There is only one in the United States, but the world's cognitive names can be described as a variety of.In Chinese, the name of the United States can be regarded as a very meaningful: beautiful country, both beautiful and strong.I remember when I was young, I kept hearing "knocking down the US imperialism", and my heart was always confused: Why should I knock down a beautiful thing?Ju Mei Ri Jiu, I think the translation of the predecessors is true, which is indeed an extremely beautiful land.Of course, there are not many beautiful land in the world in the world.In Japan, which uses Chinese characters, the United States is written as "rice", and the formal name is ア メ リ カ (Amelika) transliterated by pseudonym.

Although the population only accounts for about 4%of human beings, the United States has ranked high in the world for more than 130 years and the strongest military power for more than 80 years.As for the so -called soft power, I am afraid it is the world's best: According to a study in 2012, the United States has completed 18.2%of the main scientific discovery of human scientific scientific in more than 200 years and 34.9%of major technology inventions.Studying in the United States is naturally the hottest in the world: the author's job is, of the nearly 20,000 graduate students, international students have always accounted for more than half.

In order to private interest or public welfare, the United States has been a patrol police in the world for more than a hundred years.It often speaks of everything, appears everywhere, and carrots have increased sticks, and from time to time, intervene in other people's internal affairs.In East Asia, in the past century, it has participated in the Cold War in the Cold War.How much credit and benefits, no matter how good, put all bad things into the United States, and have a commonplace in many countries, for granted.

Is the world's order of being the boss of the United States, is it a world empire?Countless wise men have long worked hard for this.Here, the author briefly share the experience of learning and writing on this subject.

Since the 17th century, based on the international relations of the equality of sovereign countries, a world political order without central government has gradually expanded to the world.In fact, this kind of dividing world order has actually been available since ancient times, such as the ancient Greece in the Mediterranean world and the so -called "medieval", as well as the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods in the Chinese world.However, the international relations system for legal, except for the current version of the PEACE of WestPhalia in 1648, may be the famous but distorted 1005 -year -old Yiyuan in the world of China.The alliance is.Yes, East Asians have tried the "modern" world order more than 600 years earlier than Western Europeans, and thus reached the highest peak of ancient Chinese civilization identified by many Chinese historians.

Unfortunately, it has only maintained more than 200 years.

Compared with the unity of the mixed Yuan, the world's unified world empire, the international relations system is chaotic. It is neither natural nor easy.

The "known worlds" of human civilization are often governed by the world empire.However, it is related to the "most bad" democracy and rule of law in domestic politics. The international relations system can be regarded as the most bad world order. Through continuous international comparison and competition, it has brought unprecedented prosperity and glory to human civilization.

Historically, wise leaders and military wizards from all ethnic groups, once rising, with resources and strength, most of them are urgent to establish their own world empires to conquer various states, authoritarian orders, and unified the world;There are also people, and their reputation is always full of reputation.However, according to the historian, only Europe was lucky to "escape the Roman Empire", and emerged and dominated the real world with the international relations system.Of course, there are still many Westerners who try to build the world empire again: in the 20th century, they took various banners, and for this, they played two world wars and a global Cold War.

In terms of strength and appeal, the United States may have the best conditions for building the world empire for many years.Many of its diplomatic initiatives also seem a bit overbearing, and there are many words and deeds targeting other countries; the US dollar, as a quasi -world currency, makes many governments envious, jealous and hate; multiple American society has always had a few days of fate (Manifest Destiny, and translated Zhao Zhao's destiny)Whoever gives me in myself, the remarks and restlessness of the world.However, after the 1898 American Western War, the United States "voluntarily" stopped territorial and administrative expansion, was extremely concerned about sovereignty independence, was very alert to any world government, forced European powers and Japan to abandon the colonies.For sovereignty independence, the United States often abandon its international governance agency such as international alliances and many United Nations agencies.In the Cold War of more than 40 years, the international relations between the United States and its allies and the vassal of vassals are full of power and helplessness. It is far less stable than that of the Soviet Union's imperial control of its satellite countries.

In 1961, when answering "What is the most proud achievement when you are president", Truman said, "We completely defeated the enemy country, but pulled them back to the ranks of countries.Do so. "More than 50 years later, Kissinger concluded in 2014: "Truman's successor basically do this."The world order of Westporia, which has a history of nearly 400 years, may be the first time with the most powerful country. In fact, the world overlords have "most impossible" to overthrow the ideology, system, and even legal.Order to build a unified world empire.

Why don't the United States establish the World Empire

Why don't the United States build its own world empire?It once had nearly three -quarters of the world's industrial production and gold reserves. The army spread all over the world. It seems that the world does not directly rule the world.The reason is certainly not a short article that can be explained.Two points of the United States may be worth considering: First, the United States is a super diverse immigrant country. The gene (DNA) and the worldview are quite special. SecondThe political system of a multi-level and multi-level decentralization restrictions (Checks-And-Balances), and the cultural value generated after long-term internalization, opposes any centralized power, whether it is a domestic or unified center in the world.So in terms of genes and structures, it is difficult for the United States to become the world empire.Accusing the United States of imperialism often mix strong diplomacy with dictatorship, or just propaganda slogans with ulterior motives.

Will the United States have always been the world's strongest country?The answer is still unknown. Although there have been countless people (including many Americans) for more than a hundred years, countless writings (including many best -selling books) have been published, and countless times have been concluded that the decline and collapse of the United States have been asserted.

Will the United States never be the world empire?The answer is relatively clear, but in the past incomplete representing the future, the particularity of the United States is only the result of specific human concepts and behaviors, and it is not a natural theorem.The leadership of the United States in the world may be replaced by other countries; the United States may also transform, leading and driving human beings to the world's empire.

Therefore, the most bad world order still requires continuous and powerful maintenance.

The author is a professor at the School of International Affairs of Georgia Institute of Technology in the United States