"Our national football should really learn to learn from the village!" On -site commentators In the Guizhou "Village Super" semi -finals in Guizhou in the evening of Friday (July 28), a big praise players kicked calmly and calmly playedThe penalty state triggered the highest wave of cheers from the audience fans in the stadium.

The Chinese National Men's Football Team has been sluggish for many years, and recently continued to fall into the anti -corruption storm, and I visited the Southeast Rongjiang County, Guizhou Southeast Rongjiang County on Friday.A lot of Chinese people's enthusiasm for football, and the fans interviewed also fell to the ground that the booming of grass -roots football can pressure Chinese men's football, to a certain extent, forcing football reform to a certain extent.

But there are also interviewed fans who are pessimistic that the interests of Chinese football are wrong, and the village is not as pure. If the system reforms are not large, players with superb skills may continue to be buried in the folk.

Since the summer of China this year, the "village super" held in Rongjiang has quickly become popular on the Internet. The game is becoming increasingly powerful. On average, 50,000 viewers have come to watch the game. There are more than 50 million audiences live online.Times.

The popularity of the amateur village not only "hangs" the Chinese professional football league, but also forced to go to Beijing to participate in the Argentine national team and ball king Messi in June.

The full name of Village Super is "Rongjiang (Sambo Daizhai) and Mei Rural Football Super League".In mid -May, Rongjiang organized villagers to set up 20 grass -roots football teams to compete on the green field.Participants are villagers in several villages in Rongjiang. It is reported that they are reported from all walks of life. There are carpenter, fishmongers, chefs, teachers, takeaways, barbecue stall owners, and construction workers.

Team formation, schedule arrangement, advancement rules, program performances, and award prizes are spontaneously organized, self -determined, and implemented by themselves.The Village Super Team held a circular and knockout match, and the finals were held on Saturday (July 29).

On the Friday semi -finals, some villagers wore national costumes and played national musical instruments to cheer for the village super team. Before the game and the midfield rest, there were folk song and dance performances. The scene was lively and the game was like a major party.In particular, fans who watch the village super do not have obvious opposition to the general game. As the commentary said: "Many fans are cheering."

Fan Xiong Yanle (27 years old) from Taijiang County, southeast of Guizhou, came to the scene to watch the village super wearing Messi Argentine jersey on Friday.He said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that he was very shocking about the enthusiasm of the fans on the scene. Three years after the epidemic, there will be a sports event that tens of thousands of people gather in China after three years, which is conducive to boosting the people's morale and confidence, re -ignition the fans' love for football for footballEssence

Wang Li (43 years old) from the provincial capital of Guiyang, on Friday, was the fourth time to watch the village super.In an interview, he said that the three -year epidemic had a negative impact on the Chinese economy. The lively village super really helped the tourism and development of the small counties in Southeast Guizhou, and it also helped consolidate the results of poverty alleviation and further promoted the local rural revitalization.

Wang Li believes that the preciousness of the village super is "not to install or play". Most of them depend on the spontaneous line of villagers, and there is no strong business atmosphere."We like village super because it is pure, because of its national atmosphere, just running these two points ... Today is so hot, but there are still many people staying."

He pointed out that most of the ethnic minorities in Southeast Guizhou lived in the mountains before, and there were many well -known and mysterious local customs. This time, it was fully displayed in front of the world through the village super.Unrestrained.

As the village ultra -heat continued to rise, the anti -corruption storms in Chinese football continued.Li Tie, the former coach of the Chinese men's football national team in November last year, has been investigated so far.

Wang Li, who loves to play from a young age, is difficult to hide and disappoint the downturn performance of the Chinese men's football."We can't find more than a dozen people in China in China, can we find more than a dozen people who can play football? This is completely impossible." "I really hope that our national football team will be more angry and don't let the fans who really love it so sad."

Many stars in Brazil and Argentina come from the grassroots level.Wang Li hoped that the village super could become another platform for high -quality players for the national football team.

Xiong Yanle, who has been watching the ball for 10 years, is also optimistic about the outlook of the village. He hopes that the grass -roots ball game will "from the bottom up" to promote changes in Chinese football, and at the same time inject some new views and ideas into sports development.

But some fans are still pessimistic about the prospects of Chinese football.Zhang Xin, a local fan of Rongjiang, believes that China is still a human society today, and it has to be related to each other, and sports football is no exception."Many professional players are often related to who you know, whether there is a deep relationship with you."

Zhang Xin also believes that the football is "just the corner of the iceberg" to clear the corruption. Although Li Tie and other senior management have been investigated, this has not shaken the more critical rules and systems. "If you want to shake this system, many people must involve many people.Interests".

"If we can really change this system, I believe that we will also have famous stars in China."

On the other hand, the village Super Stadium gathers many vendors during the game, and the official rent is exempted, which is intended to build the Rongjiang night economy and further promote rural revitalization.

According to official statistics, since the host of the village, as of July 23, Rongjiang has attracted more than 2.5 million tourists and achieved a comprehensive tourism revenue of 2.839 billion yuan (S $ 529 million).

The Miao girl Wei Yingyuan (29 years old), a Miao girl who sold the Miao wax dyeing cultural and creative products on the stadium in the stadium, said in an interview that the village super brought a large number of tourists to Rongjiang, which improved the business after the epidemic, and brought the local area to the local areaWomen are more employment.According to her observation, many young people in Rongjiang, who are migrant workers, have returned to their hometowns in the near future.

After the Village Supervisor was held on Saturday, the number of tourists in Rongjiang may usher in a decline. Wei Yingyuan said that "this worry will definitely have it", but when the popularity has launched, she hopes that the development of local tourism will continue to continue.