The American media have chosen the side stations, which not only causes internal personnel to pour, and further exacerbate political confrontation and social tear, forming a vicious circle.They originally worshiped the objective and fair principles of Guiyi, and they had already passed away with this crooked wind.In this case, can the US media still want foreign media to accept their value?What else is there to point to others?

Time has passed so fast, the New Year is here again.Looking back at the articles published in this column in the past year, and found one of the "foreshadowing" buried in it, as I expected to have subsequent development.

That was the first column last year. Published on January 14th, entitled to the left and right attacks -the "Lianhe Morning News", which was selected by the end of the year, was said to be two mutual newspapers.The accusations of the opposing camp, one party refers to it "pro -China", but the other party blames it to "anti -China".This situation in the Morning Post reflects the situation of Singapore to some extent.

One of the main groups in the Morning Post is the mainstream of the West.My article suddenly "interest" from a major newspaper in the United States, realizing that it was not good, indicating that it would have action. In these texts, the foreshadowing was buried:

"On the occasion of the end of the year of the tiger, a well -known newspaper in the United States suddenly became interested in the Morning Post.The issue of foreign influence, talk about the history and character of the morning newspaper '...

"Unsurprisingly, after the politeness, the topic of access gradually focused on whether there are self -examination of Chinese reports and comments on the Morning Post's reports and comments.Independent newspapers that people are looking at are not Chinese media or 'overseas Chinese newspaper'. The reason why it has attracted countless eyes from China under the unintentional insertion and has become a popular newspaper that is popular with Chinese readers. It is precisely because it uses the third eye to see it.China, adhering to professional principles and objective attitudes, reports and commented on China; the Morning Post knows that this is the greatest value of its major Chinese and overseas Chinese readers.

"The so -called Morning Post is accused by the influence of the mainland government, which is the wind, there is nothing ...

"Although I repeatedly declare, how the newspaper will report this interview, of course, it depends on the attitude of the US headquarters."

Huayai's deliberate separation plan

The newspaper I didn't name at the time was the Washington Post.Later, I learned that after the newspaper interviewed me at the end of the year, it took half a year to conduct an unannounced interview with the Morning Post throughout the year.The echo of standing, in Singapore's long reports in Singapore, Loud Echoes of Beijing's Positives Generate Anxiety.This "survey report" claims that the Morning Post has transformed from the careful maintenance of the neutral Singapore's official position between China and the United States and transforming to "daily echoing some of the most harsh false words in Beijing", including denying that Xinjiang Xinjiang has affected human rights violations of human rights violations.The evidence, as well as the demonstrations that appear in Hong Kong and mainland China are agreed by "foreign forces".

So sensational accusations, the influential newspaper from the English world naturally caused a lot of response.

The first feeling I read this report at that time was that the newspaper actually had a preset position, and the position was first. Based on this, the prerequisite was established to find an interview object and "search evidence".The "conclusions" that finally reached the event can support the preset position.As an interviewee, my strongest feeling is that the Singaporean agent of the newspaper has no interest in the arguments and facts proposed by me.Experience and observation told me that she just regarded the interview as a "balance movement" as a must -have.But I don't blame her, as I said in the article, how this report is out of the street, which eventually depends on her American boss.

Lianhe Zaobao's serious accusation of the newspaper quickly responded quickly, saying that the relevant report "uses its established thinking and its own agenda, set a report perspective and method to start organizational materials and demonstrations, and to United to United to United, and to the United Union to the United Union.The Morning Post has made a lot of biased comments and unfair statements, which is regrettable. "

It is worth noting that the Singapore government has not won the "separated plan" of the newspaper, thinking that the Morning Post has separated from "the official position of Singapore, which is carefully maintained between China and the United States."Singapore's ambassador to the United States, Lu De, wrote a letter to the editor -in -chief of Huahua Post on July 26, saying that the two reporters written by the newspaper reported that the joint morning newspaper echoed Beijing's official propaganda.

He said: "American news media expects United Zaobao to follow the Washington Post, or Singapore to imitate the United States or China, it is the expectation of misplacement. Our media and society are unique. They provide valuable views and do global dialogue.Contributions. "He also pointed out that during his previous Ambassador to China, readers who often heard different nationalities have expressed affirmation of the report of the United Za poster and the unique views of the Singaporeans. Therefore, the Morning Post is straightforward.He was "not surprised."

As expected, Huaying did not publish the official response sent to it by the morning newspaper, nor did it publish the official letter sent by Lu Deyao to it.Facebook disclosed this letter.

The Singaporean government does not buy Huayou's accounts. In the way of public response, the newspaper's deliberate agreed scheme has nothing to do.

