The most immediate and lasting way to boost young people's confidence is to create as many jobs as possible, and to improve the quality of those jobs as much as possible. With the expansion of China's GDP and the continuous rise in the world's value chain, these two points should be available.In addition, the most important thing to improve the confidence of the whole society is to keep employment. Most people's income levels do not decrease, and they are steadily rising. We must try to achieve the simultaneous growth of national income and GDP.

This is politics, it is about the true confidence of the people and society.At the end of last year, the Economic Work Conference has made the importance of developing the economy very clearly. The key is whether this year can truly implement the central spirit of the central government. The entire economy is very concerned about this, and public opinion will continue to pay attention to it.

For a period of time, Western public opinion has continued to decline in the Chinese economy. In the latest article, the BBC promotes "China's prosperity years have passed" and "Chinese narrative needs to be rewritten.", Very typical. The actual situation of China is obviously not the case. Our prosperity is far from hitting the ceiling. There are many things that China can do. The epidemic has weakened China's growth in three years, but the rhythm of China's high -quality development has sufficient conditions for a long time. We must break the decline of Western public opinion, and we must not allow pessimism to spread among young people.To solve this problem, "Wang Fried" really pulls economic growth, and uses facts to pump the face of Western singing and decline, bringing new encouragement to the Chinese society.

The economy is good, and macro evaluation has a set of standards and logic, but for the people, the most intuitive feeling is that it is easier to find a stable job and be able to increase salary. GDP growth requires a large number of specific efforts in various places. If most places can achieve the economic expansion of the economy on the basis of the original, create more even a small number of employment positions, which is the growth of the national GDP.Decentralization of power in various places, loosening more economic entities in policies, and resolutely maintaining the stability of the policy, so that all those who are legally engaged in economic activities are at ease. As long as the laws and projects cannot be prohibited, they can boldly invest. In that way, develop the economy to develop the economy.The space expands, and the economic expansion will naturally come.

Someone sings China, but as a person who has experienced the entire process of reform and opening up, Lao Hu wants to say that now it is really one of our best times. Today, China's foundation is very strong. Chinese people have seen more worlds. They have a strong pursuit of a better life, have a good foundation, and have a strong total demand. These are the two most important conditions for the great exhibition.From the proportion of our career plates to the number of young people, it should be easier to find a job today than Lao Hu.Lao Hu had only a few college students at that time, but at that time, our first job remembered was very bad.Most of the college graduates around me have gone to medium or small enterprises. There are not many non -brand -name college graduates who can enter large companies and research institutions. After decades, most people have adjusted their work by personal efforts.

At that time, the survival pressure was too great. Most young people got married and had children who had to squeeze with their parents.How can there be ideals in the 1980s and 1990s, they are all macro descriptions. For individuals, they are poor memories and hardships.At that time, young people had no choice. What personal development of life planning, most people including Lao Hu followed the trend and mixed up.The biggest difference is that some people do their best in each period, so they seize the accidental opportunity and achieve the improvement of fate.

Today, the country and individuals need to work hard from both ends. The country is to provide more employment positions to improve the position of the Chinese society on the world's value chain, and to increase the value of each Chinese personally;Starting from the grassroots level, step by step and one step.Today, there are tens of millions of undergraduate graduates. Every year, graduate students who graduate are several times that of Lao Hu's undergraduate graduates.Therefore, graduation of college undergraduates cannot be the guarantee for the victory of life vouchers, nor does graduate students do not work.If you want to go up, you must work hard every time, and you must not be afraid of "roll".

It is important that the country's economic expansion must be able to hold every "volume" life effort, and there must be more good positions to catch the young people who "volume".In that case, although it is very tired and not easy, I hope that there will be more and more, and the confidence of the entire society will be more and more connotative and more solid.