Lianhe Morning Post, December 18th of last year, published the localization and professionalization of Zhang Forest Southeast Asia Chinese Education. I agreeSuspicious.But how to promote the application space of Chinese in the workplace and the economic benefits brought by it, I think the situation of the island nation is different from Thailand and Indonesia. Therefore, in addition to being used as a reference from India, there are more considerations.Real factors.

In terms of localization of textbooks, as Zhang Wen said, Singapore has already written Chinese curriculum textbooks by itself, and also adopts the works of some local writers to improve students' understanding of Singapore Chinese literature.Language is the foundation of culture, localized Chinese education, to help students understand the characteristics of Singapore's multiculturalism, and also cultivate the national consciousness of being a Singaporean.Recently, the Chinese Department of Xinyue University has joined some new courses. Singapore Chinese Chinese culture and Singapore's understanding of Singapore society under the perspective of social perspectives have appeared.When the university curriculum is transformed, the localization elements are added to allow students to immerse Confucianism in Chinese and Chinese literature. They also understand that Singapore's unique language and cultural elements have far -reaching significance for the development of the country and society.

On the other hand, "Chinese+Vocational Education" and Chinese professionalization are a good innovative concept, but in this concept, I personally think that the situation in Singapore is different as the Indian Tai.In terms of effect goals, there will be quite a lot of differences.The Chinese people in Singapore are generally under bilingual education, and listening and speaking are not problems. There are difficulties when reading and writing.Therefore, at this level, the situation in Singapore is different from that of India's skills training for high -speed rail. Their situation is like Chinese people who receive Japanese training in Japanese training because they want to learn animation or game production in Japan.

What we need more is how to allow Chinese to have more room for development in the workplace, so that the general Chinese level under bilingual education can go to the next level.However, such a driving force can only appear under the premise of economic benefits.

In terms of general workplace in Singapore, even if you have some contacts with the Greater China business, you can basically reach the level of listening.In the past, I worked as a semiconductor multinational enterprise and often went to China on business trips. I knew that Chinese had an advantage, but I realized that in my colleagues, I generally can talk about flowing and establishing partnerships. This is not a problem for general Singapore Chinese.In multinational companies, written documents are still English, so the Chinese who spend time in order to improve Chinese levels are rare.This situation was not good in English published by Zhou Weijie in 2021, isn't it Chinese?It has been analyzed. Anyway, everyone thinks that it is long in Japan. At present, there is no need to learn Chinese further. I have not realized that the book hates less and whipped the crisis when I get in use.Therefore, how to further play the role of support and develop the professionalization of Chinese, we must also see the pragmatic economic effect first.

Of course, the above -mentioned almost pessimistic views also have a turnaround.Today, under the goal of cooperation between Singapore and China in the field of digital economy and the green economy, the government strongly supports enterprises to enter the Chinese market.wait.These may make Singapore's Chinese learning diversified needs. When "understanding Chinese+skills" is closely related to the competitiveness of the workplace, the scope of Chinese use will naturally be further expanded, and Chinese professionalization will no longer be reduced to empty talks. By then, Singapore’s willThe level of Chinese naturally rose high, and it took the next level.

The author is a free education worker