China Official Wednesday (May 24) said in the opening ceremony of the Eurasian Economic Alliance Eurasian Economic Forum Plenary Session.Essence

According to China CCTV News, Chinese officials were invited to attend the opening ceremony of the Second Eurasian Economic Forum Plenary Session of the Eurasian Economic Alliance on the same day and delivered speeches.

Chinese officials said at the meeting that this year was the 10th anniversary of the initiative to build the "Belt and Road" initiative.The fundamental starting point and ending point of this initiative is to explore a new way to explore the common development of distant relatives and neighbors, and open up the "happiness road" that benefit countries and benefit the world.

He emphasized that as a member of the Asian -Europe family, the development of China is inseparable from the Asian -Europe region and also benefit the Asian -Europe region.China sincerely hopes that the construction of the “Belt and Road” with the Eurasian Economic Union is in a deep cooperation. It is united and cooperative, and work together to create a new situation in Asia -Europe cooperation.

China official also said that in the second half of this year, China will host the third "Belt and Road" international cooperation summit forum.China is willing to build a country with the "Belt and Road" and a member of the Eurasian Economic Union to continue to hold high the banner of peace, development, cooperation, and win -win, sharing opportunities, to overcome the time, create the future, and write together to write a multi -polarized world civilization progress.New chapter.