Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Li Mingzhu

Russia, which has been trapped in the conflict, recently carried out the largest prisoner of war exchange operations since the outbreak of conflict, each released more than 200 captured personnel; but at the same time, the momentum of the two sides of the New Year's Eve has not been reduced, but the firepower has increased the firepower.EssenceWhile changing the captives while fighting, there are many speculations that are going to fight: Is there any signs of slow ceasefire in the upcoming conflict that is about to last two years?

After complex negotiations, Russia and Ukraine announced on the 3rd that hundreds of prisoners of war were exchanged under the UAE mediation, of which 248 Russians were released, and Ukraine replaced 230 people.

Although the two sides have not officially sat on the negotiating table, they have launched 49 exchanges for prisoners of war.The largest scale is also the first time that the captive operation has been launched for the first time since the abrupt end of last year.

Director of the European Issues Research Center of Fudan University and Professor Ding Chun, a chair at the European Union, told a reporter from Hong Kong News Agency on the 4th that the prisoner was at the time of the New Year, and both parties were burnout, andThrough the Arab Emirates, the mediation of the UAE has given people unlimited reveries and proves that the battle between the two sides is all -round. The Mingli Darkness, the battlefield, and the negotiating table are kept in contact to find their largest benefits and chips.

Russia did not disclose how many prisoners of war were held in hand. As for whether the prosecution momentum will continue, Ding Chun pointed out that the two sides agreed to replacement of captives.Restrictions, whether you continue to obey here.

On the occasion of the New Year, this captive action has made the outside world quite excited, and there are more speculation about the trend of war.However, Liu Lanchang, the director of the Institute of Viewing the Institute of Hong Kong, told Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency on the same day that this exchange of prisoners of war is essentially consistent with the previous exchange actions, and they are carried out in accordance with the rules of the international community on humanitarian prisoners of war.To some extent, the signal of the Russian and Ukraine Battlefield developed towards the smooth ceasefire direction, but the most important basis is still the battlefield situation.

After exchanging prisoners of war, Ukraine President Zeleziski described "this is indeed a great day", but when the words are turned, the more Russians controlled by Ukraine, the more effective the exchange negotiations are.This statement is intriguing, and it is faintly determined to continue fighting Russia.

Warfire really spread.On the 3rd, Russia issued a war report saying that Ukrafe had another attack on Belg Rhode.On the same day, the Ukrainian War reported that the Ukrainian army continued to fight 47 times with the Russian army on the left bank of the Dieber River.

Russia and Ukraine announced their own results, but Liu Lanchang believed that the entire battlefield was actually developing in the direction of relieving ceasefire.At present, Ukraine's funds and weapons supply cards are challenged by the long -lasting capabilities; and Russia has basically achieved the goal of maintaining the Clemiadon road supply line.If the war continues, both sides will suffer.Due to the dispute between Russia and Ukraine's territorial sovereignty, it is still difficult to achieve a peace treaty, but there is a possibility of temporary suspension or long -term ceasefire.

Ding Chun said that the West still continued to aid Wu, and the two sides seemed to have no clear compromise intention. In the end, peace talks depend on personnel, national strength, and leaders' will and the public's wishes.Russia and Ukraine are estimated to last for a while.The situation of the battlefield is changing rapidly, and it is difficult to conclude whether a fierce battle will occur.At present, the two sides seem to have not yet reached the stage of compromise in substantive negotiations. The Western support for Ukraine has not been obviously attenuated, and it is difficult to talk about peace.