is a manifestation of the separation of power, reflecting the toughness and diversity of Taiwan's democracy.The reason why this is important is because Taiwan is currently the only region in the Chinese world that maintains speech and ideology. The sustainability and tenacity of Taiwan's democracy can ensure the culture, creation, publishing and academic freedom of the global Chinese world, and it is worth cherishing and maintenance.