Source: Bloomberg

The United States and its allies have weighed the possibility of fighting the Massache armed forces, and expressed their either to stop attacking the Red Sea ships or face some consequences.

Washington and more than a dozen countries warned Iran's supported Houthi armed forces this week that if they continue to attack merchant ships in this important maritime trade arteries, they will "bear the consequences."Several military and naval experts interviewed by Bloomberg have interpreted this as a threat to the organization's impact. However, this may make the situation worse, so there is also the possibility of taking more limited action.

Because Israel's war in Hamas, which is also supported by Iran, has caused tight situations, a challenge is that the regional situation may become more turbulent on the issue of Hussean armed forces.US President Biden must also consider the impact of military conflict in the election year.

Nick Childs, a high -level researcher at the Institute of International Strategic Research Institute, said that the United States and its allies must carefully "choose the options that can stand obviously", and the goal of continuing to disrupt the Red Sea shipping with the Charity armed forces.At the same time, avoid involving regional conflicts.

According to Bloomberg's interview with more than a dozen people, including experts in Yemen, shipping, national defense and safety, the options in the United States include:

Targeted blows

These operations will focus on eliminating or weakening the ability of the Houthi armed forces to launch ballistic missiles in ships and channels. They need to crack down on the Messe armed missile launchers, radar, missile warehouses and other supporting infrastructure facilities.The Pentagon said that since mid -November last year, Hascey has launched more than 100 drones and ballistic missiles in more than 20 different attacks.More than 15 ships have become the target of attack.

However, this approach will allow the Houthi armed forces to have other means such as drones, mines, and attack speedboats. At the same time, the risk of further upgrading the situation. Fighting with Yemen Milks may allow Iranian supporters Iranian supportersAlso involved.

The Herhay armed leader Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi stated in a speech last month that "we have eager to happen directly between us and the United States and Israel (enemy) from the first day."

Major offensive

Since the Catocean armed forces occupied the capital Sana nearly ten years ago, most of the Yemenist factions that have been fighting with the Hussean armed forces, as well as supporters such as the United Arab Emirates and other regions, in favor of adopting strong revenge operations.This includes the reinchemia of the Houthi armed as a terrorist organization, taking measures for their funds, and launching wider military operations when necessary.Some people say that driving the Hussean armed out of the port city of Lota is the only way to restore the calmness of the Red Sea.

Many people blame the existence of Hassas in the coastal region on the pressure of the United States and other Western powers in 2018 against the anti -barza armed forces, and Saudi Arabia and the UAE.Major offensive.

The presidential leadership committee (PLC) of the Yemen Government, which is recognized by the international community, said that the terrorism of Hussean's armed terrorism is the natural result of the international community's abandonment of the government's defense capabilities.

Any major military operations on Houthi armed forces must involve two main regions supporters of PLC -Saudi Arabia and the UAE.At present, these two countries, especially Edist, do not want to re -ignite their conflict that they have been doing their best.

Marine escort

Another choice is to significantly expand the mission of military operations led by the United States last month.Somali Pirates crisis the worst action of NATO.

But unlike the Somali pirates, Hassas has a large number of military resources, and the areas they threatened are relatively broad, so this will require a large number of warships equipped with advanced air defense systems.According to Childs of the Institute of International Strategic Research, in view of the Hersen armed forces claiming that their attacks were the Palestinians who supported the Gaza Strip, many countries, especially Arab countries, were unwilling to join the escort.

Organizing work is also daunting.AMI Daniel, the chief executive of Maritime Artificial Intelligence Company Winward, said that about 250 vessels through the Red Sea at any time, the shipping company will have to plan and coordinate a large number of planning and coordination to enter the escort fleet.

Foreign and Appeasement Policy

The United States and its allies can follow Saudi Arabia's approach.Saudi Arabia has been trying to persuade the Houthi armed forces to suspend the permanent ceasefire and abide by the UN supervision peace plan through economic incentives.

Majed Almadhaji, director of the Sanana Strategic Research Center, said that the problem is that the operation of Hassas armed in the Red Sea exposed the serious limitations of Saudi Arabia's "stable concepts" that the organization constructed.

And different from Saudi Arabia, there are other considerations in superpowers like the United States.

Torbjorn Soltvedt, the chief analyst of the Middle East and North Africa headquarters headquarters in London, said that the attack of the Houthi armed forces has become a crackdown on the maintenance operation of the United States for decades.