Source: China News Agency

At the beginning of the New Year, the information of eight college students' proposed transfers of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission's official website has aroused public opinion. In particular, some students transferred from Tsinghua University to a school in Hangzhou, and they have discussed a lot on the Internet.

Studying a famous school is the dream of the majority of students.However, the "Xueba" of the top academic institution applied for a relatively low popularity of schools, which was called "reverse transfer" by the people.The topic once appeared on the hot search on social network platforms, causing widespread discussion.

The Chinese education department has clearly stipulated in the transfer of college students.According to the management regulations of ordinary colleges and universities that have been implemented on September 1, 2017 after the revision, if they are ill or have special difficulties or special needs, they cannot continue to study in the school or not meet the requirements of the school, and they can apply for transfer.

In order to maintain the teaching order and ensure the fairness of education, the regulations also clarify the six situations that must not be transferred, including "the college entrance examination results are lower than the admission results of the corresponding year of the same life in the relevant major of the school" "Admitted "and so on.

Under the guidance of this regulation, the education departments and universities in many places have issued relevant work opinions or management methods.According to a reporter from China News Agency, Beijing, Shanghai, Shandong, Fujian, Sichuan and other places have issued work opinions on the transfer of college students in recent years.

Education departments and universities in various places and universities are based on the transfer conditions prescribed by the Ministry of Education and the prohibition, and propose detailed measures in accordance with the local and school conditions.

For example, the Beijing Education Commission's opinions on the transfer of students' transfer of ordinary colleges and universities also mentioned that graduate students who apply for transfer need to be transferred to the professional assessment or academic level assessment organized by the school degree assessment committee; the Shanghai Education CommitteeThe relevant work opinions also mentioned that if the sources of college entrance examinations for the college entrance examination of the college entrance examination are the provinces of the college entrance examination, it must also meet the requirements of the selection subjects.

In addition, Shanghai University's provisions of the transfer of foreign students mentioned that graduate students must have certain academic results, such as master students published at least 1 CSSCI, SSCI or SCI papers with the first author.

Observation relevant regulations can be found that university students can only choose schools with lower admission scores at the same grade, or schools with lower admission scores.The so -called "reverse transfer", although the reputation of school in the hearts of the people is different, it is in line with the regulations.

In fact, Tsinghua University students are not a case.In January and July 2023, the official website of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission also issued a public announcement of college students across provinces, including students transferred from well -known universities such as Peking University and Renmin University of China.

Although there is a law for transfer, the transfer of prestigious students still regrets some people.Some netizens believe that students have entered a prestigious school for more than ten years. In addition to their own efforts, they also pay for parents and middle school teachers.

But many netizens expressed their understanding that it is a pragmatic and humane arrangement to give college students under certain conditions.

Some netizens said that in order to broaden their horizons, some college students chased their poems and distant places. When they encountered problems such as soil and water, they were difficult to overcome, and they chose to transfer to their hometown.As long as the parties make rational choices based on the actual situation, they should be respected.

Xie Mingkun, a special researcher at the National Institute of Systems of Zhejiang University, believes that in the context of the popularization of higher education in China, it is necessary to provide students with multiple choices.Among the huge higher education groups, the individual differences are very large. As long as the college students' transfer across provinces meet the regulations, it should be reasonable.

Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Education and Science, believes that higher education is just a process of life. Personal growth and evaluation have multiple dimensions and stages. The society should respect the choice of starting from individual needs.If students choose the direction that suits them, it is not reverse, but forward.