Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Zhuang Gongbai

Do you have the habit of watching drama while eating?If you replace the simple meal in the house with a restaurant hot pot, will there be a different experience of the mobile phone screen with the giant screen of the theater?There is such a store in Mentougou District, Beijing, and consumers can eat hot pot to watch movies.The store is also repeatedly "planting grass (Internet language, which is recommended)" by netizens on social platforms such as Xiaohongshu with this feature.

The reporter came to the hot pot movie theater on the 6th. The store manager Wang Wei introduced that the store has a clear function to divide it according to the area, and the decoration style of each functional area is also very different.The first floor is a traditional Southeast Asian restaurant, and the second floor is a bar, a cafe, a cinema.Observed from the platform on the second floor of the movie theater that the shop is an imitation Western station building, and the mountains in the distance are vaguely visible.The characteristics of high face value and many tricks meet the definition of contemporary young people on "Internet Red Shop".

It is understood that, like conventional cinemas, the hot pot movie theater takes turns to screen the current theater movie. Consumers need to buy tickets on the movie ticketing platform first, and then order in the store.There are four cinemas in the cinema, and each theater is equipped with seven double sofa seats and dining tables, which can accommodate 14 customers dining and viewing at the same time.Before the movie begins, the staff will put hot pot and dishes on the table in advance according to the appointment.

After the movie opened, the lights of the theater were turned off, but each table was equipped with two small shot lights.This will not affect the atmosphere of viewing, but also allows consumers to see the dishes clearly.Wang Wei introduced that in order to make the "hot pot+movie" model more secure and comfortable, they transformed the facilities.For example, small pots are used in theaters, and paired with induction cookers without light fire and less power, the dishes are installed in a delicate Jiugongge to facilitate customers to dine.In addition, the theater's ventilation, temperature control and other equipment have been conducted accordingly.

"We have seen the If You Are the One, and I have a good experience." Ms. Wu told reporters that their family told reporters that their family climbed the mountain from the urban area. It took at least three or four hours to eat and watch movies in the past.This method not only increases freshness, but also saves time.

Wang Wei said that due to the small number of movie theater viewers, some customers who came from team chose "charter"."Mother -in -law is more relaxed in this scene, like a gathering in the living room at home, but it is richer than home banquet dishes, and the movie effect is better." Wang Wei said.

Many consumers are attracted by such innovative methods, and they have to come to "check in" dozens of kilometers.Ms. Mei Ms. Mei is a store information I saw from Xiao Hongshu. She believes that this new entertainment model is full of "atmosphere".However, she also expressed her concerns about the "Internet celebrity model": they need to invest a lot of energy to eat and watch movies. At the same time, the two may cause the movie to not be able to watch and eat well.

In fact, this is not the first in Beijing. The business model of "Hot Pot+Movie" first appeared in the "Capital of Hot Pot" Chengdu.Subsequently, it gradually landed in Beijing, Guangzhou, Hangzhou and other places.Earlier, many catering merchants introduced holographic projection meal scenarios, but their business logic was just to enhance the dining environment.

Industry insiders pointed out that, like most online celebrity stores, most of the people who come to consume are young consumers who like new things.Although merchants have done a lot of work in user experience, "hot pot+movie" is not a business with a high repurchase rate.Another experts said that this new format has a large number of consumer groups and a certain market demand. It is a manifestation of the diversified development of the consumer market and is worthy of recognition.