Recently, the World Health Organization has announced the establishment of a new social connection committee, mainly to deal with the global "urgent health threat" of "loneliness", regardless of the accelerated promotion solutions in the world in the world.According to WHO, the lack of social connection or loneliness is no longer distinguished from the rich and poor countries or age. It has serious consequences and can deteriorate various diseases and health risks, including stroke, anxiety, dementia, depression, suicide, etc.The lack of early risk brought by social connection is equivalent to smoking, excessive drinking, lack of activities and exercise, and obesity; it is also related to anxiety or depression, which will push up the risk of cardiovascular disease.The General Prince of WHO Tan Dezai announced that it would regard this as a global hygiene priority and will share effective intervention measures with various countries.

The phenomenon of loneliness and the social problems it triggered in East Asian society is increasingly watched. With the increasing number of residents, the case of loneliness and death also appeared frequently.There were news that the local society was discovered only after death in the first four months of last year. In November last year, the media reported that there were six corpses cases, which was sad.

People are socialized life, but since the 21st century, the transformation of urbanized social forms has accelerated. To this day, the popularization of personal technology products has made this transformation reach a peak, and living alone has become a peak.It has severely weakened the meaning of socialization to life.

Single, young children or children, children, children and parents are different, which leads to an increase in the proportion of core families. After marriage, children are separated from their parents, exacerbating the possibility of living alone, and the risks that follow.In particular, technology products such as artificial intelligence, such as custody, and other relatives and friends who can died virtually, are seen as a invention that can bring comfort to singles. It seems to be a reconstruction of affection.Establishing interaction and emotional bonds with relatives and friends in the world, the result is indulging in the fictional world and exacerbating the society.

There may be a lot of reasons for the lonely dead today, but as the social form of the social form deepen, the next generation of the lonely dead may be caused by the usual way of choosing a lifestyle.What cannot be ignored is that loneliness does not only happen to the elderly, but the middle -aged or old -fashioned resident may also be too late to rescue due to health or physical strength problems.

The Singapore government has continued to create various facilities and activities, attracting more ages for the elderly, and extending healthy years. These efforts are worthy of recognition.The more fundamental approach is to rebuild interpersonal or emotional links and connections.The emotional bonds of a complete family are often tied to their parents, but after the elderly leave, whether the connection between children or upper and lower generations can remain active, and even live together in the same house is worthy of re -promoting social values.

The Japanese academic community clearly pointed out that the problem of loneliness is the result of weakening social bonds. People think it is an independent lifestyle, and it may eventually enter the tragic situation of living alone.The inheritance of the inheritance is an elderly parent.There are more than 30,000 lonely deaths in Japan each year.Data from the Singapore Health Science Bureau shows that in the past three years, the average annual processing of about 30 to 45 unmanned remains per year.The number of lonely deaths in South Korea has increased by 40 % in the past five years, and about one -third of the household registration in Taiwan is the resident.Data all made East Asia a relatively wealthy society had to be alert.

Living alone, no more active social life, unemployed, and chronic diseases are the common features of lonely dead. These characteristics may also lead to other psychological problems, and thereby exacerbating the lonely situation.The hoarding residents found from time to time are also high -risk cases of loneliness and death.In addition to expecting the assistance of volunteer organizations, some suggestions in other society include encouraging relatives to call more and greetings, and encourage the elderly to live together.Japan establishes a home visits and nursing system that includes doctors, nursingists, and social workers in the community.However, if you can restore the tradition of living in love or staying with neighbors, it should be more helpful.This requires the way of getting along with each other for generations, and education that gets along with the elderly should be carried out from the school, allowing the younger generation to re -establish this cognition.

Tang Lingling, a local scholar who studies the elderly, once pointed out that both Japan and Singapore have a phenomenon of living. The main reason is that parents do not guide their children to integrate into society.Communication will deepen social retreat after a long time.The solution is to a large extent on family education and social publicity, including the cognition of reconstructing close relatives and the way to strengthen interpersonal relationships.How short life is, don't let the end point too lonely.