Active voting has a minimum benefit, that is, letting political parties clearly see what most voters care about and do not want anything. Even if voters express are only closely related to individuals, it is also what the political party has to formulate policies to considerImportant elements.

This year is the global election year. Times magazine is estimated to have at least 64 countries plus the European Union. From the beginning of the year to the end of the year, it involves half of the world's population. It should be the largest election year in history.

From various surveys and historical experience, young votes are valued in each country.Young people or the population below the middle age are different in the proportion of countries. Generally speaking, the population from legal voting to the age of 40 accounts for about 30,000 to 40 %.About 60 % of the age of age is enough to completely affect political orientation.This is not unusual in the era of infant tide, but now the richer countries are old.

Political parties from various countries generally do not dare to ignore young voters, because they are the backbone of society, and the years of voting in the future are still very long, and negative impressions cannot be left.They often have old and small, and they are the core of the country's economy and labor, and they are both taxpayers and social resources demanders.They have enthusiasm and motivation to various issues and theoretically.If not, there are several reasons: the policy is good or the direction is correct, and it will not cause anger and dissatisfaction (this is the biggest motivation to focus on politics); the policy is not good or bad.The degree of participation is not high; there are too many faults of bad policies, the political environment is severe, and the oppression is too much. The young people feel hopeless and choose to lie flat.

Regardless of the rich and poor countries, many problems in this generation are actually very similar: employment, salary, housing, childcare education, etc., and everything can be attributed to the economy.The state's economic strength and economic distribution determine whether social policies can be done and do well.Another affecting them is politics. Last year, Joint Morning Post reader Zhao Min voted His inscriptions show the far -reaching impact of politics on the country.Nigeria, which was founded almost at the same time as Singapore, was numerous times of resources in all aspects. However, the lives of the two peoples went to each other for 10 years, and the biggest was the leadership quality and political determination.

There are also many cases in Southeast Asia. Myanmar and Cambodia have always been the hometown of fish and rice. Today, the younger generation does not have a good life.On the right track of the sharing, the family and the friends of the people who are in power sitting in Jinshan Yinshan.

Rejecting voting has also caused public opinion to be unable to be fully presented, especially the young generation. It always refuses to vote because he cannot understand the complex politics, dissatisfaction with the status quo of the economy and life or candidate.However, not voting will lead to the increasingly speculative of political parties and politicians, with simple political platforms, slogans, and even open lies.Once they are elected, the people who do not vote will bear the long -lasting fruit for several years or even longer.Brexit is the result.

Active voting has a minimum benefit, that is, letting political parties clearly see what most voters care about and do not want anything. Even if voters express are only closely related to individuals, it is also an important element that political parties have to consider.The voting rate of European countries is generally not high. Political parties have formulated immigration policies that do not meet the interests of the majority of people. It has long caused social contradictions and sharpness. In turn, voters in turn should be selected by another extreme political party to compete, which is an example.

Therefore, young votes are important, but can young people understand the slogan or political platform of political parties?Do you have your own ideas?Whether you can actively care about politics and cherish the right to vote is critical to the improvement of the democratic system.Behind young people's thoughts, you can see a certain sense of mentor or social modeling. Whether it is from society or books and the media, can those people really give meaningful guidance?Especially in the complex topics of economics, politics, society, education, and many comprehensive considerations that must be comprehensively considered.Many so -called social models are good at moving to use advanced national examples to lobby their own people, but they cannot distinguish between the differences, or they cannot propose new thinking tailored for their own country.This was no exception in the history of the Communist movement decades ago.

Therefore, the habit of actively developing self -study by young generations is very important, because politics and economy can never move hard, care about the lives and futures of themselves and their families, and then explore the national prospects.The textbooks are not related to their own inconsistent things, and imagine the morality and value suitable for their society.The value of left -wing socialist values behind many contemporary policies still need to be quenched for longer, including radical environmental protectionism, and so on.

But the democratic system that maintains personal dignity and freedom is the values that have been affirmed by the wise wise men and wise men for hundreds of years, and the policy path based on this is undoubted.In addition, specific policies must be based on reality.

In the structure of voters, the social classes of the elderly are basically solidified. They are almost clear about the prospects of career and family conditions.Become the so -called basic disk.Conversely, the younger generation has longing for the future, more concerned about gains and losses. They are more sensitive to the loss and lack of policy. They are more concerned about the fairness of politics and the gap between the rich and the poor.Source of free tickets.

A standard for verifying politics and badness is that if most people have become worse and worse from young to old, there are problems with politics; otherwise, they are on the right way.If you haven't seen your future, you can see the elderly around you.