This report of Huaying naturally attracted the attention of the public opinion community. Some people in English social media followed the dancing and took the opportunity to ridicule the Morning Post. It was not surprising that many people were inconsistent with the Morning Post.

The author of the local current affairs comment, Ji Yan, pointed out in an article entitled "In the Practicing Jue: Singapore's Founding the Country" (August 9, 2023, Lianhe Zaobao): "British Communication Law and EU'sIn the media diversified and free laws, it is clearly stipulated that the report should be neutral on public issues. However, the United States has different practices, and the principles of the media's political spectrometry are obvious, so they can only seek the "balance of views between media '.Different and even opposing views are more similar to the liberal tradition of the European continent.· Laurence Silberman is called 'The Monter of the Democratic Party'. "

Chen Guoxiang, former chairman of the Taiwan Central News Agency, also published an article entitled by the American media elite superiority -On August 8, 2023, Lianhe Zaobao) pointed out: "Recently, Washington, DCAlthough the controversy between the post and Lianhe Zaobao is not completely wrong, but the key cause is purely a sense of superiority in the American elite, and the amount of value they believe in is on foreign media, and even the US interests are raised to the interestsIn universal interests, other countries and media must follow up, otherwise it is the attachment of autocratic countries ... The United States has always been a world model of freedom and democracy.The way of narrative of the incident is mostly from the US -based position and national interests, so that the diversified values of respect and other countries are increasingly declined. This kind of serious imbalance between media circulation between global countries is called 'The media imperialism ', in specific practice, is You Lie today. "

The two thesexes and the general US media must impose their own positions and value on foreign media. It is very helpful to understand the background of the China Post's accusation of the Morning Post.

Anyway, a US newspaperSuddenly, a Chinese newspaper, which has no impact on the mainstream society in the distant country, is so "lying" to investigate a lot of time and energy, which will not be accidental.In addition to being "flattered", we can't help asking: Do this try to choose the edge and pressure on Singapore in the public opinion battle of the Sino -US game?

This is not excessive sensitivity. I obviously saw a similar interpretation from Ambassador Lu's response: "American news media expects United Zaobao to follow the Washington Post, or Singapore imitates the United States or China.Expectation. "

I don't think this can be compared with the "survey reports" that often expose sore scars between American media, because that is, after all, it is their internal affairs, and it is part of the public opinion of the United States.

For example, the New York Times published a series of broken friendship behind November 15th, a series of broken friendship (Behind CNN TURMOIL, A Series of Shattert Friendships), and reported in detail CNN (American Cable Television News Network) on it.A series of major personnel changes under the leadership of the backstage owner David Zaslav have eliminated several intimate high -level high -level transitions, and the process is intricate, but the problem is that the problem of political bias is inevitable.For example, President Jeff Zucker was dismissed because he was unwilling to change the editorial policy that Zaslaf thought he had "party preferences".

The fierce struggle between the media and the interior of the media

But the New York Times itself has also become the object of being bottomed out.On December 14, the British Economist Weekly published a comments of 16,000 words, which was not ambiguous at all: when the New York Times lost direction -American media should do more work to help readers independent independence independence.The New York Times Lost ITS Way -American Media Should Do More to Equip Readers to Think for the Melves).Author James Bennet is a high school of the journal, but he is an American. He was the editor -in -chief of the New York Times Speech Edition in 2016 and was forced to resign in 2020.Therefore, although this article that exposes the old family in the old family is published in British magazines, it is actually an important chapter in the American media.

Belnett quoted a large number of internal emails in this long article, indicating that he was forced to leave the New Year's Eve, and spent a lot of in -depth discussion on the ideological prejudice in the editorial department of the newspaper, criticizing its obvious left leaning deviation, and the obvious left leaning deviation.He complained that he tried to introduce the challenges facing different views in the speech version.One of the examples was that after the letter was issued by Trump's supporters, it caused a very strong rebound inside, which eventually led him to leave.

These two high -profile essays reflect the fierce struggle between the media and the media in the political environment of the polarization of the United States.The US media have chosen the side stations, which not only causes internal personnel, and further exacerbate political confrontation and social tear, forming a vicious circle.They originally worshiped the objective and fair principles of Guiyi, and they had already passed away with this crooked wind.

In this case, can the US media still want foreign media to accept their value?What else is there to point to others?

But what we must recognize is that despite the severe differentiation in the United States, the left and right factions can fight you and die. In the geopolitical issues involving national interests, especially when facing the rise of the rise, they are still hateful to the enemy.Concern to the outside world, and even in order to fight for greater support, the party is the same, as well as the media.

The tension between China and the United States will exacerbate this year because of the Taiwan and the United States elections. The public opinion war between the two countries will also become more and more intense. It is difficult for us to avoid being affected by its smoke.Essence

The author is the editor -in -chief of the United Morning Post