On New Year's Day this year, Taiwan Tsai Ing -wen made the last new year's conversation during her tenure.One of the keywords of the conversation is the "world".

She mentioned that the people of Taiwan "participated in the changes in the world, and participated in the change of the world."The so -called Taiwan goes to the world, implying the negation of its former Kuomintang Ma Ying -jeou "to China first, and then to the world".

In the New Year's Day conversation, Tsai Ing -wen used "Taiwan's Taiwan", which refers not only to Taiwan that the world knows, but also the Taiwan that attracts the world."Taiwan's Taiwan" is actually a negation of "Taiwan in China", and it also implies the negation of the "1992 Consensus".It is of similar significance to "independent Taiwan".

Individual terms in Cai Yingwen's talks need to be translated.Why can the "world" mentioned above be translated?It can be translated as "world outside China), and sometimes it can be translated as" out of China "(the Bible is from Egypt).In this way, "Taiwan's Taiwan" can be understood as Taiwan outside China or Taiwan in China."Taiwan to the world" can be understood as a world outside China or Taiwan to China.Similarly, "the world has also entered Taiwan" can be understood as a world outside China and also entered Taiwan.Similar to the previous Lee Teng -hui and others, Cai Yingwen continued to lead Taiwan to "out of China" during his tenure (she mentioned "the shadow of the authoritarian China" in the 2022 New Year's conversation) -pal maybe she has some restraint and it is not very very very very very very restrained.High -profile, but really made progress.

The president who will step down also said: "Facing the re -conflict between global democracy and freedom and authoritarianism, in the future, Taiwan's only choice is to continue to adhere to democracy and guard peace." Cai Yingwen said the "world"It is linked to democracy and freedom; and the "China" in her mouth (in this conversation that she does not use the mainland or mainland China), it is linked to authoritarianism.Taiwan's "out of China" also refuses to join the authoritarian country (or authoritarian camp).In her opinion, the conflict between Taiwan and China can be placed in a large framework of the democratic world and authoritarian China.

Regarding the Cai Yingwen route, her own definition is "calm, stable, trusted, and going to the world."It includes "going to the world", that is, to go outside China (the world).In this election of Taiwan, Tsai Ing -wen believes that the people of Taiwan have chosen in "Continue to the World" and "Going from the World".The so -called "getting out of the world" can be understood as moving towards mainland China or even locked into mainland China.Choosing the Democratic Progressive Party Lai Qingde is to choose "Continue to the World" and choose the Cai Yingwen route; while the Kuomintang Hou Youyi or the people's party Ke Wenzhe is the opposite.Cai Yingwen obviously believes that the victory or defeat of this election can continue whether the route can be continued.

The Democratic Progressive Party Lai Qingde claimed on January 3 that he and Xiao Meiqin continued the Cai Yingwen route best and led Taiwan to continue to move forward.If Lai Qingde was elected as the top leader of Taiwan, he should continue to lead Taiwan to "out of China", that is, to the world.The Taiwan Strait will continue to be high, but it will not become a gunpowder barrel in East Asia for a while.

Ke Wenzhe, a presidential candidate for the Taiwan People's Party, also stated that he "Foreign Military is in accordance with Cai Yingwen's route", but does not agree with Cai's "cross -strait relations and internal affairs treatment."Perhaps his understanding of the Cai Yingwen route is there any problem: Tsai Ing -wen's diplomatic route, military route, and cross -strait routes are basically the same, and they can be said to be a "out of China" (and anti -medium) routes.Tsai Ing -wen, who is about to step down, should not think that Ke Wenzhe (if he was elected) would really inherit her route.Therefore, in the campaign of her and Xiao Meiqin's candidate with the Candidate and Vice President of the DPP and the Democratic Progressive Party and Vice President and Vice President, a blue truck and a white car appeared in the backward mirror on the road, hinting that the Kuomintang and the People's PartyWalking in the opposite direction of Cai Yingwen's route -that is, "moving towards mainland China."

If the Kuomintang Hou Youyi wins, its cross -strait route will return to the Ma Ying -jeou route to a fairly extent, and the Cai Yingwen route should be abandoned.However, eight years after Tsai Ing -wen led Taiwan to "go to the world" and "out of China", how likely to go back in Taiwan?The results of the election will inform the answer to this question.

The author is the time of the travel and the interilateral relations of cross -strait relations