The behavior of Japanese aviation clothing personnel and passengers in emergency times reflects the morality and wisdom of treating people, and the practice of professional knowledge and the spirit of human beings. It is beyond skills and technological conditions.

In the week of 2024, the talks that I have seen and heard online and offline are the "miracle" or "great" escape.

Maybe it is also lucky, but people at home and abroad are talking about , he was more willing to use miracles and unable to describe the peaceful escape from 367 passengers and 12 crew members on the machine, especially among the passengers who had eight children and two people who had to act by wheelchairs.

With more relevant information, such as the training of aircraft personnel, the height cooperation instructions of the police and passengers, etc., let people believe that this escape from time, Vulcan, and even death.It's extraordinary.

Japanese officials and experts are investigating the cause of the accident, including why transport planes of the Maritime Security Agency on the Maritime Security Agency are on the take -off and landing track; why the Japanese Air and Haneda Airport Control Tower failed to be aware of the aircraft on the runway.In addition to the cause of the accident, in addition to being responsible, it is also for the negative textbooks for the aviation industry, reviewing from aviation management facilities, aircraft equipment and human beings to avoid heavy criminals.

However, the positive textbooks of the staff on the Japanese aircraft omnidirectional and safely are worthy of deepening their understanding.The so -called raising soldiers for thousands of days, the accident has highlights the importance of strict emergency escape training in the air service personnel, but knowing how to open the escape door, ensure that the escape slide can operate, etc. It is only technical operation.At the time of the measure, how can empty service personnel be in danger and properly do the emphasis on the emotions of everyone to take the test.

Technology can be cooked and clever, but the psychological quality and cultivation requires long -term influence and enterprising. This is called soft skills and toughness today.The behavior of Japanese airliners and passengers themselves at the emergency time reflects the morality and wisdom of treating people, as well as professional knowledge and the refining of the human spirit, which transcends skills and technological conditions.

It is reported that most passengers have not scrambled to escape by themselves, and they are willing to trust and cooperate with professional instructions; air service staff does not only act according to chapters.Quickly evaluate the scene situation, and quickly open the escape door that can be safely operated to let passengers evacuate urgently, so that the unfortunate accidents of the beginning of the year will not cause greater disasters.

Compared with the geopolitics, Russia and Ukraine, which have been disturbed today, compared with the international situation of two killed wounds, such as Harbin Harbin, the Nikko Aircraft accident may be nothing, but the positive energy and inspiration of its extraordinary escape stories are enough to make it enoughPeople are also needed to have been in the dark world that has been in the dark world that has been in economic and political turmoil in recent years.

2024 Is there any positive energy?The Year of the Dragon is often regarded as the most lucky and auspicious year among the zodiac signs. Can this give some good confidence in 2024?

Things are artificial, and it is about what way we choose to go.Human beings can get out of the three -year difficult crown disease epidemic, indicating that human beings have wisdom and perseverance to use scientific research, resources and correct policies to overcome all difficulties, and do the right things, including concentric and intensive efforts to achieve accelerated treatment and epidemic prevention, and try their best to take care of poor countries.Can get the vaccine.This is a choice of common response. No matter how difficult it is.

At present, various geopolitical competition, scientific and technological warfare, and trade war are artificially developing in the direction of mutual rejection and conflict, and the psychology of the enemy and me far beyond cooperation.This is another choice.The most chosen is the people who can only bear the results of different forms of conflict.

Taiwan, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh and Pakistan will all hold a general election in the next few weeks. In addition to the November US presidential election, the international political environment seems to be hopeless and peaceful.Some benign and security competition are moved and inspired.

Humanity has a history, knowing that it is important and prepared in case, but many of the preparations today are the mentality of preemptive people, and they must suppress each other first.Any strategy in any field is mainly offensive to establish a protective wall, and there is no mutual trust outside the wall.

Among the bad moms of Korean dramas, in the hometown of the heroine's nutritional pig factory, the neighbors care for the children in the family in various ways. Children are their core interests, but the heads and villagers in this countryside haveMaintaining the will of this big home together, and children who have no interest in letting their parents are jealous of each other envy or complaining, but everyone lives together, knows each other's temper and personality, and looks at each other from time to time.His quarrels are commonplace, but coexistence is the air that everyone needs more.

Just like a Japanese aviation accident, everyone must escape in the narrow cabin, but if there is no respect for professional instructions and rules, scramble to escape for the first time, or mistake the time for themselves and others to escape for their bags.As a result of chaotic order, everyone was buried with the sea of fire.

The survival of the fittest is the last word, but behind this reason is not only weak meat and strong food or fighting for the forest rules of your death. From individuals, families, society to the country, there are different interests and conflicts, but the steps step back are far more than the forest.The law can create an ecology of the survival of the fittest.

Human beings are working together for the threat of climate change to think about the plan and help practice.Climate change is not the only common interest relationship between the Earth Village.At present, various society is also calling diverse and tolerance, but the real world rejection of each other competes with you, and what kind of seedlings are giving young people and what kind of seedlings are planted in the future world?

There is a custom of DAMP January in the United States and the West, that is, at the beginning of the year, reminding yourself to reduce the amount of alcohol, drink moderately, and drink it to health.It is more beneficial to enlarge to the country, the neighbors and the neighbors, and the people, and it is not moderate to do it.

The survival of the fittest focuses on moderate.Happy New Year.