The road of success in Finland can also see the footprints left by Singapore during the transformation.

The results of scientific research and development can change and benefit the society, but the cultivation of scientific research talents is a long journey.In addition to cultivating early cultivation, more importantly is to provide various support for talents along the way, including scholarships, research funds, and opportunities to work in the R & D institution;Essence

This is the Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Economic Policy The focus of speeches on the opening ceremony of the Global Youth Scientist Summit .This reminds me of Finland, who had just traveled last month, today Finland can provide an annotation for Vice Premier Wang's statement.

Finland is a model of self -reliance and prosperity of small nations.In countries with more than 55 million people, insufficient labor is always a problem. Therefore, it must make full use of limited human resources and develop industries with high returns.In order to improve the productivity of the labor team, everyone must receive the best education.The government gives a generous allowance to public schools, and private schools also enjoy the same government allowance, but they cannot arbitrarily increase tuition fees or increase students' economic burden.Teachers are a respected and high -salary industry. After strict selection, they generally come from outstanding graduates from outstanding colleges.

Under high -quality education, Finland has trained the world's most productive nationals, and the population of engineers accounts for the highest population in the world.In terms of technology technology, it is the world's leader. Exports account for half of the GDP (GDP), mainly technology products, such as heavy machines, and Nokia mobile phones that once occupied the world's mobile phone market.

The investment and development of government and private enterprises account for 3.5%of GDP. Excellent education system and high investment in research and development have transformed Finland from a agricultural country to high -tech to high -tech within half a century.Industry country.Today's Finland is one of the richest countries in the world.

The road of success in Finland can also see the footprints left by Singapore during the transformation.

Professor Jared Diamond of the University of California, the University of California, Los Angeles, in the book of how a country where the works of the turbulence should be under turbulence (UPHEAVAL: How Nations Cope with Crisis and Change ", in order to use,Examples of six countries, from a historical perspective, how they seize the opportunity of the times from the crisis and get out of their predicament.Finland's modern story is more inspiring to us.

I introduced in this column two weeks ago that Finland is the country with the highest world happiness index. What I did not touch was the other side of the Finnish happy: a sense of crisis.Dimmond's book has an in -depth analysis of this.

On November 30, 1939, the Soviet Union began a brutal winter war in order to expand the defense line.Western friendly countries include the United States, Britain and Nordic neighbors.Baltic countries, which are told by the Soviet Union, include Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The other three countries are obedient. Both neighboring countries, Sweden and Norway, who pursue neutral policies, are also dare not help.

The population of Finland and the Soviet Union is 1 to 40, but the Finnish people delay the Soviet offensive at the expense of life.Agree to reconcile with Finland.Under the harsh peace plan, Finland maintains its independent status.However, when the Soviet Union occupied three small countries in the Baltic Sea, Nazi Germany also occupied Denmark and Norway in April 1940, sandwiched between Stalin and Nazi Germany, and Finland immediately faced the dangerous situation of being forced to choose from.

In June 1941, Germany attacked the Soviet Union, and Finland announced its neutrality, but a few days later, the Soviet military aircraft bombed Finland, and Finland had to declare war with the Soviet Union again.This time the Soviet army was lacking in the German, and Finland took the opportunity to recover the previous loss.Finland denied alliance with Nazi Germany and refused to cooperate with Nazi to attack the Soviet Union.

In the war between the two anti -Soviets and anti -Nazis, Finland died nearly 100,000 people, accounting for 2.5%of the more than 3.7 million people at that time and 5%of the male population.After World War II, Finland asked the Soviet Union in diplomacy to win the trust of the Soviet Union.

Under the peace agreement after the war between Finland and the Soviet Union, Finland must pay a $ 300 million war compensation for the Soviet Union, but this compensation has pushed the industrialization of Finland and becomes the driving force for the development of the heavy industrial development of Finland.The Soviet Union stipulates that Finland must purchase Soviet oil, which also relieves its dependence on crude oil in the West and the Middle East.

Finland's attitude towards a strong neighbor has been teased by the Western camp, thinking that this is a shameful "Finlandization" diplomacy.

Western countries cannot psychologically understand the anti -Soviet war, and give a cold lesson in Finland: the survival of its own country cannot rely on others. Do not expect that when the small country is bullied by the big country, others will help others.

Finland, which borders 1340 kilometers from Russia, is a buffer zone between Russia and Scandinavian Navia Peninsula. In addition to "neutrality" in diplomacy, Finland is still implementing a strict service system today.Menye men must receive a year of military training.

Good times, dreaming seems to come again.In February 2022, after Russia invaded Ukraine, it also caused a sense of crisis in small Nordic countries such as Finland, Sweden, and Norway.Finland joined NATO last April and abandoned the position of not participating in military alliances since the Cold War. Sweden will also follow the dust.

The times are different, and the crisis of the survival of the small country is still.In the game of power, the choice of survival is the fate of small nations that cannot avoid.