On the evening of January 13, the results of the election voting in Taiwan in 2024 were announced.The Democratic Progressive Party candidate Lai Qingde and Xiao Meiqin won about 40%of the votes, and the Kuomintang Hou Youyi and Zhao Shaokang and the People's Party's Ke Wenzhe and Wu Xinying were elected as the new president.

Lai Qingde, who wins, said: "Between democracy and authoritarian power, we (Taiwanese) choose to stand on the side of democracy." During the campaign of Lai Qingde and the DPP, they always advertised their respect for "free democracy values".And defend.Chinese political oppositions and overseas people also generally support Lai Qingde and regard victory as a victory of democracy. They believe that Lai's election will defend the freedom of Taiwan and the entire Asia Pacific.

In the author's opinion, this election is not so much "the victory of freedom and democracy", it is better to say that the identity of the "Taiwanese" identity has risen, and the populist of "identity politics" is the victory of "identity politics".

First of all, no matter Lai Qingde, Hou Youyi, Ke Wenzhe, the three and the camps, there is no claim that it advocates authoritarian authority. On the contrary, it is clearly supported, participating in, and defending democracy.In Taiwan's internal political competition, it is a contest of different democratic factions, not the confrontation between democracy and non -democratic owners.

Of course, Lai Qingde's supporters claim to "democratic confrontation authority" as a reason for mainland China as a reason.However, the long -term influence of mainland China has just hoped to promote the opposition to Taiwan independence and the friendly forces that are more friendly to mainland China. It has not changed Taiwan's democratic system.

The author does not deny that there are indeed Taiwanese and foreign forces from Taiwan worrying about the expansion of mainland China and harming Taiwan's freedom and democracy. They chose to support the DPP and promote Cai Yingwen to Lai Qingde for three consecutive days.But the author does not think that this is the decisive factor that contributed to the victory of the DPP.

The real decisiveness is the success of the DPP based on Taiwan's localism, the identity of the "Taiwanese" identity, and the success of anti -"Greater China".

Since the establishment of the Democratic Progressive Party, it has been advertised as a party representing the interests of the people of Taiwan, and Taiwan's independence and "Taiwan Priority" as the core appeal.Although sometimes it is low -key on the issue of Taiwan independence due to practical considerations, it is always seeking and defending "substantial Taiwan independence."The public opinion foundation advocated by Taiwan independence is based on the identity identity of the "Taiwanese" and "Taiwanese nation" and the exclusion position of the "Republic of China" and "Chinese nation".

The Democratic Progressive Party and supporters are the identification of the "Taiwanese" and the rejection of "Greater China".Internal foreign policy claims.

Taiwan is not only geographically separated from mainland China, but also has a long time in history that it does not belong to the same regime as mainland China.Therefore, many Taiwanese identity and emotional links are very different from the Chinese people.Prior to the "solving strictness" in Taiwan in 1987, the Kuomintang regime suppressed Taiwan's local and independent trends through mandatory means, but it also formed the differences and opposition between "foreign provinces (moved to Taiwan after 1945)" and "the province".

This has become the foundation of the Democratic Progressive Party and fighting against the Kuomintang's public opinion.Since the 1990s, the Democratic Progressive Party has promoted the banner of Taiwan's localism in the "Taiwan nation", and has criticized the Kuomintang "selling" and "pro -China", which has tended to be Greater China.Most of them support.Especially in southern Taiwan, which is mainly based on the "province" and before the "solution", it has become the iron ticket warehouse of the Democratic Progressive Party.

Compared with the pan -free and democracy and the distinguishing between the specific policies of various parties, the voters based on "identity politics" standing are easier and firm.The reason why "identity politics" is easy to use is because it meets the characteristics of human nature and the needs of reality in many ways."Identity politics" simplifies complex issues into conflicts of people with different identities, which is in line with the nature of "the party with the party".Homogeneous groups do have more common languages, common values, and common interests.People with different physical characteristics, religious beliefs, and cultural customs often naturally have a gap and conflict.

The hatred caused by discrimination and disputes has further strengthened similar identity and unity, as well as stronger hostility and exclusion to heterosexuality.Under this vicious circle, it is difficult for most people to break away, but they are deeply wrapped and participated in further.This gives more opportunities and resources that encouraging the opposite party.

