Singapore is just a small country, and why does the change of leadership attracted close attention around the world?

U.S. President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping met in a timely meeting in San Francisco last November.> The leaders of the two countries congratulate each other on New Year's Day and congratulate each other's 45th anniversary , which gives the fierce competition in the United States and China slightly cooling, and it also brings a hint of peace in 2024.

On the other hand, The conflict between Israel and Hamas has intensified, and the people in Singapore and many cities in the world warmly welcome the New Year's shots, which has become a strong contrast.

For the Japanese, natural disasters and human disasters are rare. A magnitude 7.6 earthquake on New Year's Day The shame the next day wasAfter another Japanese airliner dropped land, and a transport aircraft of the Maritime Security Agency /A> cause several people to die.

The development of

The development of the external situation indicates that Singapore may face more variables this year, trembling, and suffering, maybe many people's mood portraits.

The rhythm of recovery after the 2023 was almost disrupted by a new wave of epidemic. The interest of Singaporeans for vacation abroad did not decrease, and the tourism industry ushered in a peak.Recently, in order to book the New Year's Eve Dialing Dinner table, it was found that the actions were too slow, and many restaurants had already been full of orders.The performance of the tourism and food industry has always been an economic indicator.

In the sound of prices, the information obtained by the Singaporeans is halfway.In 2023, the economic growth was 1.2%. We avoided a disaster. The economic recession was a false alarm.The Ministry of Trade and Industry estimates that the GDP in 2024 can achieve 1%to 3%growth.> Premier Li Xianlong said in the new year's words that this depends to a large extent on whether the external situation is stable.This is cautious optimism.

The external situation can be controlled by non -Singaporeans. Singapore's concerns are also concerns about the country's countries. Southeast Asian countries have not attracted Chinese tourists in order to avoid visa strategies. China also exempts visa to many countries to boost entry tour.With the unclear situation of international security, the tourism industry is ready to go. In addition to bringing economic benefits to countries, the mutual exchanges between the people have become the lubricant of international relations.

In the worsening international situation in disturbing, the main concerns of Singaporeans are mainly domestic issues. The consumption tax is raised from 8%to 9%, and many prices have risen."Concentration and assistance supporting" has become the perennial expectations of the government for the government, and the fiscal budget of the new year will also focus on the topic of inflation.

The expectations of the people this year may increase again, because the people have vaguely heard the pulse beating of the election.However, the government did not work hard until the election years, and political achievements were accumulated for many years.The Singaporeans evaluate the government not only watching the performance of the current, but even compared with the previous government.

The historic event we will see this year -Prime Minister Li Xianlong's steps down, the deputy prime minister and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai, this leader handed over close attention from all walks of life and around the world.Premier Li called on the Chinese people to support Huang Xuncai and the fourth -generation leadership team, "let Singapore continue to be prosperous and unique."

Singapore is just a small country, and why does the leadership change, why can it attract close attention around the world?

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Singapore has pursued the democratic system. The government voted from the people, but the long -term one -party party is unique and has never changed the dynasty. It has become a special example of a democratic country.It is not even a qualified "democratic country."Therefore, in the past few years, the World Democratic National Conference hosted by the United States has not received an invitation in Singapore.

The change of Singapore's leadership has attracted international attention and has not exaggerated.Singapore voters' high and low support of the new generation may attract multi -party interpretation.If the fourth -generation leadership cannot get a strong commission, it can be attributed to the lack of prestige of the former government's policies, the prestige of the new leadership, or being regarded as a change in the minds of the people.

No matter what version of the negative interpretation, the credibility of the successor is a blow.Li Xianlong said that Singapore's unique lies in "opportunities, fairness, tolerance, competitiveness, and tough solidarity."If the lack of the high trust of the Chinese people, how can the government make it.

The government was selected by the people. The people naturally look forward to the government. It is expected that the government to eliminate all unfair phenomena and let everyone live with dignity.The continuous expansion of the starting salary gap of different educational backgrounds has attracted greater attention.When Chen Zhensheng accepted an exclusive interview with Lianhe Zaobao , the starting salary gap between the graduates of the School of Technology Education and the University of Science and Technology and the University of Science and Technology stated that the government would increase their efforts to help graduates from the Education Institute, including reducing their expenses of their professional diplomas to study diplomas.And after studying, fill in the provident fund account for them.This is a gap between the government's assistance from the policy level to reduce the starting salary gap of different educational backgrounds. However, on the road of career development after graduation, personal efforts are the key to determining long -term destiny.

According to the Economic Cooperation and Development Organization (OECD), the international adult capacity assessment released in 2016 (so far), Singaporeans are not compared to the average level of the State Organization State in terms of literacy and mathematics capabilities.This means that the competitiveness of Singaporeans is actually not as strong as imagined, and the performance of the school cannot represent everything.

Maintaining the long -term stability of the country's long -term stability, there is no system that can provide Wanling medicine.When the people encounter difficulties, they hope that the government will give heart pills. Similarly, the trust of the people is the need for the government's need.The government and the people have anticipation. Mutual trust up and down is a process of long -term running -in.