For most people, due to personal conditions, they lack the interest, abilities, and patience of understanding specific government affairs.If "identity politics" allows people to understand and do in accordance with their identity, beliefs, and positions.But in this way, right and wrong became unimportant, and the position is greater than everything.

In the past, many people who were not interested in politics were "awakened" under the influence of "identity politics", "understanding" their identity and "value", and a sense of responsibility and pride as a certain identity, and enthusiastically participated in participationPolitical activities and actively voting for individuals and political parties who "represent yourself".

This "identity politics" often has strong populist colors. The encouraging people deliberately ignore the objective reality and refuse to discuss rational discussion. On the contrary, they often stir up the emotions of the people and let the people vote irregularly under impulses.

"identity politics" has become popular in the world in recent years, such as the 2016 US elections, Brexit, and the rise of the Aoban regime in Hungary, etc., have all related to "identity politics".

Taiwan is no exception.Because of the gap between "people in the province" and "people from other provinces", arguments on "independence" and "unity", the choice between "Greater China" and "Taiwan nation", as well as the rights of same -sex marriage and LGBT rights, mainland China and China and ChinaDifferent from Taiwan relations and foreign policies have caused tear in Taiwanese society.The long -term "blue -green fighting" in Taiwan's political arena is a typical manifestation.

In recent years, the Democratic Progressive Party's further growth is precisely because of the increasingly increased ratio of the "Taiwanese", the deterioration of cross -strait relations under the political changes of mainland China, and the inevitable result of Taiwan's left -wing population.Under this premise, the DPP's "iron ticket warehouse" has not moved regardless of the specific policies proposed by the Kuomintang and the People's Party.

On the contrary, the Democratic Progressive Party, including the use of the use of Taiwanese people to propagate "unified" in mainland China and the tiredness of the Kuomintang's conservative tendency, exaggerate the mainland government's threat to Taiwan, and will bring Taiwan's localism and "anti -communist"."Defending democracy" is linked to further support.

This election, a reporter from Liberal Liberty in Mainland China interviewed many DPP supporters in Taiwan.Democracy is not democratic is the Chinese people's own affairs "" I only care about Taiwan's national affairs "," I am not care other countries (Mainland China) affairs ", etc., which shows the vitality of some Taiwanese population.The author himself has also encountered similar, strongly denied that he was a "Chinese", emphasized his "Taiwanese" identity, and eager to cut with mainland China.It is such voters that while passionate opposition to mainland China, they also passionately support the DPP of the "Anti -China -China Baozai", which has achieved Lai Qingde's victory.

In the face of "identity politics" and populist wave, the Kuomintang and the People's Party have also participated and cope.For example, Ke Wenzhe relied on personal charm and idolized itself, with a slogan beyond the traditional blue -green political pattern, and received a lot of support.Hou Youyi and Zhao Shaokang worked hard to create the image of "grounding", and mobilized the "iron ticket warehouse" with "anti -Taiwan independence".However, the national two parties are obviously not as good as the DPP's manipulation of populism. In addition, the general trend in Taiwan and abroad is eventually defeated.

So, this time in the Taiwan election, what really decides to win or defeat is not who cares more about freedom and democracy, but who isThe specific identity group represented is more powerful, who is more familiar with "identity politics" to mobilize the public and encourage populism, who can use the anxiety of the people in Taiwan and the tension of the Asia -Pacific situation.The DPP claimed that the "victory of freedom and democracy" and "defending universal values" are just beautiful packaging covered with populist row.

This kind of political competition and election based on identity and populism, although there is an objective necessity and value, in the final analysis, it is a bad political atmosphere.Under the influence of global identity politics and populist waves, Taiwan is indeed difficult to be alone.However, people with insight, especially Taiwan's political elites, should not be allowed or even intend to abuse and beautify, but should bear greater responsibilities and considers more long -term pros and cons.

The zero -sum game under different groups and zero -sum games under political polarization cannot bring long -lasting peace to the Taiwan Strait, but will bring various uncertainty and danger.Taiwan's unhealthy political body will not be truly cured because of the "freedom democracy" brand "beauty agent" powder. On the contrary, it will cover up the disease that transides the bone marrow from the bone marrow.

As for how to realize Taiwan's political health and peace in Taiwan, this long -lasting issue, the author is difficult for the author to describe it, and it needs the joint efforts of all parties.